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Old 20-11-2013, 10:41 PM   #21
Hunter Hunted
Abandonia nerd

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Well, Lulu, I don't like heights either. I've never flown. Could you catch me boarding a plane? No Sir, or Madam! You'd have to paint all the windows black and assure me this flight would be a relatively short one because I'd be petrified.

It's weird because I used to enjoy walking up high hills when I was a kid with my father. In Edinburgh where I live, there's a famous extinct volcano trail called Arthur's Seat in Holyrood Park that allows for great views of the city from the summit, or you can go round the radical road below the crags. Calton Hill is also very popular and it's got this Greek style monument that was only partially completed so it got labeled Edinburgh's Disgrace. I just remembered I added that as my location. It's not where I live. We say all the queers go up there, which they do. It's kind of notorious, you might say. But you don't actually have to walk up a hill as there are steps.

I was actually scared of this aqueduct along a canal in my city until quite recently, because it's quite high up off the street. There's a part of it where you can see the city bypass below and you can cycle across it, as it's wide enough, but obviously there's water between it. Well, I did actually cycle across it on my bike with my mate one day twice going to and from Ratho and I didn't feel very scared, because I think when you exercise hard, your body releases endorphins which makes you feel temporarily invincible. So maybe my ill-feelings in general could be due to not only boredom and depression, but also due to not being physically active enough. Fresh air really is beneficial.

And about games, etc: I do agree that they go downhill after so many years. Franchises basically get milked for the money and Resident Evil is one of the badly milked series today. It started off a pretty solid saga back in the day. Like it was really cool from 1998 to 2005. Resident Evil 4 was quite amazing in the day, but it just smells of 'selling out' now. Resident Evil games nowadays are basically the same thing as COD, more or less. I just don't find them scary anymore. I mean, in teams you don't get afraid because you know you have other players watching your back and the whole game is pretty much linear, unlike the old ones where they deliberately made you look for keys and waste time doing side tasks. Now it's just repetitive shoot-outs, which is awfully boring and clearly done to cash-in on the success of other contemporary action titles. That, plus they seem to just introduce random characters on the fly. Hey! Sherry's in, as she's the daughter of William Birkin, Wesker's partner behind the scenes, we'll throw in Jake, his mysterious never-seen-before son, even though it'll make no bloody sense whatsoever and fans will still buy it regardless. Right, Shinji. Who's up for some coffee?

Yeah; I have Capcom all worked out, pretty much.
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Old 15-07-2016, 12:52 AM   #22
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Don't let it get to you. If they meet you in real life, or knew you, they would probably be too much of a coward to say so. Or maybe their having a rough time to, and this i how they make themselves feel better. I'm not saying that makes it okay to be cruel to others online though.

To be completely honest, although most of my childhood was from 2000-2008, it wasn't really something to write home about. I didn't have a lot of real "friends". I was a gullible child i'm still kinda gullible though , and i tried to hang out with the guys because their type of play was more fun and enjoyable to me that what the girls did. I wanted to jump around and play dumb games with the guys. But they used me to get a quick giggle. I didn't realize it at the time. I wasn't their friend. I was just there to give them entertainment.

Like I said, at the time I didn't realize. So it felt normal at the time.
Until 2009 when my dad left for Iraq to help build some bases, and my 4th Grade teacher said some things that made alot of the parents wonder how she was even a teacher. But in all of that, I found my passion.

Out of all the extreamly bad things that happened, there was (at least) one extremely GOOD thing.

After that, I've had more "realistic" friendships, but I still have trouble believing that their not using me to get a quick giggle. Or that I might end up making them hate me.

Now about of today's "quality" of art, I have to somewhat agree but disagree. Music wise, my favorite band just released an album after a 4 year hiatus. Plus there are some pretty good Vocaloid songs that often go undiscovered but not necessarily unsubtitled if you dig deep enough.
Now as far as games, I'm rather picky in the games I decide to play. I love alot of Jhorror type games that I'm able to access (I just got my first play station last year), the type of games that Obscure Horror Corner used to play before they decided to play Sad Satan (such a shame).

As far as reviews... I'm kinda inexperience when trying to find the good things and bad things in a game. To me, every game has its own "feeling" to it. Say for example Undertale has its own feeling. That feeling isn't the same as Misao or other rpgs like it. But if a game has a feeling that is mostly the same to other games, than it's kinda hard for me to get into it as much. Its hard to explain this without sounding crazy.
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Old 21-10-2016, 01:34 PM   #23
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I have a thought I wanted to share... Its funny how we people like to have company of other people but at the same time want to be alone and away from all the human madness.
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Old 21-10-2016, 01:41 PM   #24
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It's normal for us, introverts. People rarely understood you without plain expression of your thoughts, and in real meetings this "plain expression" often looks silly or unnatural. Internet (or any texting service) is lacking this shortcomings.
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Old 17-03-2017, 02:59 PM   #25

All the best to you
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Old 03-05-2017, 06:42 PM   #26
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wow, and i thought i was treated like absolute crap (trying not to swear as i dont know how the forums and admins handle swearing)

i have (or had) people on my YouTube constantly harassing me in the comments, calling me a beaver because i have buck teeth, calling my house a crack house, making sexual references towards my mom, and i've even had to BLOCK certain users for making references to RAPING ME... so yea, you're not alone, and if this is still happening, take matters into your own hands and block them out.
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Old 07-05-2017, 11:18 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by MrThrall View Post
wow, and i thought i was treated like absolute crap (trying not to swear as i dont know how the forums and admins handle swearing)

i have (or had) people on my YouTube constantly harassing me in the comments, calling me a beaver because i have buck teeth, calling my house a crack house, making sexual references towards my mom, and i've even had to BLOCK certain users for making references to RAPING ME... so yea, you're not alone, and if this is still happening, take matters into your own hands and block them out.
Any form of bullying is painful and everyone tries to endure it as much as possible.

I was bullying during my childhood, but I kept quiet. During adolescence and adulthood, I end up counterattacking through jokes, mischief, ironies or “caring” gestures.

I have already faced many cowards who tried to make fun of me by car or on streets. These cowards never acted alone, and even though I was alone, I would stare and speak roughly and aggressively, but it never resulted in a (physical) fight.

In your case, the best way is to avoid exposing too much personal information on the internet. YouTube fails to have serious moderators and has every comment of inappropriate content that if it were in Forums, the offender would be banned. In addition to inappropriate content videos. It is a shame, Google. You, Google, try to get our information, but it does not prevent the dissemination of content of racial, religious, social hatred, etc. on Youtube? Tsk tsk tsk.

Another way to act is to show firmness and respond to the malicious comments with firm tone and showing that the attitude of the offender is being very childish, immature and who is stupid, silly is not you but him. He is a real comedy and clown. If you personally know these people, report to the teacher, boss, authority that you are being bullied and being threatened.

And unfortunately, I have come to know in person people who are victims of bullying become socially phobics or schizophrenic. Victims of rape and kidnapping also experience paranoia.
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Old 09-05-2017, 07:29 PM   #28

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Really inspiring to hear how you guys deal with each and one of your challenges! Keep it up. I think it's important to try to remember that no-one can really hurt you - unless you allow them to...
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Old 13-05-2017, 09:44 AM   #29
Hunter Hunted
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Thumbs down

I'm still trying to get a video removed on YouTube that links to Encyclopedia Dramatica, some 6 years after this airhead posted it. That website is stupid and sick.
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