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Old 06-06-2006, 05:16 AM   #21

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It also sounds to me like you're having trouble getting good construction drops. Let me dialogue on that a bit (I haven't shut up yet, why stop now? :P).

The key to a construction drop, as mentioned before, is making sure you have enough space and time to create a landing pad and actually get your warriors to push away from it towards the enemy so you aren't reduced to fighting just to save your landing pad.

Again, feints are key to moving enemy units away from your desired drop quadrant. Drop in your feint, command individually each of your cohorts to move to the corner of the city (A1, A20, T1, or T20) furthest away from your drop quadrant. When the enemy has left a decent amount of space in your desired area, send the construction drop. Timing is of course crucial here, and having your troopships in Low orbit is vital to making this work (from High orbit it takes 40 game minutes to land troops, whereas a Low orbit requires about 20).

Once your construction drop has landed, set one unit to start building immediately! your next task should be to build a defensive perimeter at least two squares away from your landing pad construction. Why two squares? Two reasons: 1) to give yourself more space between your dropship and the enemy so when your Warriors land they can move away from the landing pad to attack, and 2) if a shock troop cohort gets killed off, the enemy unit won't be able to move immediately adjacent to your dropship landing pad, which makes it difficult to comfortably land all your warrior cohorts.

Where you build the landing pad is important, as well. If it's possible, a starport is the best place to build because it cuts the time to build in half, if not more. Usually the pad will be built well before a drop ship can land, even if auto-reinforce immediately sends it. However, don't expect this to happen too often because the enemy usually has plenty of defense near starports, but occasionally a far-flung port can be had.

More often, you want to set your landing pad to build in the corner of the map, but no closer than 2 squares from any edge (so if you're in the NW quadrant of the city, don't build any closer to the edge than square C3). The reason for this is 1) to give your warriors somewhere to go once they've unloaded from a drop ships and 2) to make it possible for only 4-5 shock troop cohorts to completely cutoff all direct apporach to your landing pad. Remember that a unit controls all the squares adjacent to it. Therefore, putting your shock troop cordon directly in the path of the oncoming enemy forces them to either punch through your shock troops or move verrrry slowly around them. Understand, however, that if you do not tell your shock troops to actually attack the enemy unit trying to break through (using individual mouse commands), that enemy unit WILL continue to move closer to your drop ship pad. consider this poorly-drawn text graph.


S = Shock Troop
P = Landing Pad construction
E = Enemy unit

Notice how the 'S' troops cut off the entire corner of the map to enemy units and do not crowd the landing pad unit. Granted, those units probably won't last too long, but then ideally the landing pad should be almost done, and the warrior cohorts will deal with the enemies whom destroy your shock troop cordon...

Last point: you've got your landing pad, your warriors have offloaded, and your shock troops are mostly dead or withdrawing/withdrawn. Now you need to tell your warriors to move so they don't get in the way of warriors coming in behind them. Hopefully your cordon lasted long enough that you can move a few units around the 'wings' of the enemy's attack. In the above example, warrior cohorts should spread out from A5-C5 and E1-E5, and not bunch up in the middle of the attack.

The wings become very important when you're attacking from the corner, because the enemy is going to grind on your units in the center of the fighting. The only way you're going to gain local superiority anywhere is by squeezing the center with a 'pincer' like movement. Here it becomes VITAL you direct your warrior cohorts to attack common enemies. Myself, I like to pair two warrior cohorts against a single enemy unit, starting from the edges and working my way toward the center. The militia units tend to attack one-on-one, so this is how you begin to gain an edge - and you can't be surrounded because you're attacking from the corner, so you're only fighting on two fronts rather than four.

Again, remember not to keep giving the same command to the same warrior cohort or it will never actually attack its assigned target, and that target will even be able to move closer to your dropship pad!
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Old 07-06-2006, 04:26 AM   #22
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Give me a break, anyway i readed it all.
I still getting problems when i use topedoes to end an enemy planet...
For landing pads and most of tactics of invasion, they end when the city got shield in 3/4. I should send 12 Shock troops to assure the landing pad build + when warriors arribe, i only beam up half of the cohort. So i run out of shocks coz they take more damage (they carry on first attack alone and should hold until 2nd or 3rd wave of warriors). The warriors fight most of time with friend at their sides, they got some time to be ready and their opposition has got some loses so they are not at full strenght.
Another good strat is to launch a diversion of a fake assault of 3-5 shock troops and in the opposite corner 5-3 shock troops to build the pad and hold it for the warriors.
2nd placed of 1st Ufo2000 Tournament!
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Old 07-06-2006, 07:44 AM   #23

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Yes, what you described is exactly what I've been saying. I don't use anywhere near 12 troops most of the time, though. If I send down 3 to draw the baddies into the corner opposite from where I want to build a pad, I usually send about 5-6 shock troopers to actually build the pad after that.

I do withdraw my feint troops before the enemy can engage them (usually), but the construction pad guys will stay out there until the pad is done, come hell or high water.

And yes, I've had waaaaaayyy too much time on my hands to play this game and figure out all these little nuances.

As for the torpedo-ending-invasion-crash, this was a known bug with the game. I don't know what abandonia's version here is, but if you're not running v1.02 you should try to find it. I don't even remember anymore where I found my copy of the patch file. I have the original game from an old Interactive Entertainment CD-Magazine where the game came bundled for free with that 'issue.'
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Old 08-06-2006, 12:37 AM   #24
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I also found problems when contacting acuatoid planets, all combat and transmision screens become wrong.
2nd placed of 1st Ufo2000 Tournament!
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Old 08-06-2006, 04:36 AM   #25

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Yeah, that still occasionally happens with my patched version as well. For this reason, I never try to ask the enemy planet to surrender, I just keep pounding them into the turf until they ask me for a surrender. Though occasionally, the planet won't surrender until you conquer every last city - I know this is true for the very last mission you must play before you make Imperial Tribunal, which of course is a level 7 planet with UGA Regulars...
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Old 11-06-2006, 02:53 AM   #26
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I get stucked in the 15th mission, any idea?
2nd placed of 1st Ufo2000 Tournament!
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Old 11-06-2006, 03:34 AM   #27

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Do you mean 'stuck' as in, everything dies and it's pretty much impossible to conquer the planet without bombarding everything to death and therefore risking a crash?

Let's see...mission 15...so that would be tech level 7 with UGA, correct?

Well, if it's a matter of all your troops dying, get reinforcements first thing when you start the mission. I also can't emphasize enough how you should withdraw your shock troops once they've done their job. As a last resort, try bombing one city then requesting surrender. Keep bombing one city then asking for surrender until they give up. Alternatively, just keep bombing cities one at a time, wait about 5 seconds between each and keep doing this until the planet asks you for surrender first. You risk a crash, but you're out of options if you already burned up your reinforcments.

If your problem is that the game keeps crashing, then no, I'm afraid I really can't help you. I'm not all that technical, what I've learned about this game's problems is what I've experienced through trial and error. Again, seek the patch file v1.02 if you can find it.
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Old 11-06-2006, 10:40 PM   #28
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I only bombed the capital and the stroger garrison, i were about end the mission twice using reiforcements and it load out when i accept their surrendal.... It happened me in the past and always on mission 15.
2nd placed of 1st Ufo2000 Tournament!
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Old 12-06-2006, 02:17 AM   #29

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In that case, instead of trying to bomb the capital, I suppose you'll have to try to invade every city you conquer, and don't beat ANY with bombings. That's the only way I can see you beat the mission. your only other alternative would be to admit defeat and just try to move on to the next mission, hoping the game doesn't hang or corrupt.
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Old 12-12-2008, 07:33 AM   #30

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Default Call for supplies first

Zwischy said:
"get reinforcements first thing when you start the mission"
I know you wrote this awhile ago. But, before you call for reinforcemnts you should call for supplies. Once you call for reinforcements you can't get supplies. But, you get supplies if you call them then reinforcements. So, first thing to do is call for supplies then call for reinforcements. As, for bombarding I have noticed often I get a better score for bombarding w/ invasion than from invasion alone. There is rating bonus for cruelty plus the medal. Plus after about 3 or 4c cities are destroyed they surrender usally endng the mission earlier so you get a higher time related rating.
What I have noticed about the crashes is it seems like it is certain missions. Though when I tried to play with
dos box 0.72 I had more crashes and had to play with it to get to work at all. Though 0.63 works just fine. I find that 0.63 works better for most games and 0.70 crashed when I tried using it. BUt then this game also works well in xp's dos emulator and that one allows actual use of long file names.

Last edited by peace01; 12-12-2008 at 07:42 AM.
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