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Old 29-01-2007, 11:29 AM   #21
Il Lupone
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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(carpetsmoker @ Jan 29 2007, 08:03 AM) [snapback]276959[/snapback]</div>
80 forums, I don't think I've even visited 80 forums![/b]
Counts for me.

Ppl, ppl...
Dunno what to say.
This is sad. Seriously. How could I ever be concerned about my reputations on the net?

Really: Give a 5417!!!!!!
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Old 29-01-2007, 12:15 PM   #22
The Fifth Horseman
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Cwaazy P3nguin, so far you created three topics on this forum, two of which are constant whining about how you can't stand being bullied and whatnot.

I suggest you take a serious consideration of your own actions:
1. You have spammed. Nobody likes spammers, for whatever reason. If you spammed heavily just to become the top poster, I can see why you were considered a nuisance.
2. You have vandalised. It doesn't matter if you somehow gained mod or admin level access to another forum whose owner you don't like. If I were the subject of your causing damage just because of some pet peeve, I'd have you (or your parents) sued. Given the laws applicable to hacking and cracking, it's a definite possiblity (and you're lucky they didn't sic FBI or a similar organisation on you afterwards).
3. You used multiple acounts to spam and piss off admins on the forums you frequented. If you did it on multiple boards then I can quite see why you ended up as a public enemy number one there. Often, admins of related forums know each other and alert the others of potential threats to the forum stability.
4. So your grandma had cancer. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THE WORLD IS GOING TO LAY OFF ON YOU!!! Whining about that in hope of gaining sympathy always has the reverse effect. Most likely, given your past, nobody believed that to be true anyway.
So what if my beloved dog died last year? So what if an entire family of my cats has been killed by cars? So what if I've got diabetes? Nobody gives a damn, because it's not their problem. Some may actually think it good for laughs.
5. Your problems with your own forums could have actually been work of several members of other forums whom you have annoyed too far to be satisfied with just getting you banned. In all respect, for all you did you deserved such a lesson (not to mention that you were a textbook example of totally irresponsible admin).
6. Giving your personal details to anyone over the net is asking for trouble! Same goes for photographs! (had my own avatars and photographs used in a harassment campaign against my person once, so I know what I'm talking about)
7. Inviting you own sister to help you with spamming wasn't a bright idea.
8. Your mother is bloody damn right about everything.

I got banned from over 80 different forums, although most of them had the same admins and members, so it doesn't look as bad as it sounds.[/b]
What you need is not a psychologist.
What you need is your internet connection removed and a long-term addiction treatment.

1. Is the number of your real- life friends (comrads, mates,... ) bigger than the number of your online buddies?[/b]
As a matter of fact, no. IRL, I'm a loner and that's the way I like it. Online it's easier to find people who share my interests.
2. How would you spend the next two days, if your computer was out of order?[/b]
Reading books or working on my Warhammer miniatures. God knows I should spend more time on the latter anyway.
3. When did you use a pencil and a piece of paper for the last time?[/b]
Yesterday, but it doesn't really count. Other than that? Two weeks ago when I tried drawing something.
4. Could you name any benefit from beeing member in an discussion board besides sharing (or not sharing) oppinions (e.g. practising a foreign language, learning new programm techniques, exchanging recipes for cakes,...)?[/b]
Being useful to someone and thus feeling better about myself.

"God. Can't you people see I'm trying to commit a crime against science and nature here?"
-- Reed Richards
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Old 29-01-2007, 12:55 PM   #23
Il Lupone
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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jan 29 2007, 02:15 PM) [snapback]276981[/snapback]</div>
What you need is not a psychologist.
What you need is your internet connection removed and a long-term addiction treatment.[/b]
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Old 29-01-2007, 05:40 PM   #24
Hunter Hunted
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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Playbahnosh @ Jan 28 2007, 03:07 PM) [snapback]276891[/snapback]</div>

And if you come here whining how miserable you are, and the whole world is against you, you should grace us with telling the whole story. So, what did you do?
Well, the story is very cliched, but try to bare with me. You asked for the story, so here it is:


I joined TotallyRE using the alias zombiefied. I acted like a newbie and did not use spacing or proper words, just because I was new and newbies are generally airheads. No offense.

I made stupid threads. A few members ganged up on because they knew I liked Pokémon. They made sick posts aimed at me, etc. I retaliated by slagging them off and I got banned by Marco (the founder of TotallyRE).

I also got banned from Serebii.Net because I made weird posts and their rules were quite tight. I kept arguing with a mod called Hanada Tattsu (now seemingly AWOL from the Internet).

I then went to Resident Evil Horror, the self-proclaimed greatest Resident Evil fan site around. Things started off pretty normal til a mod named Alexander Ashford (we met on the imdb.com boards) told the staff to ban me (he found my private messages annoying). So they did. I kept re-registering and they banned my accounts and kept removing my posts. Although the original ban was somewhat unjustified.


A few months of this went by, and they let me rejoin after they got a new board. I was very active so I ended up with over 1200 posts and got to #1 on the highest posters chart.

Marco from TotallyRE allegedly told DaMa I was a 'problem poster' so I was banned again and threatened by the regular members. Again, I didn't know what I'd done to get this kinda treatment and a few people were also confused by the unruly decision to rid the community of my presence.

Then I started using the password recovery feature to spam their inboxes (cos they deserved it).

Shortly afterwards, I went to Resevil.com and was banned for posting a "death threat" towards DaMa (though it was more or less just trash talk). I kept re-registering there too, because I liked Resident Evil too much to just walk away.

I then befriended a woman called Lucky and our friendship soon became a partnership. I got a bit emotional at the things she told me, so I went nuts and tried to demot her from our boards. Then she banned me and got me banned from other boards, including the official ForumFlash support forums, and Bio-HQ, a Resident Evil fan site run by BHXtyrant.

I made a Silent Hill forum called the Room 312 Boards and Lucky deleted them. Then she deleted my Dino Crisis boards after I let her and another woman called Ada, become admins.

My grandmother died in August that year, and I got my Internet suspended a month later. Although this only lasted a week.


I got banned from loads of forums that year. Some guy insulted my favourite wrestler, Eddie Guerrero. I spent a great deal of time trying to piss people off because they were making my life hell.


I went on a website and sent £80 worth of pizzas to blackannis, the owner of RECommunity. She reported me to my ISP.

During the summer, I thought about making a website based on Dino Crisis because I was bored and it seemed like a good idea. I stole the basic layout for my site from Resident Evil Uncut, but it was only the HTML coding for the tables.

BHXtyrant from Bio-HQ/Neo-WU/White Umbrella found out about it and asked me to remove a link I had which lead to White Umbrella. So I did. In the process, he accidentally emailed Mike from Resident Evil Uncut because I forgot to edit out his contact information.

In October, an admin called Dot50Cal hacked into my email accounts and stole my log in details so I couldn't post on any forums again. He got into dozens of my accounts and caused a great deal of damage. He rendered my accounts inactive on multiple message boards and the admins refused to reinstate me. Reason being I had no proof.

In December of last year, I started to bring personal problems about the Internet into my work. I left suicide notes in a bag one afternoon, and a few days later I returned to the shop and assaulted a girl, because I had a crush on her and she ended up reporting me for asking my sister to pester her about giving me her contact details. She was in a relationship, but I still wanted to stay in touch because I knew she was leaving after Christmas.

After the police charged me, I rang up blackannis from RECommunity because I used a WHOIS to get her phone number. This phone call was actually many years in the making, because I was repeatedly banned on RECommunity.

She told me she had sympathy for me, but I should stop looking for e-sympathy from people online, because people on forums are very mean-spirited to people who won't acknowledge your posts.


I started using the alias Alice Johnson to register on forums, but the name was exposed through a mistake I made on Silent Hill Heaven. I forgot to add a fake DOB so when it got to my birthday, I was banned. The owner of the site is called Vixx and she also posts on Luminescence.

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Old 29-01-2007, 06:10 PM   #25
U-Boat Commander David
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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jan 29 2007, 02:15 PM) [snapback]276981[/snapback]</div>
What you need is not a psychologist.[/b]
Agree. You have serious problems. Even more then i have, and that really means something. If You dont have the power to get over stuff like that by yourself, seek professional help. Before something awful happens.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jan 29 2007, 02:15 PM) [snapback]276981[/snapback]</div>
What you need is your internet connection removed and a long-term addiction treatment.[/b]

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Old 29-01-2007, 06:27 PM   #26
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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Cwaazy P3nguin @ Jan 29 2007, 07:40 PM) [snapback]277047[/snapback]</div>
Well, the story is very cliched, but try to bare with me. You asked for the story, so here it is:[/b]
Well it seems you became involved into a chain of unfortunate events that followed one after another, though I still suppose some of the reason was slightly wrong behaviour from your side. If you think that all people around you are wrong and you are right, something is pretty wrong here, don't you think?

The mistake you did is simple - you answered with hostility to hostility, instead of "swallowing" the anger and searching for more welcoming community, accepting that you weren't welcome. Instead you went on revenge and got in return only even more of what caused you revenge, thus catching you in a devil's circle.
I advise you to stop with it now, and try to behave like an adult, and maybe this sad past will be left behind you. You'll see that continuing such behaviour here won't be tolerated for long time, just like on all other forums you've been banned from. People are everywhere the same, but you can change yourself.
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Old 29-01-2007, 06:57 PM   #27
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We need a troll alert smiley.
To the east, always to the east...
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Old 29-01-2007, 09:30 PM   #28
The Peacemaker
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WOAH!!! Now that a nice load a cr*p there p3nguin. Well done! *applause* *extatic crowd shouting: "Penguin!! Penguin!!!"*

That story is worth a best-seller tag there little buddy. "How To Screw Up You Whole Life On The Internet" I can see the headlines LOL okay enough joke.

If what you are telling us is true, you are a complete social trainwreck. You go on a forum ACTING like a newbie, not using punctuation n stuff, making stupid threads, stomping on the forum rules and pissing off the mods. And after they ban you to oblivion (may I add, with justice), you go right back in using aliases to spew brimstones and piss them off even more, failing that you mailbomb their emails and harassing them on the phone n stuff. And you repeat this many times. After you brought a raging crusade of mods all over the internet on your behind, you are surprised that nobody likes you. Jeez, am I the only one that has a problem with that picture?

And you are no better in your personal life as you told. Leaving suicide notes, assaulting girls because of lust and bringing the police on your behind. What did you think? WHAT DID YOU THINK???

And after you brought the holy inquisition of forum admins upon you (not counting the police), you come here whining that the whole world is against you and you did nothing wrong, and you want US to justify what YOU did??? You are pathetic...

You don't need a shrink dude. What you need is a huge punch in the face, to make you THINK before you do something stupid. You need to consider the consequences of you actions before you do anything, and failing that, you must take the blame if scew up. And NOT barging back in to piss them off even more because your ego is on fire. Yes dude, you CAN make mistakes, even if you don't accept it. It's not that the world hates you, but it was you who brought this upon yourself in the first place. WAKE UP DAMIT!!!

Now please do something for me. Take what you wrote here, open the forum rules (HERE) and compare them. See if you can find what you did wrong. I suggest you do this for every single forum you got banned from. You might actually learn something from your mistakes. And if you have problems separating the internet from the real world, you might consider therapy in a specialized facility, not just the garden variety shrink.

I'm not your enemy dude, in fact I try to help you. Everybody here tries to help you in their own way. You need to grow up and learn some anger managment, learn to filter out people who try to anger you and don't take every little comment too personally. Basicly, you need to be more self-sufficent, be more adult.

Listen to my comrades here, they are forumers at least as long as I am, and they know what they are talking about. And listen to me, I went thorugh the same hell when I was a n00b, and I was, too, miffed when some people made me eat my own cr*p. But after that I realized how big idiot I was, and learned to do it right. People here know me the guy who tries to help complete strangers for not personal gain, just because I hate to see well-endowed people sink to the abyss of incompetence and ignorance. I'm not called The Peacemaker for nothing. Really, consider what I, Scatty, The 5th horseman and the others here told you... for your OWN good...
The Master of Light and Darkness

"Don't fight the bad things in life! Find the good one! They are everywhere! Don't spend your life fighting for goals you can never reach! Live for the moment!"

BEWARE: I'm using the forums as a personal blog!
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Old 29-01-2007, 10:15 PM   #29
A. J. Raffles
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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Cwaazy P3nguin @ Jan 29 2007, 06:40 PM) [snapback]277047[/snapback]</div>
Well, the story is very cliched, but try to bare with me. You asked for the story, so here it is:[/b]
"Bear with me" - unless your aim is to encourage nudism.:P
Seriously, though, I find that story of yours extremely hard to believe, but if it's true, you need professional help - the type that you won't find through the internet - because you're clearly having problems interacting with other people in a normal way, both on those forums you joined and within your "real life". Several of the things you've described suggest that you're likely to react in an aggressive and abusive manner whenever you feel you're being victimised (which is a lot of the time).
Or take something like this bit:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Cwaazy P3nguin @ Jan 29 2007, 06:40 PM) [snapback]277047[/snapback]</div>
In December of last year, I started to bring personal problems about the Internet into my work. I left suicide notes in a bag one afternoon, and a few days later I returned to the shop and assaulted a girl, because I had a crush on her and she ended up reporting me for asking my sister to pester her about giving me her contact details. She was in a relationship, but I still wanted to stay in touch because I knew she was leaving after Christmas.

After the police charged me, I rang up blackannis from RECommunity because I used a WHOIS to get her phone number.[/b]
Sorry, but this sort of thing is just NOT normal behaviour. It's stalking, pure and simple.

I'm rather hoping you're just pulling our collective leg, but if you're not, you really should see a doctor and/or therapist about those issues. And if you are, you've got a seriously twisted sense of humour... :blink:
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Old 29-01-2007, 11:59 PM   #30

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(velik_m @ Jan 29 2007, 08:57 PM) [snapback]277062[/snapback]</div>
We need a troll alert smiley.
... sorry P3nguin.

Nice to experience other people using their heads for much better purposes than getting a nice haircut.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(carpetsmoker @ Jan 29 2007, 08:03 AM) [snapback]276959[/snapback]</div>
So ... do I get a clean bill of health...?
Yes a $500 bill... :bleh:
Well, those questions are not meant to detect insanity or addiction like a poll (I'm sure most of the readers allready noticed that), but to start thinking.

It's interesting to get this story from Cwaazy P3nguin himself. Interesting because he is stating to be abused and in the same post he is admitting at least two criminal acts and several (civil) legal violations. I think he is determined to have the right to act that way, because he feels mightless (and by this useless) compared to those "allmighty" admins. They are the "whiseguys" who cannot be touched by anyone.
The really threatning fact is, that there is an escalation over the years. The means, used by P3nguin, had become more sophisticated and abundand and the actions have been carried over to the real world. The victims have changed from discussion boards (which are in fact nothing but an ammount of informations) over members of those boards to real persons. A lot of the persons, who are involved are female... hmm. Does the term "stalking" would ring a bell (see post above)?
P3nguin is far from being stupid, if fact he has develloped some skills, and uses a better speech than most of the typical "done 2000 posts on the Justin Timberlake (or whatsowever) fanpage and am proud of it"- person. He is also far from being mean or bad to the bone, If he was he would not have told us the story.

What I would council to P3nguin:
1. Use your skills for something reasonable. Sounds easy, is easy!
2. If you like to be important, ask yourself, because of what. Nobody is important for doing something, anybody else could, just a little bit higher/ faster/ futher.
3. Be unique! But not because of beeing banned in 80+ discussion boards! Maybe sign every post with a different famous quotation, or design some new smileys... just an idea.
4. Try to appreciate other games than RE, cause RE will not become AW before 2013 (roughly estimated).

Just supposed, the admins of the boards have overeacted or really abused him, giving somebody a return is one thing. But proceeding a three years revenge campaign another.

I think we like to welcome P3nguin as a new member and as somebody who likes and discusses old games (or games in general). But we don't whant him to fill the newspapers like that guy in my homecountry, who assaulted his former school with a gun (that guy even made a map for CS of his school...).

Where are those other threads 5. Horseman mentioned? I haven't found them yet.
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