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Old 24-02-2005, 08:43 PM   #11

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Oh my god!!! i never play this game in coputer...only in my old SNES!!! so i have the xp to play in computer and i have 100% `^^´ "in 100% of final medal health u pass the lvl
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Old 25-02-2005, 09:49 AM   #12
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I never played this one, but its successor, named K240. You had control over an asteroid and had to build up your infrastructure, fleet, and the most fun: a huge amount of missiles so you could rain down armaggeddon on other asteroids! Really fun game, hope it turns up on Abandonia soon.
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Old 30-03-2005, 10:32 AM   #13

This game is ACE, sooo much fun if you arnt a retard and can work out the correct way to play! Spying is a cool feature and if done correctly you can see loads of diffrent races and then go kill them! LOL, the only thing i dont like is when i kill an alien city i dont get to control it

But apart from that a great great game with hours of fun, shame most of the people here are too stupid to work out how to win... :bleh:
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Old 10-07-2005, 08:36 PM   #14

I remember playing this game when I was 12 or something. But I never played it on PC. Only on ye good ole Amiga 500. I was too young to get the point of the game and never tried it nowadays but I just loved the music. Suppose it was much better on Amiga than on PC like all the old games but I leeched the songs to try them out. Wonder if I will play the game if the music's good.

For the in-game cursor: That's not just a simple arrow but THE legendary Amiga-OS cursor - or something really close to that. Sounds strange though but I think it has some kind of nostalgic feeling to all the Amiga users who shed a tear for their old system and don't use an emulator.
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Old 26-07-2005, 11:05 AM   #15

Just my 2 cents about Quality of Life. It depends on :
- density of population -> build more housings
- number of hospitals and sport hall
- criminality
- the way you have build your city (they seem to like empty spaces)
- tech level
- tax level (do commerce and lower this rate !)

If never you tried your best unuccessfully with these few tips, here is the master stroke : just to put reproduction level (or whatever it's called) to null... People will then have hips of space, many hospitals, and so on. BTW the criminality will reduce.

Of course, you're better off doing so when the aliens have been wipped out !

I hope it might help someone ^^
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Old 26-07-2005, 11:56 PM   #16

Since managing your colony is too easy to be much of a challenge, it's really all about eradicating the aliens. Try playing the expansion disk "New Worlds" (used to be available at www.the-underdogs.org but the site is down) for some particularly nasty alien races or impose restrictions on yourself like destroying the enemy city without using any tanks or limiting the tax rate.
The hardest level imho is the next to last on the expansion disk so try that one if you feel bored. k:

I've played the game many times (it was the first game I ever bought) and I know it's less than perfect but I love it nonetheless. So let me share some hints:

Colony Management (Why do they hate me so much?)

-Use the pause button (hotkey: p) to save time when building things.
-The first building should always be a hospital. It usually takes 2 months to build and will be complete on the 28th of the 2nd month. You gotta be quick and ramp up the birth rate to "high" that day so it will affect the 3rd month.
-Increase tax rate to 20% immediately, this will go a long way in getting the necessary cash. Many people + high tax = loads of cash!
-Build Flux Pods so you're prepared for an eclipse or temporary underproduction of energy.
-Power Stations are the cheapest way to produce energy initially, but beware: they pollute the air, thus lowering your citizens' happiness. Also if your power station gets hit you're in trouble. Solare panels offer a more stable production in case of enemy attacks.
-With the invention of solar generators clean energy is as cheap as the energy produced by power stations. Replace your power stations and watch the happiness-meter rise!
-Trade every month and build stores. When prices are good, sell. The highest profits can be made with selling food (max price 20 gr).
-It can pay off to build a fuel tank even if you're not planning to build a navy. Just buy fuel for 1 gr, store it in your tank, and sell for 20 gr.
-Producing your own fuel does not pay off, chem plants are just too expensive and unproductive. Again, if you go navy things are different because the free market probably won't be able to quench your ships' thirst for fuel. Still, you always should buy cheap fuel when you got the opportunity.
-Crime problems are best countered by more security HQs and raising the quality of life.

Happiness (Are they never satisfied?)

Some things have already been mentioned, I'll just give a list of all the factors known to me:

-Enemy city: When destroyed, your citizens' happiness permanently rises by 20%.
-Oxygen, food, energy, living space: Your people don't take shortages too well.
-Tax rate: Has a huge impact, though the effects manifest themselves over a longer period of time. It is possible to set the tax rate to 0% and get the money from trade alone with a well-organized colony (built with tax money :whistle: )
-Hospitals: Healthy citizens are happy citizens! You need more hospitals as your population grows.
-Tech level: The higher, the better.
-Sports events: Already the ancient Romans knew that games please the people.
-Pollution: Putting your laundry outside to dry and getting it back as black as coal is not what people consider quality of life. Imho sources of pollution are: power stations, chem plants(!), mines(?), life support. Technological advances reduce pollution but cannot eliminate it. Avoid these buildings if you strive for maximum happiness. Moss converters can replace life support.
-Crime: Your city will be much nicer without those bands of thugs rampaging in the streets, murdering people and stealing from the colony funds.
-Food: Morgro food seems to have a positive effect on happiness, not sure though.
-Size: A larger colony seems to improve happiness (not confirmed).
-Open spaces: My cities are always cramped (easier to defend) and I got my happiness to 99%. I'm not sure this has an effect as I never tried it.

Defense (They're everywhere! Aaaaaargh)

-Enemy troops always enter your territory around the 11th of the month of attack.
-You can then fire your missiles even if they do not appear on radar. By watching the direction the missile takes, you know the attack path of the enemy forces.
-Missiles are your best friend when defending. If they get shot down before they destroy anything, send 2 missiles.
-Station your missiles in packs outside your colony to shorten the flight path and intercept the aliens before they reach your colony.
-Laser turrets are utterly useless. In addition, they consume power *all* the time.
-Land mines are very useful to stop enemy ground forces. Mining your territory before an attack is too expensive, though. Instead, place the mines in the direct path of enemy vehicles when they close in to your colony (using pause button helps alot).
-Don't use your tanks to engange enemies on the map. The unit control will give you a headache and for some reason it takes a prohibitive amount of tanks to destroy even one measly alien...tough buggers.
-The same, to an extent, is true for ships. At least they don't get stuck.
-Colony layout: Just like the settlers form a corral with their wagons in the cowboy movies you should close all avenues the enemy could use to reach the center of your colony. Place cheap buildings like living quarters, stores, and especially solar panels on the outside "wall" and keep things like hospitals, labs, and the command center inside.
-Corral refined: Surround your colony with a ring of solar panels and no enemy vehicle can get through. Take advantage of natural obstacles to save money. If a panel gets destroyed, leave the rubble until the attack is over - vehicles can't cross rubble as well. The "wall" will also make a power station unnecessary. Only works against group troops, of course.
-Don't forget to rebuild the missiles and manage your colony in the heat of the battle.

Offense :Titan: (When negotiation fails, hot plasma makes a fine diplomate)

-If you're just looking for a way to destroy the aliens as quickly and as efficiently as possible you should do it with tanks. Put every grem you don't need for colony buildings into tank yards and supporting industry, e.g. ore mines and weapon labs. Amass tanks until you have enough for a certain victory, then strike.
-Depending on the tech level, the aliens, and the damage you've dealt to the aliens already on their turf you need 30-70 tanks to destroy an alien city. For the first assault 60 tanks should be sufficient.
-It is crucial that you get all your tanks into enemy territory in a small window of time. Station them near the border. If you're a fanatic, assign each tank its own parking tile.
-Repeat the attack order every few seconds to get stuck tanks moving again.
-Even if an attack fails it will still weaken the enemy. This has an impact on their attacks, lowering the quantity and quality of troops they will throw at you.
-Ships have an awful performance/cost ratio. They take an eternity to build (though it seems to decrease with increasing tech level) and require expensive fuel to run. Still, they're fun! :w00t: Warships are the most powerful but have a nasty habit of keeping all your fuel in their giant 1200-unit-tanks. Go with cruisers instead if fuel is scarce (and it usually is).
-Have your ships attack along with your tanks.
-You cannot build more than 99 tanks and 40 ships.

Ok, I could go on and on rambling about Utopia but now I must...play Utopia! :angel:
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Old 27-07-2005, 02:52 AM   #17
Doc Adrian
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Thank you for the pointers Guest...I will fire up Utopia and give them some practice
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Old 28-09-2005, 06:31 AM   #18

All of the above on QoL is correct, plus military buildings bother ppl, so that’s another way of increasing it (by demolishing military buildings and sending army to the enemy city). Also sport events help. My max was 98%.
Anyways, this is my number one game ever. I think that it's widely misunderstood, mostly because of quite bad user interface. But when you get used to it, than this game becomes extremely fun. Music is excellent, and gameplay made a base for dune2, caesars and similar games. I think this was the first RTS (at least the first one I saw), with a drawback that computer city is out of the map and very limited unit control (just like real life...)
I dunnow if I am a little bit emotionally tied to this game or is it really good, but I really think that it was one of greatest releases ever.

P.S. The message that your spy is caught is unavoidable, unless you stop funding spies completely, but aliens will attack in any case. Any game would be quite boring with some pacifist aliens inside. Blood (or acid, or whatever)...
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Old 19-04-2006, 04:30 AM   #19
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I wanna congratulate the guy who done this little guide, it should be added as guide and not be here in a game topic.

BTW, where can i get more scenarios for this game
2nd placed of 1st Ufo2000 Tournament!
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Old 05-11-2007, 07:30 AM   #20

this has been one of my favorite games
the music was great for what i can remember; by the way, i tried to download the music from the site, but it opens a page with text -mainly question marks- !
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