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Old 12-11-2018, 08:40 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Mystvan View Post

Other relevant remarks!

I forgot to mention that since 2008 until now, I lost weight 4 times, 3 times being weight loss via regular running while the other time (penultimate time) was through consuming very little carbohydrate.

This would be an alternative for those who are not willing to practice regular physical exercises. If you consume little carbohydrate, you will feel very hungry from the beginning of the night until you sleep. If you can withstand this affliction, little by little, you will begin to lose weight.

I remember that I consumed only 50 g of whole-grain biscuit per day (preferably whole-grain carbohydrate so there are no blood glucose spikes, very frequent case for refined carbohydrate!). This would be especially recommended for those with very high glucose levels.

However, I do not recommend this method of losing weight simply by going hungry (it requires a lot of perseverance and patience) besides not enjoying the benefits of regular physical exercises (less fatigue, more mental concentration, more relaxation, muscle mass strengthening, etc.)!

I would also avoid these energy drinks (Gatorade, Red Bull, etc.), highly caloric, during physical activity if your goal is to lose weight. Those drinks, which professional athletes consume, are to replenish lost energies and maintain weight, I believe.
I forgot to mention that I did not practice this torture of modern times every day of the week.

I endured it months after months because during the weekends it was the time of plenty of food inside the stomach. Alleluia!

I consumed without restraint and without remorse on Saturdays and Sundays and later became a Buddhist Monk , Indian Fakir or the like on other days of the week. Alleluia!

After all, no one is Iron Man / Woman and even an Iron Will could give up some day if there is not at least a little truce. We can pat our belly a little, right?
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Old 01-12-2018, 01:54 PM   #12
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Continuing my narrative of the long journey towards weight loss... *Phew* *Whew*

I lost over 21.0 kg including gaining muscle mass. My BMI is <23 at the moment and I intend to get to weight with BMI 22 when I lose only another 2 kg. Alleluia!

However, if I disregard the gain of muscle mass (my silhouette is quite thin *Phew* *Whew*), my BMI could be almost 21 or <21 after losing another 2 kg... *Phew* *Whew*

In the past, I did not know the subject of the body getting used to, reducing metabolism and being harder to lose weight. Now, I am varying my physical activities:

01) Running at 10 km / h for 90 minutes on a 15 km course (high impact on the knees, heels, shins and ankles);
02) Jogging at 8 km / h for 120 minutes on a 16 km course (jogging causes less impact on the knees and heels);
03) Indoor Cycling / Spinning at 39 km / h ~ 40 km / h for 120 minutes (the problem is the seat being hard and causing discomfort over time ).

And her are my stimulus and challenge: it is never too late to start a physical activity. The most important and difficult thing is to take the first and step out of the comfort zone. Oh, also maintain perseverance, patience and optimism!

I always like these expressions, very true and wise:

01) Sooner rather than late!
02) He who warns you is a true friend!

Finally my long journey of weight reduction is coming to an end and I intend to now maintain my weight after losing another 2 kg. And I will go back to eating meat and junk food only on weekends...
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Old 01-12-2018, 03:50 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Mystvan View Post

Continuing my narrative of the long journey towards weight loss... *Phew* *Whew*

I lost over 21.0 kg including gaining muscle mass. My BMI is <23 at the moment and I intend to get to weight with BMI 22 when I lose only another 2 kg. Alleluia!

However, if I disregard the gain of muscle mass (my silhouette is quite thin *Phew* *Whew*), my BMI could be almost 21 or <21 after losing another 2 kg... *Phew* *Whew*

In the past, I did not know the subject of the body getting used to, reducing metabolism and being harder to lose weight. Now, I am varying my physical activities:

01) Running at 10 km / h for 90 minutes on a 15 km course (high impact on the knees, heels, shins and ankles);
02) Jogging at 8 km / h for 120 minutes on a 16 km course (jogging causes less impact on the knees and heels);
03) Indoor Cycling / Spinning at 39 km / h ~ 40 km / h for 120 minutes (the problem is the seat being hard and causing discomfort over time ).

And her are my stimulus and challenge: it is never too late to start a physical activity. The most important and difficult thing is to take the first and step out of the comfort zone. Oh, also maintain perseverance, patience and optimism!

I always like these expressions, very true and wise:

01) Sooner rather than late!
02) He who warns you is a true friend!

Finally my long journey of weight reduction is coming to an end and I intend to now maintain my weight after losing another 2 kg. And I will go back to eating meat and junk food only on weekends...
Probably my last post on this matter...

One good, encouraging and useful thing I forgot to mention:

It is possible to divide the total time of physical exercises into intervals so that you can rest, wash your sweaty hands, drink liquid to rehydrate yourself.

I, for example, depending on the ambient temperature, do exercises for 30 to 45 minutes and then rest within 5 minutes.

On very hot days, I have to rehydrate myself in order to avoid headaches. In the past, I used to run around in the middle of the night (dawn) and early mornings so that the low temperatures (14 °C - 18 °C) avoided excessive fluid loss from the body and, consequently, headaches.
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Old 04-12-2018, 03:56 PM   #14
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Rectifying some incorrect information:

1) Running at 10 km / h for 90 minutes on a 15 km course (high impact on the knees, heels, shins and ankles) and Jogging at 8 km / h for 10 minutes on a 1.33 km course using Exercise Treadmill;
02) Jogging at 8 km / h for 120 minutes on a 16 km course (jogging causes less impact on the knees and heels) using Exercise Treadmill;
03) Indoor Cycling / Spinning at 38 km / h ~ 42 km / h for 120 minutes (the problem is the seat being hard and causing discomfort over time) using Stationary Bicycle.

On very hot days, I exercise for 15 minutes and then I rest and wash my hands.

I forgot to mention that unlike the past when I was outdoors, I now decided to practice physical activities at the Condominium Gym where I live.

So, I do not have to worry about Rain (Brazil is a record holder in Lightning Strikes!), Run over, etc.

Practicing physical activity alone at the Condo Gym can be somewhat lonely and boring, but as I watch TV with the air conditioning turned on and I rest at regular intervals until it does not get as tedious as I hoped it would be.

And another thing I took into consideration is that I do not consider physical exercises as a burden or obligation, but with pleasure and optimism to improve health and also as a therapy. So time does not go so slowly.

The important thing is to change the mentality or posture:

Do not say “Ugh! Damn it! There is still 60 minutes left to complete the daily physical exercises!”

Say, “That is good, I am losing weight and I am grateful that I am able to do physical activities without pain.” “Good thing I am improving my health!” “Good thing I am strengthening my body muscles by now!” “Just 60 minutes for me to finish my physical activities for the day!”

In short, feel optimism, gratitude and perseverance! The attitude and behavior changes the situation completely!
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Last edited by Mystvan; 04-12-2018 at 04:16 PM.
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Old 04-12-2018, 04:16 PM   #15
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Thumbs up Natural Therapy / Natural Remedy

Well, I believe I said all that was necessary to be said. I do not think there is any more need for me to post information on this thread...

However, I will again highlight some important and positive aspects that I have learned from all of this:

01) Physical activities are a kind of Therapy and Remedy;
02) Physical activities are natural Anti-depressant;
03) Physical activities are natural Anxiolytic;
04) Physical activities are natural Anti-stress;
05) Physical activities save on drug costs without undesirable Adverse Effects;
06) Physical activities help decrease the going to Doctors and thus reducing costs with Medical Appointments;
07) Physical activities improve Rationalization and Mental Concentration through the creation of more Brain Neurons;
08) Physical activities improve Sleep without Medication;
09) Physical activities improve Self-confidence;
10) Physical activities improve Self-esteem;
11) Etc.

Obviously, there are people who unfortunately suffer from Mental Disorders (Stress, Anxiety, Depression and other Diseases of modern life!) that require the use of drugs on an ongoing basis. However, Physical Activities can help reduce drug use by the benefits I mentioned above.
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Old 05-12-2018, 08:00 PM   #16
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Exclamation Last(?) Relevant remarks!

I had mentioned in previous posts in this thread that Running and Spinning might cause some problems.

For the sake of clarity, I will quote texts from Wikipedia on this subject:



Another common, running-related injury is chafing, caused by repetitive rubbing of one piece of skin against another, or against an article of clothing. One common location for chafe to occur is the runner's upper thighs. The skin feels coarse and develops a rash-like look. A variety of deodorants and special anti-chafing creams are available to treat such problems. Chafe is also likely to occur on the nipple. There are a variety of home remedies that runners use to deal with chafing while running such as band-aids and using grease to reduce friction. Prevention is key which is why form fitting clothes are important.

Crotch pressure

Though riding an upright bicycle improves the cardiovascular system and can therefore actually improve the erectile function among men, riding a bicycle for prolonged periods of time with an unhealthy cycling technique can still cause problems for both men and women due to a reduced blood flow in the crotch area. Some male riders – recent survey data indicates around 5%[27] – may ultimately get erectile dysfunction problems if a poor cycling technique is used with prolonged pressure on the perineum. Both men and women may also get reduced sensitivity in the crotch. A sign of these problems can sometimes be a tingling sensation in the area when stepping off the bicycle after a ride, as blood flow surges back into the area again. This issue is more related to the cycling technique than the saddle type, although there are special, more anatomically correct, designs to relieve crotch pressure as well. Examples of such designs include the cutaway saddles and noseless saddles. Cutaway saddles resemble regular saddles in their design, but with the middle part cut out to reduce pressure on the perineum among men. Noseless saddles are basically two separate saddles next to each other, with one smaller “saddle” per buttock. Such saddles achieve a similar relief of pressure by using a different design.

Some useful techniques to reduce crotch pressure while cycling include:

• Ensuring the saddle is roughly horizontally aligned, or only slightly nose up. Having overly upwards nose alignment will directly increase the perineum pressure, while a downwards alignment will reduce the sit bone support of the pelvis, again resulting in an increased perineum pressure.
• Standing up occasionally, such as on hills and when accelerating.
• Adjusting seating position from time to time. For example, sitting closer to the rear when cycling on hills and only sitting on the nose for brief periods.
• Sitting up now and then without leaning forward as much.
To alleviate or solve these mentioned problems, I have acquired some products that may be the solution:

01) Padded Bike Seat Cover / Padded Bike Saddle Cover (unfortunately, there is no product compatible with the Stationary Bicycle / Exercise Bicycle Saddle);
02) Padded Cycling Shorts / Padded Bike Shorts (it is an excellent product that solves the problem of discomfort in remaining seated to pedal the Exercise Bike for so long). I also try to interrupt the Physical Exercise to rest and also constantly try to adjusting seating position from time to time;
03) Compression Running Shorts (it is an excellent product that avoids chafing caused by repetitive friction)...
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Old 17-12-2018, 09:24 PM   #17
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Interesting tips to eliminate the sweat odor of clothes while washing clothes in the Washing Machine:

• Try washing the clothes in the Washer using White Vinegar with Alcohol to eliminate post-wash odors due to sweating. I tested it and this method worked for me;
• Some people also suggest using Sodium Bicarbonate to eliminate the odor of sweat on clothing;
• Other people have suggested the mixed use of Sodium Bicarbonate and White Vinegar during the washing of clothes. I will try this method, but I am sure it will work too!
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Last edited by Mystvan; 17-12-2018 at 09:50 PM.
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Old 17-12-2018, 09:42 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Mystvan View Post

I had mentioned in previous posts in this thread that Running and Spinning might cause some problems.

For the sake of clarity, I will quote texts from Wikipedia on this subject:



Another common, running-related injury is chafing, caused by repetitive rubbing of one piece of skin against another, or against an article of clothing. One common location for chafe to occur is the runner's upper thighs. The skin feels coarse and develops a rash-like look. A variety of deodorants and special anti-chafing creams are available to treat such problems. Chafe is also likely to occur on the nipple. There are a variety of home remedies that runners use to deal with chafing while running such as band-aids and using grease to reduce friction. Prevention is key which is why form fitting clothes are important.

Crotch pressure

Though riding an upright bicycle improves the cardiovascular system and can therefore actually improve the erectile function among men, riding a bicycle for prolonged periods of time with an unhealthy cycling technique can still cause problems for both men and women due to a reduced blood flow in the crotch area. Some male riders – recent survey data indicates around 5%[27] – may ultimately get erectile dysfunction problems if a poor cycling technique is used with prolonged pressure on the perineum. Both men and women may also get reduced sensitivity in the crotch. A sign of these problems can sometimes be a tingling sensation in the area when stepping off the bicycle after a ride, as blood flow surges back into the area again. This issue is more related to the cycling technique than the saddle type, although there are special, more anatomically correct, designs to relieve crotch pressure as well. Examples of such designs include the cutaway saddles and noseless saddles. Cutaway saddles resemble regular saddles in their design, but with the middle part cut out to reduce pressure on the perineum among men. Noseless saddles are basically two separate saddles next to each other, with one smaller “saddle” per buttock. Such saddles achieve a similar relief of pressure by using a different design.

Some useful techniques to reduce crotch pressure while cycling include:

• Ensuring the saddle is roughly horizontally aligned, or only slightly nose up. Having overly upwards nose alignment will directly increase the perineum pressure, while a downwards alignment will reduce the sit bone support of the pelvis, again resulting in an increased perineum pressure.
• Standing up occasionally, such as on hills and when accelerating.
• Adjusting seating position from time to time. For example, sitting closer to the rear when cycling on hills and only sitting on the nose for brief periods.
• Sitting up now and then without leaning forward as much.
To alleviate or solve these mentioned problems, I have acquired some products that may be the solution:

01) Padded Bike Seat Cover / Padded Bike Saddle Cover (unfortunately, there is no product compatible with the Stationary Bicycle / Exercise Bicycle Saddle);
02) Padded Cycling Shorts / Padded Bike Shorts (it is an excellent product that solves the problem of discomfort in remaining seated to pedal the Exercise Bike for so long). I also try to interrupt the Physical Exercise to rest and also constantly try to adjusting seating position from time to time;
03) Compression Running Shorts (it is an excellent product that avoids chafing caused by repetitive friction)...
Try to handwash the Compression Running Shorts and Padded Cycling Shorts using Neutral Liquid Detergent.

I read complaints in English in the product Announcement on Decathlon mentioning that the product was unsewed or ripped after some time of use.

Other consumers mentioned that they washed these products (using Laundry Bags? ) in the Washing Machine...

We know that those products are very special, very specific use and require care in cleaning and maintenance.

And they are expensive products. It would be needless to mention that taking care of them saves money. Not to mention that the hand washing of the products is very fast, practical.

And getting them to be washed in laundries such as DRYCLEAN USA and 5àsec Textile expert would be a waste of money in my opinion...
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Last edited by Mystvan; 17-12-2018 at 09:58 PM.
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Old 17-12-2018, 09:48 PM   #19
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It may seem strange and eccentric, but I prefer to be pragmatic than to try to remedy it later. Better safe than sorry!

I am exercising (running and jogging) using the Ventilator to prevent certain unpleasant facts:

• Excessive sweating;
• Sweat soaked Sneakers;
• Headache from dehydration due to excessive sweating.
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Old 20-12-2018, 09:20 PM   #20
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Just to make it clear:

The sweat odor of sportswear is due to being drenched with sweat and stored in the Clothes Basket before the weekly laundry. And not the odor because of the armpit or something...


By the way, I do not even have smell of armpit since:

• I am very thin;
• I eat healthy food;
• I have no addictions;
• I feed occasionally from junk food... Munch! Munch! Slurp! Burp!
And another thing: I bring the Personal Ventilator (Fan) even though there is Air Conditioner, because being Mini-split System Air Conditioner, it can not evenly cool the whole room environment.

So, as I sweat a lot during physical activities (Brazil is very hot!), the use of the Fan is imperative. I wish the Air Conditioner in the Condo Gym (Fitness Club) was of the type Central (Ducted) Air Conditioning...

You can say I am not a fan of the Fanny Fan, but fan of that awesome Cool Fan aka Central (Ducted) Air Conditioning ()...
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