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Old 02-09-2005, 05:19 PM   #131
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Use a medikit on him to stop the bleeding, or leave the combat area to stop him dying - that's one of my favourite little tricks in fact.

@Abi - I changed my mind, and reckon it might be good fun. Those two threads have made me want to play XCom again
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Old 02-09-2005, 05:44 PM   #132
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Only takes a few seconds to heal crit wounds using a medkit, just make sure you have the medkit selected and you click on the body part that is red. I was confused for quite a while when first playing Apocalypse as i kept trying to get other agents to heal my injured agents.

Agents can only heal themselves. When it shows green on the bodypart on the box in the top-right when you have a medkit selected then it means that the agent is healing that area currently, keep the agent inactive as in not moving and not shooting and in realtime a few seconds later you'll have an uninjured agent again.

The main reason why your agent didnt heal is as you said, he was hovering so im assuming you had him hovering in mid-air, ever tried to heal yourself in midair, it wont turn out pretty, soon he will drop to the floor, cept he will be dead.

I find its best to treat agents like vehicles, when they get moderatly damaged you should send them to the exits so they dont die or take ages to heal.


I hate searching for those last aliens, though I use motion scanners more now, except for its terrible on the maps which have like 8 floors.

Sarge: Ok where's that last Alien SOB then
Pvt. Peters: *whips out motion scanner*
Motion Scanner shows 3 dots advancing Aliens style
Pvt. Peters: erm Sarge, there coming right towards us.
Sarge: Ok you Alien bitches, time to go UFO:Enemy Unknown on your raggedy-behind (damn you forums for turning @ss into behind)
Sarge starts blasting at the roof with AP Autocannon
Popper lands through the ceiling
Sarge: ........ oooohhhhh Fuuuu**
Pvt. Peters: ... I love you Sarge

« † DxRxIx † »
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Old 02-09-2005, 06:28 PM   #133
Lt. Razak
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My midair-guy was actually healing (the body part was green) himself but he wouldn't stop / finish. Anyway, I think I'm getting the hang of realtime though it is draining my small amounts of toxine B rather quickly (So far I managed to make 3 Tguns, 9 Bclips which are gone already). Still, I lost one shield and was able to replace it thanks to a bit of marksmanship, a brilliant engineer and man's ingenuity when it comes to killing.

Mapwise my favourite are slums; especially the one with the bridge. Thanks to a hint I read earlier in this forum I now watch UFOs to see where they beam down troops and engage those ASAP, so ive got nice and small maps. Still, sometimes rather heated battles erupt if there are too many aliens in a small space so Diablo got rather pissed of when I tore down a bridge with the exception of half a stairway. Well, at least most of the anthropods literally dropped dead when most of the structure collapsed after taking several vortex mines. Tough luck, though, for those civillians (crowds of them) that were running around below the bridge.

Well, real time makes the camouflage-thingie a real necessity so I'm working on that now; in the meantime I'm still taking hits from everywhere while I can't see the (camouflaged) enemy. Well, onto battle :Titan:
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Old 02-09-2005, 08:32 PM   #134
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Yeah, also watch ufos (on slowest time) once you have unleashed your fleet. You can see where aliens are beamed down and - once you recovered any downed ufos - you can clear them out before they spread or cause problems.
However, make sure you send enough soldiers. I just had a nightmarish mission with 3 soldiers (1 with shields) in the slum forest landscape. Entropy missiles melted the equipment of one soldier, the next got wounded and the third fell victim to a strange bug: His devestator was convinced it suddenly had 34 rounds and refused to fire... I had to abort, I'm trying again now, the same 3 soldiers but this time its the big building with a helipad and stairway further up on either side of it.

Wish me luck

Edit: I finally did it. Turn out you were correct, sharp... he my trooper pretendet to be healing himself for a full 2 minutes before I lost patience and - ignoring the brainsuckers (the launchers seem to be in again in the alien community) - land. Ironically he was hovering right above a grave but once hel landed, it took him about 5 secs to get sorted and rejoin the fray... good thing, too because before that I was operating with one trooper...
Still the operation was costly enough; my last shield was destroyed and I have only one healthy soldier left (ignoring the 10 soldiers guarding base number 2, I hesitate to send them anywhere because they have 0 experience, inadequate equipment (i.e. no marsec body armour) and .. well .. I can't be asked to work with idiots again..)
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Old 03-09-2005, 06:21 PM   #135
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I think so, yes... but sometimes its worth it

Edit: About real time:
Do you ever split up? So far I only sent in 1 squad of 6 (3 toxiguns, 3 devestators) so that my soldiers spawned together and then split them into 2 squads (1 per weapon type) and found a nice place to fortify my position. I'm wondering if there is another way, something more effective and safe. Turn based seems to be a lot safer in some respects, if it wasn't for those disruptor shield I captured thanks to the toxigun I'd have a lot of casualties during every mission.
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Old 03-09-2005, 07:56 PM   #136
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Ever get annoyed of having to clear out every UFO when it crashes? Sure you get lots of loot so its worth it, but sometimes you just dont have enough soldiers, a very simple solution I have devised.

When the UFO you dont want to investigate is low on health, by low I mean a little bit before it starts to crash, have a vehicle armed with a retribution or justice (make sure you have the weapon as off at the start) activate the missile. Then even if the UFO is crashing the missile will track (and the UFO wont be able to evade or shoot down the missile) and obliterate the target.

Also destroying Temple's of Sirius will lower your score, unless you are getting frequently attacked by them then you should really leave the Temples alone, heck Cultists are my main source of income, not good to destroy them.

« † DxRxIx † »
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Old 03-09-2005, 08:08 PM   #137
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Hmm what happens if you just ignore the crash site? I mean, the UFO wreck is destroyed by the crew (they proably eat it [Captain, I'm sick of the navigational array! - Oh shut up and eat faster!] ) and thats it for them. Or does that affect the score or infiltration in any way?

Mentioning infiltration: Is it possible that not only those organisations where you actually see aliens being beamed down but also a few random ones can get infiltrated with each UFO invasion? I'm just tearing down a synthemesh construction yard (for the good of the people of course :angel: ) although no UFO ever came near it.

About the temples: sure you get less loot if you ruin those freaks but where's the fun in it if you've just got a calendar telling you that every friday at 1500 hrs its time to raid sirius to earn some money? I'm actually thinking of buying some griffon armours to burn down a temple when I feel like it. Of course I have to wait until my quantum phyisicists get SOMETHING done; i.e. until i've got Annihilators.
By the way: Can anybody tell me what I need to research for the big quantum physics lab? I'm still stuck with the small one and my folks have been working on the cloaking device for days now and are just at 50 %
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Old 04-09-2005, 08:49 AM   #138
Home Sweet Abandonia

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Big quantum physics lab ? I didn't even know that something like that exists.

Now to my question: Energen got infiltrated by aliens 16%. I discovered which building was infiltrated (Corporate HQ) and went over there. I stunned every alien (I'm that good :Brain: ) and after I won I returned to base, but the infiltration level is still 16%. Why ?
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Old 04-09-2005, 08:57 AM   #139
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Might take a while for infiltration level to go down, if its still high then do another investigation.

And yes, if you leave a wrecked UFO then the aliens can still infiltrate, though on a smaller scale. They destroy the UFO and then attempt to go the the nearest building(s). Also if aliens do beam down to a building and you take a long while to get there, then they can go and ifiltrate other buildings, they will also attempt to infiltrate other buildings if they manage to retreat from a battle.

However just because aliens enter some buildings doesnt mean they manage to infiltrate it, some aliens just seem to die, once had a small scout beaming down on a corporate HQ, after getting some other UFO wrecks and battling I came back and investigated, no aliens there, investigated all buildings nearby, no aliens. Also on the alien infiltration graph there were no aliens, so I think that mabye the building security force managed to subdue the aliens. (Or possibly no-one was actually in the scout, or mabye there were beaming somebody up???)

Cant remember the tech for large quantum lab, i think its Alien Engines, Energy and Navigation, possibly some UFO's as well. Dont know how youve managed to get to cloaking before getting the lab, you must have some really bad pyhscists.

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Old 04-09-2005, 01:14 PM   #140
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Infiltration level going down. Yepeee.

*After 2 days*

-What ? THe infiltration level is going up ? Argh, I knew I should have intercepted that UFO first. Send some people over there now !
-We can't. They are all wounded since we raided that temple.

I think we should make a X-Com - Abandonian Apocalypse tread LOL
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