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Old 05-09-2007, 06:30 PM   #121
I'm not Russ
but an ex-alektorophobic
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then try sound blaster on dos and you will find roland ones terrible
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Old 08-09-2007, 04:22 PM   #122

I loved FG and have never found a game to replace it. I've downloaded dosbox and installed it, but actually using it is beyond my pathetic technical skills, can someone write out a step-by-step simple English guide for how to install and play FG with dosbox? Thanks!
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Old 08-09-2007, 04:34 PM   #123
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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Sep 8 2007, 06:22 PM) [snapback]309754[/snapback]</div>
I loved FG and have never found a game to replace it. I've downloaded dosbox and installed it, but actually using it is beyond my pathetic technical skills, can someone write out a step-by-step simple English guide for how to install and play FG with dosbox? Thanks![/b]
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Old 08-09-2007, 10:45 PM   #124

basicall all you need is to start dosbox,

then type (always without the " of course):

"mount c c :/fg"
(this is for the case your fg-folder is on drive c, else type in every other path - this mounts the folder fg as if it would be drive "c" in dos)

and then

(to change to drive c (which is folder fg on c )

then type "FG"

(alternatively you may type "cd exe" and then "setsound" to start the setsound.exe - and set your sound.) - after that leave with "cd .." and type "FG")

in the dosbox.cof - file (you edit this file from XP (normal windows)) you can set the "sensitivity=100" to "sensitivity=200" in order to speed up the mouse.

as mentioned i still use FG in XP and it works good, so no real need for dosbox for this one though

but this is as i use it fortoher games. if its to slow you may try to increase the "cycles" (in dosbox.conf)

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Old 09-09-2007, 07:13 PM   #125
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How much is this like Panzer General?
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Old 09-09-2007, 11:42 PM   #126

its similar but different
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Old 10-09-2007, 11:42 AM   #127
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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Sep 9 2007, 09:13 PM) [snapback]309906[/snapback]</div>
How much is this like Panzer General?[/b]
It's very different in my opinion. Way simpler to start with. In PG you really have to create a strategy for every battle, but here every one is just same old just bigger every time. In PG there are many kinds of units and you really need them all for different purposes, FG's strategy is dumb in comparison. There are only melee and skirmish units (and the archers but those are supporting), and once your skirmish units are experienced the melee ones are worthless in comparison, but beforehand you need the melee ones because unexperienced skirmishers are even more worthless --a lame excuse to force you into having a varied inefficient army. Of course it's possible to like this game though.
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Old 10-09-2007, 09:34 PM   #128

LOL - only because you are not able to handle panzer general means that you need so more strategy .

i think you play FG on easy and medium, as what you say dont fit with my expierience. LOL.

i completely renounce (atm - current game) on skirms, archers and bombards and go mainly on Cavalry, Hvy.Infantry and SkyHunters. LightInfantry, LightCavalry and some Siege round it up.

not to mention there are mechUnits, beastUnits and magical units which may get more interesting once they are MUG (maxunitgrade). but still you can use them and try to finds out what works for you. of course on easy EVERYTHING works, on hard mode its simply hard.

also there are magical items and spells, and of course the combat system is different. so read the manual. and maybe search for some sites on the net

however, everyone his opinion, i played PG and its successors for years
and i still like it of course, but FG is also fascinating.

i think the main difference and what makes it seemingly more difficult is that units can entrench heavily and that they get defnsive fire from artilery.
finally i think the defensive fire from artilery is the most important factor that PG seems more difficult to someone who is not used to that. so first you need to get rid of the artilery (or flak ... to get rid of the artilery with bombers) - then sofen up entrenchments

the fine thing in FG is that you can decide what you relly want to research and specialise a certain army combo. its of course fun to roam around with best equipped cavalry for example

in FG you also need some variety (for example your skirms will just get slaughtered by cavalry, sorry, but skirms only is not best) can chose what parts of the army you want to upgrade and research thoses upgrades), though you need of course at least some variety the units have their pro`s and cons. what you finally use for units may also depend on your starting charakter.

the combat system in FG is more richer than you may think , although there are no artilery that gives didensive fire (although those archers can be really annoying, so you may ahoot them with own siege-units to a pulp and its cool to optimize your strategy, however, its still very hard on hard mode -

in general keep cavalry and/or hvyinf at max upgrade-level, this is the backbone.
add other types as it may fit and keep them well/max upgraded.
and pay the *dirty word* game on HARD-difficulty, everything else is too weak.

this is an exception from manual, i do not agree with everything (for example "buy bombards from beginning", ok, surely they may be usefull, but it also works without (and use probably siege instead) but it is still interesting

From Manual:

Heavy Infantry
These are units that maneuver in close formation on the ground. They are slower than
other types of foot, but can deliver a devastating attack and their close formation can
withstand enemy assault.
Several Heavy Infantry Hero units, such as Sergeants and Lieutenants, are bound to join
your army. Keep them, and any other single entity units healed up. They are easy to rest
and will gain experience quickly. Mortal Heavy Infantry are easily killed at lower grades
and experience. Protect them with Archers and don’t throw them up against other Heavy
Infantry until they have gained some experience. Giving Heavy Infantry a magical sword
or ax is an effective use of the item. Try moving the item around to less experienced units
in between battles so they can catch up.
Magical and Beast infantry units can’t upgrade, so being careful is less important with
these units. Once you can buy higher grade Heavy Infantry, however, it’s time to start
protecting them better and have them gain experience. Don’t be afraid to disband an
experienced lower grade unit to make room for a new, higher grade unit, but use the new
unit cautiously for a while.

Light Infantry
These units maneuver in loose, open formation, relying on speed and flexibility to defeat
enemy formations. Light Infantry do well in bad terrain such as Rough, Mountain, Volcano,
Swamp, Woods, Jungle, and River, gaining a +3 to their melee attack in these hexes.
Effective at higher grades and with lots of experience, Light Infantry can be difficult to
keep alive. They are particularly useful as support troops or garrisons, or in bad terrain
where their attack bonus is good. Use them to finish off weak enemy units, or to pursue
units to prevent their resting. Avoid running them out beyond support unless necessary to
protect a more expensive unit.

Skirmishers are the light armored and loose formation troops. These units know the land
around them and have a high search range. These units do well in all terrain and have a
high movement rate. When attacking, the unit doesn't engage in melee, but instead, uses
short range missile weapons for a skirmish attack. If the Skirmisher is defending and the
attacking unit is slower, then 1/2 of the casualties it takes will be converted into a larger
morale loss. These units are very effective in bad terrain gaining a +3 to their skirmish
attack in Rough, Mountain, Volcano, Swamp, Woods, Jungle, and River hexes.
These troops are great with just a little experience. Keep them out of the way of Cavalry
and they will live longer. If they are at full or nearly full health don’t worry about attacking
almost any infantry unit. If they get attacked they usually don’t take much damage.
Don’t use Skirmishers if the unit they are attacking gets to counter attack (other
Skirmishers, Archers, etc.). They are best used against the tough Heavy Infantry, since
they can whittle them down without getting hurt, so your bigger units can take the enemy
out more easily. Do spend the money to upgrade them as soon as you can.

Archers are light armored infantry with missile weapons. Archers give support to friendly
units adjacent to them when the friendly unit is attacked. Archers are very effective
against Light Cavalry, Cavalry, and flyers gaining a +3 to their missile attack.
Archers are vulnerable. Use them almost exclusively as support units where they will be
protected and their ability to provide defensive fire is useful. At higher grades and experience
they can start taking on flying units, but be very careful to watch the expected
losses. Many Bombardier units can maul or kill attacking Archers. Positioning is the key
to the most effective use of Archers. Position flying units over Archers to protect both the
Archers and the flyers.

Mounted or fast moving shock troops are classified as Cavalry. These units have a high
offensive capability in the open, gaining a +8 against most units in Clear, Road, and
Shrine hexes. They are weaker in rough terrain types. Cavalry units are very effective
when attacking, but are vulnerable to Archers and flyers.
Cavalry are good all-around units, but they have serious weaknesses. Any attack by a
Heavy Infantry or another Cavalry unit is likely to badly to hurt your Cavalry. Move your
infantry up in front of Cavalry until you are close enough to take out the enemy. Don’t let
your Cavalry get out in front of your line, with no protection. At least keep an Archer or
two near them. The key with Cavalry is to keep an eye on your expected losses window.
If your unit can’t take the enemy, it will be obvious, and you should find another target.
Most Cavalry can take some damage and still be effective, but don’t be afraid to rest them
often since Cavalry can easily catch back up to the rest of your army.

Light Cavalry
Loose formation mounted troops and mounted skirmishers are represented as Light
Cavalry. These troops, like foot Skirmishers, have the ability to engage troops from a distance,
inflicting damage without engaging in melee. They are vulnerable to attacks by
Archers and flyers. If Light Cavalry are defending and the attacking unit is slower, then
1/2 of the casualties it takes will be converted into a morale loss instead of wounds.
Light Cavalry are very similar to Skirmishers in their use, but they are much more fragile.
Use them as finishers at first, and to scout ahead. With experience and upgrading they get
tougher, naturally, but they are always vulnerable to Cavalry. Again, try not to attack anything
with Light Cavalry that can counterattack.

Sky Hunters
These units represent flying creatures that attack with claws, wings, lances, and other
weapons. These units are very mobile and can melee adjacent enemy flying units or
ground units in the same hex. Sky Hunters can escort, but each unit may intercept only
once per turn. If the unit is attacked, then it may no longer intercept on that turn.
You are going to need Sky Hunters. Start buying them on the first continent. It doesn’t
much matter what kind you buy, although mortal units are recommended because they
upgrade, and the most important thing with Sky Hunters is experience. You don’t need a
lot of flyers unless you can’t keep them alive. Two level 3 experience flyers are better
than four 0-level flyers. Use Sky Hunters to finish off any badly damaged enemy troops
that might otherwise escape.
They are good against Siege Engines and should be used to take them out, since Siege
Engines can take out Sky Hunters given the chance to attack. Avoid Archers, and if possible
end a turn over friendly ground units to prevent being attacked from below.
Sky Hunters can usually handle Bombardiers without trouble, but keep an eye on the
expected losses — sometimes Bombardiers surprise you by fighting back. If you are going
to use a Sky Hunter to attack another Sky Hunter prepare for it by attacking the enemyunit with spells, Siege Engines, or Archers when possible. Attack with more than one Sky
Hunter unless victory is assured. If you don’t have these advantages, run as far away as
possible, or go hover over a friendly Archer unit. Caution is the better part of valor with
Sky Hunters, and if the odds aren’t in your favor, wait. Keep them healed up. Attacks from
enemy Sky Hunter can come from nowhere and kill an unprepared Sky Hunter!
Finally, Sky Hunters make excellent scouts. They can fly great distances and have excellent
spotting ratings.

Bombardiers represent flying units that engage by moving into a hex containing an
enemy ground unit and using a missile attack against them. They are very effective
against Cavalry or Light Cavalry gaining a +3 to their missile attack, but are vulnerable to
Sky Hunters because their missile attack is ineffective against that class.
Buy Bombardiers from the beginning, but be aware that they are only marginally effective
until they get a shield or two of experience. Be careful with your Bombardiers, they
are only good against some kinds of units. Don’t bomb an Archer unit unless it is severely
damaged. Stay over friendly Archers as much as possible, and stay over other ground
units if there are enemy Archer units in the area. Bombardiers are good at knocking down
Heavy Infantry and other tough units, just enough to give your Cavalry and Heavy
Infantry the edge. As more and more enemy Sky Hunters start showing up you’re going
to have to be very careful with your Bombardiers. You might want to not deploy them for
a battle where there are a lot of Sky Hunters, just let them rest and bring them out when
the danger’s over.

Siege Engines
These units act as missile artillery to attack at long range. Their offensive capability is very
high, however, this is balanced by a very low defense. Siege Engines do not give fire support
in defense of adjacent units as do Archers, but they are able to attack flyers at range
using the Fire and Move buttons. Siege Engines support units attacking town, keep, tower,
or castle hexes by adding +2 to the attack values of adjacent friendly units.
Siege weapons are excellent weapons against every type of unit. Since they can upgrade to
increase in grades and levels of experience, Siege Engines are able to soften up tough opponents,
or even kill weak units. When a siege unit has a number of possible targets, it is
advisable to shoot Sky Hunters first, because your own air force is probably vulnerable, and
needs the help. Then go for Archers; there are no other units that can easily damage Archers
without taking any damage themselves. Bombardiers are a good target if you don’t have many
other flyer defenses. If none of these targets are available, hit whatever is likely to do the most
damage to your attacking units. Don’t use Siege Engines deliberately to finish off very weak
enemy units unless you have no other targets. You will find that Siege Engines generally gain
experience very quickly, so save the easy kills for units that need more coddling.
Siege Engines are excellent against fortifications of any kind. Set them up one hex away
from the target city, they will launch support fire whenever one of your units that is adjacent
to the Siege Engine attacks the fortification. Siege Engines do have disadvantages
that must be taken into account. They are rather slow, although the ability to attack at
range does partially compensate for their limited mobility. It is good to put them in the
first or second line of deployment, and keep them on roads or in the open at all times. It
is better to pass by a possible target, and stay on a road, than move into the rough, kill the
enemy unit, and have to spend two or three turns inching the siege weapon back out of
the bad terrain. The main disadvantage, however, is that even high grade, high experience
Siege Engines can be taken out in a couple attacks by enemy troops. Protect them
well, they don’t need to get close to the enemy anyway.

The Spellcaster units are small groups wielding magic spells. With only ten life,
Spellcasters are weaker than regular units in strength of arms. Spellcasters can sting opponents
with skirmish attacks, but are vulnerable to attack. Spellcaster units have the ability
to cast a spell once per turn. Some spells are used to aid friendly units, which can only
be cast if adjacent. Other spells wound enemy troops or affect morale.
Each grade of Spellcasters has different advantages, but all of them should be well protected.
Almost any enemy unit can damage or kill an unprotected Spellcaster.
Apprentices are good for scaring the Archer away from the units it is protecting, and
pushing back enemies when you’re crossing over a river. Conjurers can give some added
punch, particularly to Cavalry or Heavy Infantry units. Healers are obviously useful, particularly
with single entity units, but they seem to be more of a focus of attack so protect
them even better! Druids are best at knocking down units like Light Infantry and
Skirmishers that have a huge advantage in rough terrain. Fire Wizards are able to damage
a pack of enemy units.

Heroes are single, powerful units that can be found but not purchased. Heroes are all
individuals which means that they never suffer kills from spells or combat and always use
their total number of attacks in combat. Some heroes will have the ability to cast spells
on themselves or on other units. Heroes also have the effect of bolstering morale for units
next to them; units adjacent to a hero gain a +10 morale bonus for each

General Unit Types:

Mortal Units
Mortal units are the backbone of the armies of the Council of Five. There are Mortal units
of every class, which is not true of the Beast, Mech, or Magical race. In addition, Mortal
units are capable of improvement through the upgrade process, while Beast, Magical and
Mech units are not. Mortal units generally have better armor values but lower attack
values than other races.

Magical and Beast Units
While all four characters have access to Mortal units, the Archmage and the Sorceress
focus more energy on their non-human allies. For these two characters the amount of
each reward invested in Mortal units is halved, rounding down, in the classes that have
Magical or Beast troops available. The full amount is spent on researching units in classes
that have no Magical or Beast equivalents.
Magical and Beast units do not offer the wide variety that the Mortal units have. They have
greater armor and attack values for their grade, which is balanced by their inability to upgrade.
Magic units are vulnerable to mechanical attacks, but have a greater magic defense

Mechanical Units
units are much less expensive than the other three races, but until "Engineer" is
available, damage they sustain is not repairable. Mech unit attack values are better than
Mortal, and their armor ratings are much better than those of the other three classes

in general keep cavalry and/or hvyinf at max upgrade-level, this is the backbone.

... and skyhunters. other at will wich is your strategy then

... instead of relying early on beast and/or magical units yu may chose another unit class (for example skirms) untill they are MUG
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Old 11-09-2007, 01:01 AM   #129
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BTW with skirmishers I also included light cavalry, they're the same thing only faster and more expensive.
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Old 11-09-2007, 03:23 AM   #130

skirms are nice, no doubt. or better said i can imagine. maybe i play archmage krell soon and go heavy on skirms

as mentioned, even with my army that has no skirms at all and only 2 or 3 light cavs, i may use lt cav to "soften up" a target (more often to fish weak units though). skirmishers or archers take no damage when atatcking melee units. other things good to soften up "uber"units may be siege units, bombardiers and archers (archers are fragile though)

it maybe also possibel to completely renounce on skyhunters and just rely on archers and siege instead (to defend against flying units) although that woudl require that your armies stick close together and skyhunters are good scouts and can search/hunt down wounded enemies like no other because of their mobility
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