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Old 23-02-2018, 08:01 PM   #1
Abandonia nerd

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Default Abandoned Times 4 Discussion Thread

Sorry that I didn't get round to doing this sooner, but here's the thread where you can discuss what you liked and disliked about AT4, things you want to see and anything else you may want to contribute!!
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Old 24-02-2018, 10:39 AM   #2
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Wow, it's been a LONG time since I made the first issue - time flies by way too fast. I must say, good job on this issue. I liked what you did with the Sensible Soccer review with the background using the pitch. I'll read it properly sometime soon.

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Old 25-02-2018, 01:10 AM   #3
Vice-Chair-man Poke-man
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Greetings from Poke-man, Bonk! Bonk! (E / Li)Lianne Jane Watson.

I do not know the games like the Grand Mentat marko River ........ and Grandmaster Spectreman. So I will give some positive and constructive criticism as a reader so that the next versions are better and easier to read.

• I noticed that some texts were not in bold. As the font height of the letters was large and the thickness was narrow, this made it difficult to read the text. Especially in the first pages where the background was black and the color of the font was white. I suggest you make the fonts in bold for easy reading of the texts.

• I do not see any problem in putting images out of the universe of games, but at least you could put a caption saying it was a snapshot from the movie “Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind”.

• Now, it is just a whim of mine, but you could approach the question that the Adventure genre is fading into the big game producers and only remaining as Indie games. Even LucasArts canceled Sam & Max 2 and many employees resigned and formed another company.

• I do not understand why the 1st Person games are making so much success with the 3rd Person. And those who have labyrinthitis? I could say the same for the Isometric, Platform, Side Scrolling and Top Down games.
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Old 25-02-2018, 05:25 PM   #4
Abandonia nerd

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Originally Posted by Mystvan View Post
Greetings from Poke-man, Bonk! Bonk! (E / Li)Lianne Jane Watson.

I do not know the games like the Grand Mentat marko River ........ and Grandmaster Spectreman. So I will give some positive and constructive criticism as a reader so that the next versions are better and easier to read.

• I noticed that some texts were not in bold. As the font height of the letters was large and the thickness was narrow, this made it difficult to read the text. Especially in the first pages where the background was black and the color of the font was white. I suggest you make the fonts in bold for easy reading of the texts.

• I do not see any problem in putting images out of the universe of games, but at least you could put a caption saying it was a snapshot from the movie “Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind”.

• Now, it is just a whim of mine, but you could approach the question that the Adventure genre is fading into the big game producers and only remaining as Indie games. Even LucasArts canceled Sam & Max 2 and many employees resigned and formed another company.

• I do not understand why the 1st Person games are making so much success with the 3rd Person. And those who have labyrinthitis? I could say the same for the Isometric, Platform, Side Scrolling and Top Down games.
Some of the text didn't convert well from my program to the PDF file, so the fonts were slightly different, but I was still happy with the fonts overall so I kept them... Next time I'll probably have more time to see what works and doesn't. As for Nausicaa? I kind of assumed it was obvious that it was a picture representative of myself as an editor, as it wasn't from a video game and on the editorial page... As it stands you seem to have had no trouble figuring out what it was.. I could approach the question of Adventure titles fading from AAA Gaming, but you could too :P Why not write an article? But thanks for your feedback!
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Old 25-02-2018, 05:28 PM   #5
Abandonia nerd

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Originally Posted by red_avatar View Post
Wow, it's been a LONG time since I made the first issue - time flies by way too fast. I must say, good job on this issue. I liked what you did with the Sensible Soccer review with the background using the pitch. I'll read it properly sometime soon.
Thanks! There's still some creases to iron out, and more staff to try and get onside to relieve some of the writing pressures, especially when you come down with a hard case of writers' block for about three solid weeks I've got some more features I'd like to implement, like a Screenshot quiz and an updated version of the versus articles Ahaha the Sensible Soccer background was frustrating to do, but it's one of my favourite parts of the magazine!
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Old 25-02-2018, 06:20 PM   #6
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Great work, loved it

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Old 25-02-2018, 09:42 PM   #7
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Default Nice Job!

Hey there,

I just flipped through the pages and all I can say is 'wooow'. I'm still heckin' amazed you did this. I would be more than happy to contribute in the future (if you don't have tight deadlines ). I'd also love to contribute to design, though, admittedly it's a hobby for me. I'm mostly making posters for my friend's shop which they print and scatter around town. Anyways, I'll drop a line if I have an idea for an article.

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Old 26-02-2018, 11:54 PM   #8
Vice-Chair-man Poke-man
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Originally Posted by LianneJW1912 View Post
Some of the text didn't convert well from my program to the PDF file, so the fonts were slightly different, but I was still happy with the fonts overall so I kept them... Next time I'll probably have more time to see what works and doesn't. As for Nausicaa? I kind of assumed it was obvious that it was a picture representative of myself as an editor, as it wasn't from a video game and on the editorial page... As it stands you seem to have had no trouble figuring out what it was.. I could approach the question of Adventure titles fading from AAA Gaming, but you could too :P Why not write an article? But thanks for your feedback!
I thank you for the offer, but I decline. I think you, red_avatar (Damn it! I cannot think of anything to poke red_avatar! Bonk! Bonk!), AB Times and Updates Tracker (very hungary for Updates and AT) are able to write and edit the texts.

Well, I think MiLady of the Rings also writes the reviews well and if she joined you, it would be a good reinforcement.

I forgot to mention that the picture is not from the movie and most likely from the great filmmaker’s comic.

And also I forgot to mention that I liked that you address the issue not only about the games but also the developers responsible for the game. Besides, I really like Frank Klepacki’s compositions.
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Last edited by Mystvan; 27-02-2018 at 12:04 AM.
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Old 27-02-2018, 09:30 PM   #9
Abandonia nerd

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Originally Posted by Tracker View Post
Hey there,

I just flipped through the pages and all I can say is 'wooow'. I'm still heckin' amazed you did this. I would be more than happy to contribute in the future (if you don't have tight deadlines ). I'd also love to contribute to design, though, admittedly it's a hobby for me. I'm mostly making posters for my friend's shop which they print and scatter around town. Anyways, I'll drop a line if I have an idea for an article.
Yeah no worries! My deadlines aren't TOO strict :P

Originally Posted by Capo View Post
Great work, loved it

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Old 28-02-2018, 04:51 PM   #10
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Unfortunately, I don't have time to give this issue a proper reading right now.
But, it does look great on first "scrollthrough" so I felt like vote of support is in order.
I'm just G@mer4Life!!!
Life is tricky, it doesn't have "Load Game"!

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