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Old 15-12-2009, 03:05 AM   #1
Super Freak
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Default Star Trek: Abandonia

It is the year 2368, in an alternate universe of ST where there is no Dominion, Borg, or Q.
The war between the United Federation of Planets (aided by the Klingon Star Empire) and the Gorn Confederation (aided by the Romulan Star Empire)
Admiral Jean-Luc Picard has gone to the Gorn area for a surrender demand placing the GC in the UFoP.
However, Picard is going to find a problem in attempting that.
In this RP, we will be on either side of the battle, as either the UFoP or the GC.
Players will have to say the abilities, skills, etc. of their particular character. All characters will start off at level 1, which will NOT have anything to do with abilities, skills, etc. of the character.
Character's race will also be relevent. (after all, this is based on Star Trek)
Character rank will be determined by the Galactic Master.
There are several uniforms: (i.e. class for those of you D&Ders) Command, Security, Medical, Helm, Communications, Science, and Engineering.
There is 6 (major) civilizations in the galaxy, Lyrans, Kzinti and Hydrans have decided to remain neutral.
Current Roster:
United Federation of Planets:
Jean-Luc Picard:
Skills:Archaeology, and Fencing
Eyuil Sratas Gpwak:
Skills:Grandmaster of Ninjitsu, Tactics, Weapons, Medical, Engineering, and Archaeology
Fubbles McMimbles:
Skills:Navigation, Space Flight
Skills: Bad shot, Purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Cybernetic Eyes
Gorn Confederation:
Supreme Commander
Skills:Supreme Master of Tactics

Last edited by esgmaster; 06-03-2010 at 10:10 PM.
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Old 21-12-2009, 06:39 PM   #2

Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Highgate, England
Posts: 1,459

#Hey ESG - I'll make my char sometime over the xmas period. I'm quite busy, but if I can find the time to use the Chat Box, I can find the time to make a character for you
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Old 22-12-2009, 03:41 AM   #3
Super Freak
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Posts: 176
Default Prologue:

Relations with the Gorns had been rocky since the start.
Most likely since they were gaining numbers from other races since 2299.
Some members of the United Federation of Planets hated them, and suspected they had spys starting a revolution.
Also, their technology was far more advanced than the United Federation of Planets was used to.
However, Admiral Roddenberry was not willing to start a war over this.
2365, a abnormal quantum singularity (black hole) appeared somewhere along the Gorn Federation border, the USS Intrepid-B
was sent to investigate.

Last Recording of the USS Intrepid-B:
Captain:This is Captain Will Jefferson, sending data from the black hole.
Science:Nothing unusual yet, sir.
Navigator:Reverse speed matching the pull of the black hole.
Science:Wait, this can't be right, THERE'S TWO QUANTUM SINGULARITIES!
Cap. Jefferson:Pull us out of here!
Navigator:I can't sir...
Science:There's 3, no, 4, no...
Cap. Jefferson:WHAT THE <censored> IS HAPPENING?!
Science:I've lost count of the black holes sir, we're surrounded...
Weapons:A planet is forming over there...
Science:A galaxy is forming here.
<recording ends here>

<cue awesome intro>
However, the galaxy was mostly in Gorn space, therefore becoming Gorn Confederation space, Admiral Roddenberry was quite willing to forgo all claims as long as the Gorn gave them a small amount of tech.

<recording of the conversation between Admiral Roddenberry and Supreme Commander Hassan Klisssur>
Adm. R.:Supreme Commander.
S.C. H. K.:Admiral.
Adm. R.:There is a small matter of the galaxy that appeared along our border.
S.C. H. K.:Well, by borders, it's ours.
Adm. R.:Well, most of it, some of it's along the border.
S.C. H. K.:We'll sent you 1% of the tech we find.
Adm. R.eal, have some Tranya.
<end of recording>

2366, Admiral Roddenberry died. The second in command Jean-Luc Picard took over. First order, declare war on the Gorn Confederation.

<recording of long-range communication between Admiral Picard and S.C. Hassan Klisssur>
Adm. Picard:We want the galaxy.
S.C. H. K.:Sorry, it's ours.
Adm. Picard:We're going to war now.
S.C. H. K.:War over a single galaxy!? Are you mad?!
Adm. Picard:We are superior to you Gorns in every way possible.
S.C. H. K.:Go to <censored>!
<end of recording>

The Gorns, being quite unwilling to give up territory, fought back with the new technology.

<last recording of a fleet of Federation Police Ships (F-POL)>
Police Lt. Commander:Fire Photons at the G-CA.
Police Weapons Officer:Missed.
Police S. O.:Sir, they are firing Phasor 4s.
Police L.C.:HOLY <censored>!
<recording ends here>

Then the Klingons, who were currently fighting with the Romulan Star Empire, made an alliance with the Federation, and then the Romulans were almost destroyed by the combined forces.

<recording of the battle between the Romulan and Federation/Klingon fleets>
Romulan Science:Sir, there is over a thousand ships.
Romulan Sub-Admiral:You know the drill.
Romulan Weapons:Yes sir.
R. S.:Sir, half of our fleet is gone.
R. S.A.:Their fleet?
R. S.:85% of it's original strength.
R. S.A.:Retreat.
R. Security:Message sent to all ships.
R. S.A.:Charge them, but be careful.
R. W.:Yes, Sub-Admiral.
R. S.:Sir, the some of the fleet has retreated, the rest is cut off.
R. S.A.:Charge their blockade.
R. Navigator:Aye, sir.
<sound of ship hitting another ship>
<end of recording>

The remaining forces, being roughly 4 war ships, 2 police ships, and 8 freighters, were on their way to surrender to the Gorn Confederation.

Last recording of the USS New Jersey:
Captain Blanlin Stone:We are currently on the Gorn Romulan Border, no activity by either side.
Security:Not surprising, we nearly wiped them out.
Navigator:<censored> Klingons!
Weapons:Not while we're recording. The Klingon High Council will hear you.
<beep> <beep>
Science:RIS King Hawk is approaching.
Cap. Stone:Hail them.
Admiral Risur Castyr:This is Admiral Risur Castyr of the Romulan Imperial Ship, King Hawk.
Adm. Castyr:You are Vulcan, are you not?
Cap. Stone:Yes, you will have to get past me.
Adm. Castyr:Can't we talk about this? My people are dying because of a war we did not want.
Cap. Stone:Close channel.

Battle: (you may want to skip this)
Turn 1 begin
USS New Jersey fires Photon Torpedoes (x8) at RIS King Hawk (10.50 away).
RIS King Hawk goes to 10.
Roll of 22, HIT, 28 damage to #1 shield.
Roll of 66, MISS
Roll of 86, MISS
Roll of 41, MISS
Roll of 52, MISS
Roll of 47, MISS
Roll of 58, MISS
Roll of 94, MISS
USS New Jersey fires Phasor 1 (x4) at RIS King Hawk (8.50 away).
Roll of 49, HIT, 3 damage to #1 shield.
Roll of 90, MISS
Roll of 60, HIT, 3 damage to #1 shield.
Roll of 7, HIT, 3 damage to #1 shield.
RIS King Hawk fires Phasor 1(x4) at USS New Jersey (4.70 away).
HITx4 16 damage to USS New Jersey #1 shield.
RIS King Hawk fires Plasma R at USS New Jersey (3.00 away).
HIT, 141 damage to USS New Jersey #1 shield.
RIS King Hawk stops engines and uses emergency stop.
Turn 1 end
Turn 2 begin
USS New Jersey fires Photon Torpedoes (x2) at RIS King Hawk (0.00 away).
Roll of 84, MISS
Roll of 89, MISS
RIS King Hawk transports 6 marines (6 boarding parties) to USS New Jersey.
USS New Jersey has lost 5 marines (0.5 boarding parties).
RIS King Hawk away team has lost 1 marine (1 baording parties).
USS New Jersey fires Phasor 1(x2) at RIS King Hawk.
HITx2, 8 damage to #1 shield.
Turn 2 end
Turn 3 begin
USS New Jersey fires Missile A at RIS King Hawk.
HIT, 24 damage to #1 shield.
USS New Jersey fires Phasor 1 at RIS King Hawk.
HIT, 4 damage to #1 shield.
RIS King Hawk transports 6 marines (6.0 boarding parties) to USS New Jersey.
USS New Jersey (65 marines, 6.5 boarding parties) versus RIS King Hawk away team (11 marines. 11.0 boarding parties)
USS New Jersey has lost 5 marines (0.5 boarding parties).
RIS King Hawk away team has lost 0 marines (0.0 boarding parties).
RIS King Hawk fires Phasor 1 at RIS King Hawk aiming at weapons.
HIT, 4 damage to weapons.
Turn 3 end
Turn 4 begin
USS New Jersey fires Phasor 1 at RIS King Hawk.
HIT, 4 damage to #1 shield.
RIS King Hawk fires Phasor 1 at USS New Jersey.
HIT, 4 damage to #1 shield, deactivating it.
RIS King Hawk transports 6 marines (6.0 boarding parties) to USS New Jersey.
USS New Jersey (60 marines, 6.0 boarding parties) versus RIS King Hawk away team (17 marines. 17.0 boarding parties)
USS New Jersey has lost 10 marines (1.0 boarding parties).
RIS King Hawk away team has lost 0 marines (0.0 boarding parties).
RIS King Hawk fires Phasor 1(x7) at USS New Jersey's left warp.
HIT, 28 damage to left warp, left warp destroyed.
Turn 4 end
Turn 5 begin
USS New Jersey (50 marines, 5.0 boarding parties) versus RIS King Hawk away team (17 marines. 17.0 boarding parties)
USS New Jersey has lost 20 marines (2.0 boarding parties).
RIS King Hawk away team has lost 0 marines (0.0 boarding parties).
RIS King Hawk transports 6 marines (6.0 boarding parties) to USS New Jersey.
Turn 5 end
Turn 6 begin
USS New Jersey (30 marines, 3.0 boarding parties) versus RIS King Hawk away team (23 marines. 23.0 boarding parties)
USS New Jersey has lost 30 marines (2.0 boarding parties).
RIS King Hawk away team has lost 0 marines (0.0 boarding parties).
USS New Jersey is under Romulan control.
Turn 6 end
Battle 1 end
<recording ends here>

Soon after this battle, the USS New Jersey was reported fighting the Federation, and with the same crew.
Late 2367, a large Federation fleet, commanded by Admiral Jean-Luc Picard in the USS Enterprise-D.

USS Enterprise-D Bridge:
Picard:Are all systems ready?
Worf:Yes sir.

Fortunately the Gorn Supreme Commander was preparing a defense strategy.
This battle was called "Battle of the Quantum Galaxy".

Battle of the Quantum Galaxy:
Picard:Prepare for battle.
<over comlink>
Captain Yusuke Gpwak:We've been ready for 2 days, and 6 hours, that's about as long as we've slept at least.
Second Admiral Gregory Decker:We've been ready for a while now.
Picard:Gpwak, prepare the USS Yamato.
Note:In this universe, USS Yamato was sent to the Quantum Galaxy to serve as a protector for the Gorns if a Federation vessel
decided to attack. Do to the war, it's mission is to destroy the Gorns.
Cap. Y. Gpwak:Yes sir.
Picard:Send the order to all ships, ATTACK!

Federation Fleet:
USS Berlin
USS Enterprise-D
USS Yamato
4 F-BCGs
12 F-CARs
40 F-POLs
Gorn Fleet:
GCS Flagship (name not known)
GCS Asylum-Rex
GCS Defender-Rex
GCS Hellfire Scout
RIS King Hawk
RIS Knight Hawk
GCS Knight-Rex
GCS Lighting Scout
GCS Nebula Scout
GCS New Jersey
GCS Freighter 298
Turn 1 begin
GCS Lighting Scout fires Phasor G (x8x4) at F-BCG (x4) (distance 2.5).
HIT, 16 damage to each F-BCG.
GCS Lighting Scout fires Phasor 4 at F-BCG (distance 2.5).
HIT, 50 damage to F-BCG 1.
GCS Lighting Scout fire Missile D (x8) at F-BCG (x4) (distance 2.5).
HIT, 48 damage to each F-BCG.
F-BCG 1 is going to explode!
GCS Lighting Scout fires Hellbore (x2) at F-BCG (x2) (distance 2.5).
Roll of 87, HIT, 32 damage to F-BCG 2.
Roll of 67, HIT, 32 damage to F-BCG 3.
F-BCG 2&3 are going to explode!
F-BCG (x4) fires Photon Torpedoes (x32) at GCS Lighting Scout (distance 2.5).
Roll of 83, MISS.
Roll of 87, MISS.
Roll of 75, HIT, 32 damage to GCS Lighting Scout.
Roll of 100, MISS.
Roll of 20, HIT, 32 damage to GCS Lighting Scout.
Roll of 98, MISS.
Roll of 81, MISS.
Roll of 97, MISS.
Roll of 79, HIT, 32 damage to GCS Lighting Scout.
Roll of 7, HIT, 32 damage to GCS Lighting Scout.
Roll of 83, MISS.
Roll of 56, HIT, 32 damage to GCS Lighting Scout.
Roll of 54, HIT, 32 damage to GCS Lighting Scout.
Roll of 79, HIT, 32 damage to GCS Lighting Scout.
Roll of 88, MISS.
Roll of 63, HIT, 32 damage to GCS Lighting Scout.
Roll of 56, HIT, 32 damage to GCS Lighting Scout.
Roll of 80, HIT, 32 damage to GCS Lighting Scout.
Roll of 82, MISS.
Roll of 95, MISS.
Roll of 78, HIT, 32 damage to GCS Lighting Scout.
Roll of 96, MISS.
Roll of 82, MISS.
Roll of 78, HIT, 32 damage to GCS Lighting Scout.
Roll of 50, HIT, 32 damage to GCS Lighting Scout. GCS Lighting Scout's front shield is down.
Roll of 71, HIT, 32 damage to GCS Lighting Scout. 8 points of armor remain.
Roll of 93, MISS.
Roll of 58, HIT, 32 damage to GCS Lighting Scout. GCS Lighting Scout will explode!
Roll of 59, HIT, 32 damage to GCS Lighting Scout.
Roll of 79, HIT, 32 damage to GCS Lighting Scout.
Roll of 8, HIT, 32 damage to GCS Lighting Scout.
Roll of 60, HIT, 32 damage to GCS Lighting Scout.
F-POL 1 fires Photon Torpedoes (x2) at GCS New Jersey (distance 3.5).
Roll of 95, MISS.
Roll of 70, HIT, 32 damage to GCS New Jersey.
GCS New Jersey fires Plasma Beam F at F-POL 2 (distance 3.5).
GCS New Jersey goes to mark 31.
HIT, 100 damage to F-POL 2.
F-POL 2 are going to explode!
GCS New Jersey rams F-POL 1 at F-CAR 1.
GCS New Jersey turns to the USS Enterprise-D.
F-POL 1 and F-CAR 1 are going to explode!
F-CAR 1 fires Photon Torpedoes at GCS New Jersey.
GCS New Jersey rams F-POL 4 at USS Enterprise-D.
Roll of 91, MISS.
Roll of 83, MISS.
Roll of 95, MISS.
Roll of 81, MISS.
F-POL 3 is in the path of the Photon Torpdoes!
Roll of 6, HIT, 32 damage to F-POL 3. F-POL 3 is going to explode!
Roll of 8, HIT, 32 damage to F-POL 3.
Roll of 76, HIT, 32 damage to F-POL 3.
Roll of 77, HIT, 32 damage to F-POL 3.
F-POL 1 and F-CAR 1 hit F-POL 5!
F-POL 1, F-POL 5, and F-CAR 1 almost hit USS Yamato, which then goes mark 31 and turns left.
F-POL 1, F-POL 5, and F-CAR 1 hit F-CAR 2.
F-POL 1, F-POL 5, F-CAR 2, and F-CAR 1 hit F-POL 6. Then all of them then explode, destroying 7 more ships.
USS Enterprise-D goes mark 15.
USS Berlin goes mark 15.
F-POL 4 misses the USS Enterprise-D.
F-POL 4 misses the USS Berlin.
F-POL 4 hits F-CAR 4, then F-CAR 5, then F-CAR 6, and finally F-POL 11. Then they explode, destroying 6 more ships.
GCS New Jersey rams into F-POL 16, which then crashes into USS Enterprise-D's right warp engine, destroying the warp.
USS Berlin fires Phasor 1 (x8) at GCS New Jersey (distance 4.85).
HIT (x4), 16 damage to GCS New Jersey.
GCS New Jersey fires Plasma Beam F at USS Enterprise-D (distance 3.24).
F-POL 17 gets in the way (distance 2.22).
HIT, 100 damage to F-POL 18.
F-POL 18 is going to explode!
GCS Asylum-rex fires Hellbore (x2) at F-POL 19 (distance 6.00).
Roll of 97, MISS.
Roll of 40, HIT, 32 damage to F-POL 19.
F-POL 19 is going to explode! Taking out 19 ships!
RIS King Hawk fires Plasma Torpedo R at F-POL 39 (distance 5.11).
HIT, 141 damage to F-POL 39. F-POL 39 is going to explode!
Turn 1 end
Gorn:You're lossssing. Ssssssurrender now.
Picard:<censored> you.
GCS Freighter 298 is launching from the planet.
Turn 2 begin.
USS Enterprise-D fires Photon Torpdoes (x8) at GCS Freighter 298 (distance 11.44).
Roll of 72, MISS.
Roll of 40, MISS.
Roll of 48, MISS.
Roll of 40, MISS.
Roll of 67, MISS.
Roll of 8, HIT, 32 damage to GCS Freighter 298.
Roll of 20, HIT, 32 damage to GCS Freighter 298.
Roll of 17, HIT, 32 damage to GCS Freighter 298. GCS Freighter 298 is going to explode!
Turn 2 end.
Cap. Y. Gpwak:That ship had civilians on it!
Picard:They are civilians of a enemy force, they don't deserve to live.
Turn 3 begin.
USS Yamato goes mark 40.
Planet fires Plasma X at F-POL 40 and F-CAR 32 (distance 27.23).
Roll of 92, HIT, 700 damage to each, it blows up.
USS Yamato fires Phasor 1 (x8) at USS Enterprise-D (distance 4.33).
HIT, 32 damage to USS Enterprise-D.
USS Enterprise-D fires Missile A (x2) at USS Yamato (distance 4.12).
HIT, 48 damage to USS Yamato.
USS Enterprise-D fires Phasor 1 (x8) at USS Yamato (distance 3.99).
HIT, 32 damage to USS Yamato.
USS Enterprise-D fires Photon Torpdoes (x2) at USS Yamato (distance 2.99).
HIT, 32 damage to USS Yamato. USS Yamato explodes.
USS Berlin retreats.
Turn 3 end.
Picard:You are a fool, helping the enemy.
Cap. Y. Gpwak:I was a fool, for following you.
Cap. Y. Gpwak:The freighter has done nothing wrong, they merely were evacuating civilians.
Turn 4 begin.
USS Enterprise-D retreats.
Turn 4 end.
Battle 2 end.

After this battle Picard ordered the instant transfer of Lt. Eyuil Sratas Gpwak to the USS Enterprise-D.
Little did he know that the real battle was sent to him by the Gorns.
Also after the battle the Gorns were less underestimated.
It is now February 21, 2368, Admiral Jean-Luc Picard is going to demand that the Gorns surrender.
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Old 06-02-2010, 11:41 PM   #4
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Fubbles McMimbles:
Flight Sergeant
Skills: Navigation, Space Flight
Level: 1

Background: After losing his job as a grocery store owner in a little town in the middle of no where, really, Fubbles enlisted in the army. Due to his poor eyesight, he was not allowed into full service, but was instead put in the reserves. In the reserves of the UFoP, he figured life was quite easy, until he was called to duty. He was assigned the rank of Flight Sergeant, regardless of the fact he had yet to even see battle.
Kugarfang: o hai guiz im trying to find this techno song from the radio and it goes like this:

DUN duuuunnnn dudududududun SPLOOSH duuunnnnn

We ate the horse.
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