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Old 20-04-2008, 07:46 PM   #1
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Default Gamesradar's Top 15 Stories of All Time

The first page can be found here at Gamesradar

I remember most of them - although admittedly I've never played DotT, Grim Fandango, Beyond Good & Evil, or the Longest Journey.

Looks like I've missed out on some gems....time to go raid the discount bin for "diamonds in the rough"......hopefully.
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Old 21-04-2008, 05:23 PM   #2
_r.u.s.s. changed it :'(
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Why Isn't Deus Ex there?
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Old 21-04-2008, 07:02 PM   #3
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Meh. Some of the things are good... but it just feels like they missed a huge ammount of best games ever. Shame on them.
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Old 21-04-2008, 08:19 PM   #4
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MGS - Wrong, they used examples from the Twin Snakes which was the worst remake ever, only the original had a good story, Twin Snakes screwed it up with abysmal and even more embarrassing cut scenes that would cause you to die if anyone else happened to walk into the room while you were watching them.

Grim Fandango - Ayep, but it needs to be higher up.

The Longest Journey - Uh, needs to be below Grim Fandango, the writing was childish at times and some of the characters made me punch myself.

Grand Theft Auto: SA - Please, this must be a joke, a gangster story that I could see on any 3'o'clock movie on BET or Spike TV? No, San Andreas is generic crappy stuff and that's what Rockstar was aiming for anyway. Anyone who took it seriously is both missing the point and an idiot.

Beyond Good & Evil - God yes, doesn't get enough mention, especially since people still consider Prince of Persia - Sands Of Time's story to be good.

Astro Boy - Sure it's arguably the best side scrolling shooter on the GBA, but the story was written as a Saturday Morning Cartoon and it gets old quick, please.

Portal - Ha, ha, GamesRadar must be mixing up "story" with "presentation" because Portal's shallow story was only kept alive by its extensive backstory. There was practically no story.

Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - Do I really need to say anything? Oh yes, this game deserves to be above ALL the other games mentioned in this atrocious article. It has the best story out of all of them bar none.

Bioshock - No, no, just no. It's well written sure, but gimmicky and the game should've ended three quarters in. Once again, GamesRadar can't separate story from presentation.

Planescape: Torment - Atrocious game with a fantastic story, it deserves to be on the list, but as far as the gameplay go, Planescape is an unbalanced turd. It's like watching Hamlet with Alec Guinness playing the lead role while performing in somebody's garage with all the other actors sedated with morphine.

Fallout 2 - I consider this a slap in the face. How dare they take the crappy generic Enclave, the boring and stereotypical president along with the dull New Reno/NCR politics over the Master and his misguided views of a perfect united world? The Master was original, the Children of the Cathedral were confused and esoteric people, the mutants driven to the Master's wim by their stupidity, and Lou just being the biggest dick all in the middle of it. I refuse to take generic big fat Frank Horrigan over the Master and Lou.

God of War - Oh please.

KOTOR - Ahahaha, yeah, right.

Final Fantasy VI - Ok, yeah I've heard the group of teenagers rise up and kill evil things a thousand times in JRPGs. FFVI's story wasn't bad per se, but it's in no way good, even Fallout 2 was better in the story regard, and I hate FO2's story.

Silent Hill 2 - No, I cannot believe how overrated this game's story is. It's full of massive plot holes that the biggest fans try to explain with esoteric logic and the most useless details. Not only that, but James is the dullest character ever known and Mary is annoying to say the least.

That list is terrible to be honest.
Not a single Ultima game? Bite me, Ultima IV has a better story than all those feckin' games.
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Old 21-04-2008, 10:15 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Blood-Pigggy View Post

Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - Do I really need to say anything? Oh yes, this game deserves to be above ALL the other games mentioned in this atrocious article. It has the best story out of all of them bar none.

Bioshock - No, no, just no. It's well written sure, but gimmicky and the game should've ended three quarters in. Once again, GamesRadar can't separate story from presentation.

Planescape: Torment - Atrocious game with a fantastic story, it deserves to be on the list, but as far as the gameplay go, Planescape is an unbalanced turd. It's like watching Hamlet with Alec Guinness playing the lead role while performing in somebody's garage with all the other actors sedated with morphine.

Fallout 2 - I consider this a slap in the face. How dare they take the crappy generic Enclave, the boring and stereotypical president along with the dull New Reno/NCR politics over the Master and his misguided views of a perfect united world? The Master was original, the Children of the Cathedral were confused and esoteric people, the mutants driven to the Master's wim by their stupidity, and Lou just being the biggest dick all in the middle of it. I refuse to take generic big fat Frank Horrigan over the Master and Lou.

KOTOR - Ahahaha, yeah, right.

Final Fantasy VI - Ok, yeah I've heard the group of teenagers rise up and kill evil things a thousand times in JRPGs. FFVI's story wasn't bad per se, but it's in no way good, even Fallout 2 was better in the story regard, and I hate FO2's story.
I wish GK:SotF was abandonware...I have it downlo....uh....purchased and installed on my desktop.....

I have to disagree with your assessment of Bioshock and Fallout 2 - Bioshock is (always arguably, of course) in my top 10 all-time favorite stories. It was the gameplay that got kind of old to me - 1/2 way through the game I had more ammo than I knew what to do with, and was only searching everything so I could find all the weapon upgrades. "Would you kindly" plot twist was *amazing* IMHO - but I'm not always the sharpest tool in the shed, I have...feelings about people in games, whether they're good or bad, if they'll betray you, etc - but I honestly didn't see that one coming.

Fallout 2 had an *excellent* story, and is considered by most fans (myself included) to be the best of the 3 Fallout games (please don't get me started on Bethesda's Oblivion version of Fallout - there's a lot of residual hatred there)
Fallout 1 ended too quickly, and it seemed rushed at the end. Maybe because of the time limit, but.....? Fallout 2 seemed very good, each locale had it's own story, and what you did in one place often affected the other. I thought that yes, the main NPC's did seem a little *too* stereo-typed, but hey, not bad for 96'/'97

KOTOR wasn't the best story ever, but neither were the movies. They have a very specific evil/good black/white feel to them, and the game brought out the Star Wars universe very well, especially the first one.

FF3 (for those of us state-side) came out in ... what? 1993? For '93 that game had an *amazing* storyline, and one that wasn't seen....EVER.....for us Americans. Maybe they'd been doing this thing in Japan for years, but it was the first exposure I had to the 'massive' RPG worlds that became Final Fantasy. and what other great RPG do YOU know of that let you play 2 players???? (BTW FF7 happens to be my 2nd favorite, but we all know it went downhill after that....boohoo....)
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Old 21-04-2008, 10:36 PM   #6
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Surprise, surprise another trendy list, some good choices and some others that are just strange and confusing. I'm sorry Bioshock again on another of these lists, do these game sites forget about Deus Ex or the System Shock Series all of a sudden, those games have 10X the story that Bioshock has.

FFVI story was actually pretty epic at the time it came out in 1993, you have to keep in mind at that time, that RPG's were starting to really get over stateside on the consoles, especially on the snes which started to get an abundance of them, but FF VI stood out as a different sort of RPG, for lots of reasons, 16 playable characters that had pretty good fleshed out stories, a different sort of story where you get a different sort of plot change that was actually very different from many RPG's of the time, it was unheard of actually because most were simply hero saves the world blah blah.

There was plenty of sights and much to do in FFVI and even though the second half of the game was not as strong as the first, it was fleshed out enough to easily make it one of the best RPG's of 1993 and still one of the most regarded FF in the series by fans.

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Old 22-04-2008, 10:34 AM   #7
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Aha, finally, a list on TeH intahnet. We really needed that.
There is a serious lack of that kind of unbiased informative lists.

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Old 22-04-2008, 11:24 AM   #8
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I can't believe they didn't include Tetris on this list.

*walks out disgusted*
I have vestigial adventure elements
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Old 22-04-2008, 07:59 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by cazgotsaved View Post
I wish GK:SotF was abandonware...I have it downlo....uh....purchased and installed on my desktop.....

I have to disagree with your assessment of Bioshock and Fallout 2 - Bioshock is (always arguably, of course) in my top 10 all-time favorite stories. It was the gameplay that got kind of old to me - 1/2 way through the game I had more ammo than I knew what to do with, and was only searching everything so I could find all the weapon upgrades. "Would you kindly" plot twist was *amazing* IMHO - but I'm not always the sharpest tool in the shed, I have...feelings about people in games, whether they're good or bad, if they'll betray you, etc - but I honestly didn't see that one coming.

Fallout 2 had an *excellent* story, and is considered by most fans (myself included) to be the best of the 3 Fallout games (please don't get me started on Bethesda's Oblivion version of Fallout - there's a lot of residual hatred there)
Fallout 1 ended too quickly, and it seemed rushed at the end. Maybe because of the time limit, but.....? Fallout 2 seemed very good, each locale had it's own story, and what you did in one place often affected the other. I thought that yes, the main NPC's did seem a little *too* stereo-typed, but hey, not bad for 96'/'97

KOTOR wasn't the best story ever, but neither were the movies. They have a very specific evil/good black/white feel to them, and the game brought out the Star Wars universe very well, especially the first one.

FF3 (for those of us state-side) came out in ... what? 1993? For '93 that game had an *amazing* storyline, and one that wasn't seen....EVER.....for us Americans. Maybe they'd been doing this thing in Japan for years, but it was the first exposure I had to the 'massive' RPG worlds that became Final Fantasy. and what other great RPG do YOU know of that let you play 2 players???? (BTW FF7 happens to be my 2nd favorite, but we all know it went downhill after that....boohoo....)

Then KOTOR shouldn't be on the list.

BioShock's story went from mature elaborate storytelling to mere "HERE IT IS" crap in the later quarter. From a writer's standpoint, it was rushed and ugly. They must have thought that just butchering Andrew Ryan and having your character die a horrible death wouldn't be a good ending, so they added an utterly abysmal ending segment with some of the dullest and most irritating levels in the game. No way, no how.

Fallout 2 did NOT have an "excellent story", and your comment about the majority of fans finding FO2 the best is EXTREMELY incorrect, go to No Mutants Allowed and just look at all the polls asking which one was the best.

Nearly EVERY Fallout fan on NMA likes FO1 better, and that site has the oldest and largest majority of the fan base.
And NO, FO2 was terrible for 1997 in the regards of story. Keep in mind that text-based adventures had been pulling off superior stories with better characters than FO2. FO2 had too much self-referential humor, completely dropped FO1's ironic humor for a more juvenile repertoire of jokes, and felt too "green" for the post-apocalyptic setting, there were too many points in FO2 that I felt that the setting wasn't so bad after all. FO1 was a terrible terrible place that was tough violent and gritty and full of misguided ideals and scavengers. Not so in FO2.
FO2 is pretty much only saved by its gameplay and the fact that the writing wasn't bad at all, there were still as many choices (more). Hell FO2 was better conceptually, but at the end it doesn't satisfy like FO1.
Hell you even agreed on Sins of the Fathers which came out at the same time, impossible, retarded that you would say that FO2 did well for '97.

And pray tell how did Fallout look rushed near the end? In comparison to Fallout 2's shitastic ending? Oh look! You blew up the oil platform, the Enclave is dead and everyone lives happily ever after! Compare that to - You just saved the human race from a FEV mutated madman who thought that the key to human peace and unity was to round up all the humans in the world and turn them into mutants so that the issue of race and diversity would not exist - the Master did it all for what he thought was the "greater good" and when you convince him that his "superior" race was doomed because Super Mutants couldn't reproduce, he felt that since his actions were now in vain, that all the horrible things he had done were for nothing.

He feels GUILT. What did the president in FO2 feel? Nothing, all he felt was that they needed to make the world better for themselves. Typical tripe.

No way Fallout 2 is a good story. Not even the most seasoned fan would say that. I can list the ways FO2's story sucks.

1. Copied directly from FO1 with everything toned down (no time limit, Enclave has no motivation beyond "We're better! We're bad!")

2. The entire oil platform segment is rife with boring backstory that is totally unemotional and ineffective.

3. No extensive backstory on the Enclave and the president like the there was in FO1 between the Master and the mutants. IE, no connecting and relate able characters like Harold around to connect you to the villain personally.

4. You HAD to kill Frank Horrigan, you HAD to destroy the Enclave. Remembering the bad ending to FO1? The horrible guilt you felt after thinking that maybe the Master's great plan was right, only to watch yourself get dipped in an FEV vat and your entire Vault violently and brutally attacked where the Super Mutants only stopped killing to capture a few of your "prime" brethren for more mutations?

PS - For all the people telling me that FF VI or FF IV or whatever the piece of junk's name is, remember me saying that Ultima IV had a better story than all of them? That game out in 1985, the release date of the game doesn't make up for poor writing, characters, or predictable plot twists.
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Last edited by Blood-Pigggy; 22-04-2008 at 08:08 PM.
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Old 23-04-2008, 11:43 AM   #10
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^ I can't say anything about his post. ^

One of the problems I have with games, is that they don't have enough endings.
Sure some of them have multiple endings but the choices are all the same: Good Side wins or Bad Side wins. It's always better to have something in between. Take Deus Ex for example, It had 3 endings, and none of them were necessarily evil.

Last edited by Kugerfang; 23-04-2008 at 11:44 AM. Reason: Grammar mistakes.
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