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Old 22-07-2017, 09:30 PM   #207
10 GOSUB Abandonia
20 GOTO 10
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Var, Hungary
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This is semi-well designed map. You can clearly see planned passages barred etc., but there is a main concept: bunch of AK47 raiders groups. This way they are pretty dangerous head-on.
So the basic strategy is to make them (who are on the roof) waste their ammo standing out of effective range. And even without this method the mission takes like 1 hour 20 minutes, so don't try voodoo.
In the second horizontal lane the two group of AK47 (one right after the gate, one inside the building with the switch) are pretty annoying as you can not make them waste out, so just charge in (try to run in during their 2nd burst, so their AP will be low) and use Power Fist on the first 2 enemy.
There are 2 rocketeer on the map, the first one has 3 shells, the second has 2. Hit the Deck works wonders, but still.
"Disable" the minefield with the car (drive on the mines so they blow up), going back and repairing it as needed.
FEAR THE CIVILIANS on the roof. They have insane ability to cause criticals. I had 5 effects on me there, that's why my unarmed went up suddenly (I didn't even had 33% to hit unaimed without that).
When you pass the last gate, take a voodoo. That's much safer. For the first go I died here once for not drugging up. For a second time I died on this map this playthrough at the start for the annoying "you get hurt critical" bug (at times the engine just makes crippling effects on you so regular it's not funny). Fortunately it'll be pretty obvious, and you die anyway fast if you try.
Oh, and if you can't get on the roof with the chest, try the other ladder. This happened to me now first time of all my playthroughs.

Oh, and Macomb is important to take for enough afterburner gum hoarded.

In Enviromental Armor this mission is way more easy - no poison. Still, Roachor is a threat, so there take a dose of voodoo, and switch to Power Fist (switch back if it gets knocked out).
Oh, overdose-killing the outer turrets requires 3*4 Afterburner Gum - as with the latest patch these turrets like to kill people randomly, this is very much a priority. In case someone does not know this, the turrets can not be overdosed by buffout. Psycho works too, but that's a good drug. No clue on mentat.

This city is a hellhole, but actually not unpassable. But you need (at least better off) sneaking. In enviromental armor just in case. 40% sneak will do, maybe even less. Bring power fist with 150 ammo.
So, first get into the major and kill the boss, and only the boss. Deactivate the siren.
Second, get into the powerplant, switch off the lamp, wait until you see the boss walking, run in, kill her, kill the two nearest guy, kill the bottom two (you don't have to pass the sandbags for this) - use power fist to gain best exp, there will only be 1 causality (2 at worst). Disable the remote detonator traps - that worth an extra 200 quest exp.
Third kill all beastmen around the townhall.
Fourth storm the brothel. For this take 2 Afterburner Gum, and sneak to the left side's door, get to the crouching enemy, than finish the two melee ones, than the shooter inside, than the shooter outside. Preferably use power fist. If you're lucky 5 of 7 sexworkers will still be alive when all the beastmen inside die and you gain 400 exp. If you don't succeed here (I tried to kill the patrol outside, got noticed and had everyone killed), you still get 200 quest exp for the liberation.
Fifth sneak in the townhall, sneak-crawl to the alarm and break it. Keep crawling to the backroom, start the killing there with the nearer sleeper on the left. When finished pop a psycho and from the left side run in a moment than run out, so the deathclaw chase you. Use power fist on it.
Get to the prison. Climbing the ladder in sneak mode helps. You don't really have to mind the people on the ground floor, so just run up, start with the boss, than the two behind the sandbags (if they keep laying passive move further - rare situation), than the towers. Kill everything on the ground floor, use power fist on baby deathclaws.
Get to the lane of houses just above the ghoul town, the house you can see through the deatclaw standing there. Deal with the 3 beastlord and the claw. This is actually optional.
Now run towards ghoul city. Do NOT talk with Elliot, instead run to the farm's fence. Kill the dogs. Don't mind the beastmen (unless nothing happens otherwise, but in that case prepare to RUN), get along the fence on your side in front of the farm's main door. The pack of deathclaws are coming. They'll notice you and stuck behind the fence's other side. Use power fist on them, run back a few steps when you need healing. Too bad deathclaws have range of a spear naturally, so again melee weapons don't worth it. As they're behind a fence, grenades likely don't work here either. Prepare for broken limbs.
If you want, you can get back to where the major is/was kept hostage, go down the stairs and kill what's inside at the cost of more use of power fist on baby deathclaws.
Second optional area is the temple. You either try to hit the two deathclaws through the window, or run away luring them to the door of the prison compound where only 1 can face you at a time. Hope you brought super stimpacks (put yourself passive if you get seriously hurt to accumlate AP).
Lastly I strongly advise against trying your luck against the two sneaking deathclaws and their beastlord master. That just smell unnecessary trouble.

The trick for the start is to not move. The enemy will come to you, what means lesser number, what means a chance to survive. Darn the caws-guy and the two grenadiers if you head-on!
Also, the baby deathclaw on the surface will NOT become friendly, so you might as well try to kill it. Beware, his group (it comes with a beastlord and a cockroach) is VERY dangerous.
There's a babyD also in the dungeon which you'll likely kill because it is near an netrance, and would not have much of a chance anyway. But do not mess with the two in the pit.
Use power fist against Darr, the beastman at the babyD's cell-switch, and maybe the baby deathclaws, but try to restrain yourself otherwise. Better die here than for the lack of ammo later.
Also, just because this playthrough is semi-solo (my team did not made a single shot yet) doesn't mean I have to do all by myself. So I let out the Mother, and take advantage of her cubs against Darr's room. My luck:

So I survived as you can see here (oh yeah, you find the Razor Claw in this one):

The bane of this character here were mostly enemy in pits. The total annoyance is trying to dispose the one in the sniper nest at the end - can only succeed if that one misses once (not much of a threat, just annoying).
The buggy could give some ideas, but better not use it. Instead after gaining it puff a voodoo or two, and storm the raiders/enforcers/kkk-members there. DO NOT LOOT THE BODIES! If you do you'll run out of the doses of these voodoo(s) when reacing the house with the sniper nest. Actually you could manouvere enough even to the 3rd gate with enough patience, but this way you can prevent some potential disasters - for some reason the program liked to make me unconscious here, and I had enough.
If you did not take any voodoo pop 2 at the last gate (which leads to the radioactive goo area with plenty of AK47 raiders). If you did swallow some, pop 1 more (3 being ideal). Go in through the metal gate here, avoid the hole in the fence on the far side - it is too far away, and mined with efficiency.
If you run out of time of the drugs like I did no fuss - pop a psycho to replace your resistances. At the town hall kill 1-2 AK47 (and maybe there is a melee, kill it so he won't bother you) while passing towards the boss who hits still very hard, than finish the fight (concentrate on the AK47 leftover if some is shooting at you, otherwise choose whoever is visible).

Next time: supermutants.
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy
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