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Old 15-02-2005, 07:39 AM   #8

Something that jumped off my mood...

He was on his way. There were only about 3 days left until he would reach his destination. The stars were shining beautifully around him, but he didn't notice them. His thoughts were circling around the grey-yellow shining planet, that grew larger with every day passing. He didn't notice the black mark on the right side of the ship that came closer...
He awoke suddenly. He didn't understand what awakened him, but he felt some unrest. Upon investigating the illuminators, he noticed the sun, shining calm and beautiful in this distance. Then there came the shock: the lower-right illuminator wasn't visible! Upon investigating, he understood what was the cause, and he stopped breathing. Then there came the violent hit.
...He finally reached his destination. But not as he intended to. His ship started to circle around the planet. And his fuel capabilities were emptied already. Slowly there came the painful realization. His fate from now on was to circle forever as an artificial moon around his so long awaited destination.
All the time alone, awaiting his not anymore that far away death. Bathing in the yellow rays of Saturn...
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