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Old 12-10-2015, 06:49 AM   #150
Abandonia nerd

Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Los Angeles, United States
Posts: 81

Cluster: 1151

_NODE 17.
_NODE n11510.
A messenger reports on a disturbing incident.

{Majesty, soldiers wearing the emblem of the Duke of Compagne have
been marching through the townships of this province at all hours
of the night. They have attacked no one, except for trouble in one
town that refused to provide them with provisions, but this action is
clearly a challenge to your authority.}

Do you:
[a] declare a curfew and arrest any violators.
[b] send a message to the Duke protesting this incident.
[c] ignore this silly incident.
{An excellent idea, Majesty.}
{Perhaps this time he'll listen to reason.}
{Very good.}
_NODE 18.
_NODE n11515.
A messenger reports.

{Majesty, the army of the Duke of Compagne is on the move. It has
been moving from place to place, trying to draw our forces. It is
odd that the Duke has not attacked any of our strongpoints. Perhaps
he is a coward.}

Do you:
[a] attempt to draw the army into a trap.
[b] continue to watch and wait.
{An excellent idea, Majesty.}
{Perhaps this time he'll listen to reason.}

Cluster: 1152

_NODE 19.
_NODE n11520.
A messenger arrives from the Duke of Compagne.

{Majesty, the Duke wishes proof of your good intentions. He wishes
you to promise to remove all of your armies from Compagne after you
have been crowned King, and to annex Nevers into the Duke's desmesne.

Do you:
[a] agree.
[b] refuse.
{Wonderful. I shall inform him at once.}
{Perhaps this time he shall listen to reason,}
you mutter to yourself.
_NODE 20.
_NODE n11525.
One of your commanders returns with good news!

{Majesty, we have defeated the Duke of Compagne near the
town of Chapeaux. He has surrendered unconditionally,
paid a ransom of 5,000 marks, and signed an oath of
loyalty to you.}
{Majesty, we have been defeated by the army of the Duke
of Compagne near Chapeaux. He says he is willing to settle
your differences if you promise to give him autonomy and
allow him to annex Nevers when you are King.}

Do you:
[a] regroup and stage a counterattack.
[b] agree to his terms.
{As you command.}
{Very good, your Majesty.}

Cluster: 1153

_NODE 21.
_NODE n11530.
One of your commanders returns with good news!

{Majesty, we have defeated the Duke of Compagne near the
town of Chapeaux. He has surrendered unconditionally,
paid a ransom of 5,000 marks, and signed an oath of
loyalty to you.}
{Majesty, we have been defeated by the army of the Duke
of Compagne near Chapeaux. He says he is willing to settle
your differences if you promise to give him autonomy and
allow him to annex Nevers when you are King.}

Do you:
[a] regroup and stage a counterattack.
[b] agree to his terms.
{As you command.}
{Very good, your Majesty.}
_NODE 22.
_NODE n11535.
A messenger reports.

{Majesty, the Duke of Compagne has discovered that one of his advisors
has been spreading lies about you. He has made claims of your savagery
and brutality. Apparently, this advisor was spying for one of the
other claimants to the throne, he does not know which one.

{The Duke feels he has been led into some unnecessary conflicts with
you. To make amends, he is offering you 3,000 marks.}

Cluster: 1154

_NODE 23.
_NODE n11540.
A messenger reports.

{Majesty, the Duke of Compagne's messengers are being killed by
bandits. He is not certain whether these bandits are in your
service; he would like you to send some of your infantry to destroy
them and prove your good faith.}

Do you:
[a] point out that you have also lost messengers to these bandits.
[b] offer a unit of infantry.
[c] offer two units of infantry.
{You have a point. But sacrificing your men to help the
Duke is the neighbourly thing to do.}
{You do not have the men to send.}
{Thank you, Majesty.}
A messenger returns from the battle against the

{Good news, Majesty! We have won! The bandits are
no more. Furthermore, I believe our actions may
have convinced the Duke of Compagne of our good will.}
{You do not have the men to send.}
{Thank you, Majesty.}
A messenger returns from the battle against the

{Good news, Majesty! We have won! The bandits are
no more. Furthermore, I believe our actions may
have convinced the Duke of Compagne of our good will.}
_NODE 24.
_NODE n11545.
Whispers in the dark...

{Majesty, Baron Longchamps, who has long been an enemy of the
Duke of Compagne, has reacted to the Duke's last act by taking one
of the Duke's retainers hostage, and holding him for ransom.}

Do you:
[a] order Longchamps to release his hostage.
[b] ask for 3,000 marks (3 Gold) in ransom.
{He shall be informed.}
The ransom is paid, but not happily.

Cluster: 1155

_NODE 25.
_NODE n11550.
{Majesty, the army of the Duke of Compagne continues to violate your
curfew order. No one is powerful enough to arrest them. They do
very little damage, but they continue to defy you.}

Do you:
[a] order your army to arrest them.
[b] send a message to the Duke protesting this incident.
[c] ignore this silly incident.
{This will be a challenge, my liege.}
{Perhaps this time he'll listen to reason.}
{Very good.}
_NODE 26.
_NODE n11555.
A messenger comes from the Duke of Compagne.

{The Duke felt that his troops needed exercise, and that the townships
of this region needed to be guarded at night. They didn't threaten
you, or cause problems for you. Why should you object?}

Do you:
[a] request that they stop marching.
[b] request that they stop marching through towns at night.
[c] inform him that the next time they march, they will have to deal
with your army.
{I suppose they've had enough training for now.}
{I suppose they've had enough training for now.}
{Thank you for the offer of assisting in their training.}

Cluster: 1156

_NODE 27.
_NODE n11560.
{Majesty, the army of the Duke of Compagne continues to march through
your townships at night. They do very little damage, but they
continue to defy you.}

Do you:
[a] order your army to arrest them.
[b] send a message to the Duke protesting this incident.
[c] ignore this silly incident.
{This will be a challenge, my liege.}
{Perhaps this time he'll listen to reason.}
{Very good.}
_NODE 28.
_NODE n11565.
One of your commanders returns with good news!

{Majesty, we have defeated the Duke of Compagne near the
town of Chapeaux. His army was excellent at fighting from a
defensive position, but lacked the courage to initiate an assault.
The Duke was captured, paid a ransom of 5,000 marks, and has signed
an oath of loyalty to you.}

Cluster: 1157

_NODE 29.
_NODE n11570.
A messenger reports.

{Majesty, the army of the Duke of Compagne continues to move without
attacking us. I do not understand his strategem. What are your orders?}

[a] attempt to draw the army into a trap.
[b] continue to watch and wait.
[c] attack the Duke's army at the first opportunity.
{An excellent idea, Majesty.}
{Perhaps this time he'll listen to reason.}
{As you command, Majesty.}
_NODE 30.
_NODE n11575.
A messenger comes riding from Nevers.

{Your lordship, we have heard that you intend to annex Nevers to
Compagne. This will not be tolerated!}

Do you:
[a] deny the rumor.
[b] inform the messenger that he will enjoy being part of Compagne.
{It had better not be true!}
{You shall not enjoy the effort!}

Cluster: 1158

_NODE 31.
_NODE n11580.
One of your commanders returns with good news!

{Majesty, we have finally defeated the forces of the Duke
of Compagne. He has surrendered unconditionally,
paid a ransom of 5,000 marks, and signed an oath of
loyalty to you.}
{Majesty, we have been defeated by the army of the Duke
of Compagne. He says he is still willing to settle
your differences if you allow him to annex Nevers when you
are King.}

Do you:
[a] regroup and stage a counterattack.
[b] agree to his terms.
{As you command.}
{Very good, your Majesty.}
_NODE 32.
_NODE n11585.
A messenger comes riding from Compagne.

{Your lordship, the Duke is weary of these games. He is willing
to trade his brother, Stephen, to you for one of your nephews. An
exchange of hostages would be a measure of good faith.}

Do you:
[a] agree to exchange hostages.
[b] marry your niece to his brother instead.
[c] try to coexist without hostages or marriages.
{That is good.}

Although the Duke is frequently irritating, you manage to
keep out of each other's way.
{An even better idea!}

Although the Duke is frequently irritating, you manage to
keep out of each other's way. The dowry of 3,000 marks is
particularly satisfying.
Although the Duke is frequently irritating, you manage to
keep out of each other's way.

Cluster: 1159

_NODE 33.
_NODE n11590.
Battle breaks out between your forces and the soldiers of the Duke
of Compagne.

One of your commanders returns with good news!

{Majesty, we have finally defeated the forces of the Duke
of Compagne. He has surrendered unconditionally,
paid a ransom of 5,000 marks, and signed an oath of
loyalty to you.}
{Majesty, we have been defeated by the army of the Duke
of Compagne. He says he is willing to settle your differences
if you allow him to annex Nevers when you become King.}

Do you:
[a] regroup and stage a counterattack.
[b] agree to his terms.
{As you command.}
{Very good, your Majesty.}

Cluster: 1160

_NODE 1.
_NODE 11600.
One of your councillors offers advice.

{Majesty, there is a civil war in Castile. We may take advantage of
this by trading with one of three factions.

{First, there is the del Rivera. They are the richest of the factions,
but are easily offended. They have good horsemen, but are short of
foot soldiers.

{Then, there is the de Vegas. They live in a mountainous region, and
use the tactics of brigands against their enemies.

{The third faction is the Medinas. They are the most numerous, but
their troops are not well-trained.}

Do you:
[a] deal with the del Rivera.
[b] deal with the de Vegas.
[c] deal with the Medinas.
{Very good, my liege.}
{Very good, my liege.}
{Very good, my liege.}
_NODE 2.
_NODE 11602.
A messenger comes from the nearby province of Castile.

{Majesty, I am Roberto del Rivera, a member of one of the most
respected families in Castile, and its rightful king. We need
help in reclaiming our throne.

{We need troops badly. We are willing to pay 3,000 marks for one of
your infantry units.}

Do you:
[a] accept his offer (3 Gold).
[b] haggle.
[c] reject his offer.
{Liar! You do not have any infantry! How dare you
insult the honor of a del Rivera! I challenge you
to a duel, sirrah!}

Do you:
[a] accept the challenge.
[b] reject the challenge.
{I am the greatest swordsman in Castile! You
shall die on my blade.}
{Excellent! It was a pleasure doing business with
{Liar! You do not have any infantry! How dare you
insult the honor of a del Rivera! I challenge you
to a duel, sirrah!}

Do you:
[a] accept the challenge.
[b] reject the challenge.
{I am the greatest swordsman in Castile! You
shall die on my blade.}
You ask for:
[a] 4,000 marks (4 Gold).
[b] 5,000 marks (5 Gold).
[c] 3,000 marks and 2 units of Food, Timber, and Iron.
{We accept your offer.}
{Your greed is appalling! Good day!}
{We accept your offer.}
{Your greed is appalling! Good day!}
{We accept your offer.}
{Your greed is appalling! Good day!}
{Well! I guess the stories they say about you are true!}
_NODE 3.
_NODE 11605.
Your faithful aide, Sir Graham De La Montagne, comes to you.

{Majesty, I understand it is not long before your duel with Roberto
Del Rivera takes place. That swine has no right to challenge a king.
Honor me, Majesty, by naming me as your champion and allowing me to
defend your honor.}

Graham is a stout knight, but there are better ones in your service...

Do you
[a] fight the duel yourself.
[b] name Sir Graham as your champion.
[c] find a better knight than Sir Graham, and name him your champion.
{I understand, Majesty.}
{Thank you, Majesty!}
{Of course. I understand perfectly.}

Cluster: 1161

_NODE 4.
_NODE 11610.
A messenger comes from the nearby province of Castile.

{Majesty, I am Simon de Vegas, a member of one of the most
respected members of the oldest family in Castile, and its rightful
king. We need help in reclaiming the throne that is rightfully ours.

{Our archers have taken heavy losses of late. We are willing to pay
2,000 marks for one of your archer units.}

Do you:
[a] accept his offer (2 Gold).
[b] haggle.
[c] reject his offer.
{How interesting. Your seneschal has just told me
that you have no archers. I do not appreciate
thieves. I demand an apology!}

Do you:
[a] apologize.
[b] refuse to apologize.
{It is accepted. May our future dealings be
more honorable.}
{Then you are a swine, and I shall not dirty
myself by staying in your presence.}
{Excellent! It was a pleasure doing business with
{How interesting. Your seneschal has just told me
that you have no archers. I do not appreciate
thieves. I demand an apology!}

Do you:
[a] apologize.
[b] refuse to apologize.
{It is accepted. May our future dealings be
more honorable.}
{Then you are a swine, and I shall not dirty
myself by staying in your presence.}
You ask for:
[a] 3,000 marks (3 Gold).
[b] 4,000 marks (4 Gold).
[c] 2,000 marks and 2 units of Food, Timber, and Iron.
{We accept your offer.}
{Your greed is appalling! This is an
{We accept your offer.}
{Your greed is appalling! This is an
{We accept your offer.}
{Your greed is appalling! Good day!}
{Well! I don't know how anyone can stand you.}
_NODE 5.
_NODE 11615.
Roberto del Rivera returns.

{Majesty, things are desperate. As you may have heard, the Moors
have turned against us, and are attacking us. We need more infantry to
defend against their cavalry. We are willing to pay 2,000 marks for
one of your infantry units.}

Do you:
[a] accept his offer (2 Gold).
[b] haggle.
[c] reject his offer.
{Liar! You do not have any infantry! How dare you
insult the honor of a del Rivera! I challenge you
to a duel, sirrah!}

Do you:
[a] accept the challenge.
[b] reject the challenge.
{I am the greatest swordsman in Castile! You
shall die on my blade.}
{Excellent! It was a pleasure doing business with
{Liar! You do not have any infantry! How dare you
insult the honor of a del Rivera! I challenge you
to a duel, sirrah!}

Do you:
[a] accept the challenge.
[b] reject the challenge.
{I am the greatest swordsman in Castile! You
shall die on my blade.}
You ask for:
[a] 3,000 marks (3 Gold).
[b] 4,000 marks (4 Gold).
[c] 5,000 marks and 2 units of Food, Timber, and Iron.
{Haggling is out of the question. Farewell.}
{Haggling is out of the question. Farewell.}
{Haggling is out of the question. Farewell.}
{Well! I guess the stories they say about you are true!}

Cluster: 1162

_NODE 6.
_NODE 11620.
The day of your duel against Roberto del Rivera has come.
You are beaten. He demands satisfaction, or death.

Do you:
[a] offer him 2,000 marks.
[b] offer an apology.
[c] tell him to finish the duel.
{You do not have the money! Liar!}

He raises his sword...

Do you:
[a] beg for your life.
[b] offer an apology.
[c] tell him to finish the duel.
{Pitiful wretch! You think you would be a
king? Get out of my sight!}
{People have better manners when a sword is
at their throat. Your apology is accepted.}
{Your pride is greater than your intelligence.
Begone, and be glad to be alive!}
{Bah! If we did not need the money, I'd slice you in
{People have better manners when a sword is
at their throat. Your apology is accepted.}
{Your pride is greater than your intelligence.
Begone, and be glad to be alive!}
_NODE 7.
_NODE 11625.
The day of your duel against Roberto del Rivera has come. Your
champion steps forward.
He defeats del Rivera. Your champion looks at you to see if you
wish to finish him.

Do you order him to:
[a] kill Roberto del Rivera.
[b] spare his life.
Roberto is slain. The knights of Castile are aghast, and
then turn away from you.
You have shamed del Rivera. He picks himself off the ground,
says nothing, and walks away.

Cluster: 1163

_NODE 8.
_NODE 11630.
A messenger comes from the nearby province of Castile.

{Majesty, I am Ramon Medina, a member of one of the most
respected members of the oldest family in Castile, and its rightful
king. We need help in reclaiming the throne that is rightfully ours.

{We need troops badly. We are willing to pay 3,000 marks for one of
your cavalry units.}

Do you:
[a] accept his offer (3 Gold).
[b] haggle.
[c] reject his offer.
{Your seneschal has just told me that you do not
have cavalry. What kind of a king has no cavalry?}

Do you:
[a] tell him you don't need cavalry.
[b] tell him that you aren't the only person in the
room who needs cavalry.
He frowns, and leaves.
He laughs, and leaves.
{Excellent! It was a pleasure doing business with
{Your seneschal has just told me that you do not
have cavalry. What kind of a king has no cavalry?}

Do you:
[a] tell him you don't need cavalry.
[b] tell him that you aren't the only person in the
room who needs cavalry.
He frowns, and leaves.
He laughs, and leaves.
You ask for:
[a] 4,000 marks (4 Gold).
[b] 5,000 marks (5 Gold).
[c] 3,000 marks and 2 units of Food, Timber, and Iron.
{We accept your offer.}
{Your greed is appalling! This is an
{We accept your offer.}
{Your greed is appalling! This is an
{We accept your offer.}
{Your greed is appalling! Good day!}
{Well! I don't know how anyone can stand you.}
_NODE 9.
_NODE 11635.
Simon de Vegas returns from Castile.

{Majesty, we have been traitorously attacked by the Medinas,
after we thought we had a truce with them. Our archers have been
decimated. We will pay 1,000 marks for a unit of archers.}

Do you:
[a] accept his offer (1 Gold).
[b] haggle.
[c] reject his offer.
{How interesting. Your seneschal has just told me
that you have no archers. I do not appreciate
thieves. I demand an apology!}

Do you:
[a] apologize.
[b] refuse to apologize.
{It is accepted. May our future dealings be
more honorable.}
{Then you are a swine, and I shall not dirty
myself by staying in your presence.}
{Excellent! It was a pleasure doing business with
{How interesting. Your seneschal has just told me
that you have no archers. I do not appreciate
thieves. I demand an apology!}

Do you:
[a] apologize.
[b] refuse to apologize.
{It is accepted. May our future dealings be
more honorable.}
{Then you are a swine, and I shall not dirty
myself by staying in your presence.}
You ask for:
[a] 2,000 marks (2 Gold).
[b] 3,000 marks (3 Gold).
[c] 1,000 marks and 2 units of Food, Timber, and Iron.
{We cannot afford to haggle at the moment.}
{We cannot afford to haggle at the moment.}
{We cannot afford to haggle at the moment.}
{Well! I don't know how anyone can stand you.}

Cluster: 1164

_NODE 10.
_NODE 11640.
A messenger brings bad news.

{Majesty, exiles from the Castile civil war have crossed into
Bayonne. Many have lost their homes. Many are orphans whose parents
have been slaughtered because they might not belong to the proper
faction. It is a most pitiful sight.

{The people of Bayonne are fearful that they will lose their
jobs and homes to these displaced Castilians, and some agitators
are urging the destruction of the Castilians' settlements, which
are the most pitiful hovels in Christendom.}

Do you:
[a] send your army into Castile to create a peaceful area for the
exiles to live.
[b] send a unit of infantry to improve their shelters and guard them.
[c] make a statement urging the people not to harm the exiles.
{Very good, Majesty.}
{Majesty, we have no infantry, remember?}

The only thing you can do is to urge people not to
harm the exiles.
{Very good, Majesty.}
{Very good, Majesty.}
_NODE 11.
_NODE 11645.
A messenger brings news from Castile.

{Majesty, the Medina faction has defeated the Del Riveras. They have
crossed into Bayonne to pursue the remaining Del Riveras, and their
possible allies.}

Bayonne, of course, is rightfully your province...

Do you:
[a] send an ultimatum to the Medinas to retreat immediately.
[b] order your army to attack them immediately.
[c] wait to see if they retreat.
{Very good, Majesty.}
{Very good, Majesty.}
{Very good, Majesty.}

Cluster: 1165

_NODE 12.
_NODE 11650.
A messenger brings news.

{Majesty, we are having problems with people agitating for our
involvement in the Castilian Civil War. I fear people may soon take
rash action that may get us involved in a war we do not need.}

Do you:
[a] send an infantry unit to your border to prevent people from
[b] order your people not to become involved.
[c] allow them to do as they want.
{We do not have the infantry, Majesty. I will send
local militia.}
{Very good, Majesty.}
{Very good, Majesty.}
{Very good, Majesty.}
_NODE 13.
_NODE 11655.
Ramon Medina returns from Castile.

{Our fortunes are improving, and we hope to slaughter all of our
enemies like pigs in the next campaign. We are short of cavalry, and
are willing to pay 1,000 marks for one of your cavalry units.}

Do you:
[a] accept his offer (1 Gold).
[b] haggle.
[c] reject his offer.
{Your seneschal has just told me that you do not
have cavalry. What kind of a king has no cavalry?}

Do you:
[a] tell him you don't need cavalry.
[b] tell him that you aren't the only person in the
room who needs cavalry.
He frowns, and leaves.
He laughs, and leaves.
{Excellent! It was a pleasure doing business with
{Your seneschal has just told me that you do not
have cavalry. What kind of a king has no cavalry?}

Do you:
[a] tell him you don't need cavalry.
[b] tell him that you aren't the only person in the
room who needs cavalry.
He frowns, and leaves.
He laughs, and leaves.
You ask for:
[a] 2,000 marks (2 Gold).
[b] 3,000 marks (3 Gold).
[c] 1,000 marks and 1 unit of Food, Timber, and Iron.
{We accept your offer.}
{Your greed is appalling! This is an
{We accept your offer.}
{Your greed is appalling! This is an
{We accept your offer.}
{Your greed is appalling! Good day!}
{Well! I don't know how anyone can stand you.}

Cluster: 1166

_NODE 14.
_NODE 11660.
Simon de Vegas returns from Castile.

{Majesty, we continue to suffer from the treachery of the Medinas.
We need more archers; unfortunately, we cannot pay for them at this
time. If you would be so kind as to help an old friend in his hour of
need, we would be grateful.}

Do you:
[a] give him a unit of archers.
[b] haggle.
[c] reject his offer.
{But you have no archers! We are doomed!}
{Excellent! It was a pleasure doing business with
{But you have no archers! We are doomed!}
You ask for:
[a] 1,000 marks (1 Gold).
[b] 2,000 marks (2 Gold).
[c] 1 unit of Food, Timber, and Iron.
{We cannot afford to haggle at the moment.}
{We cannot afford to haggle at the moment.}
{We have a surplus of iron. Would you accept
2,000 tonnes (2 Units) of iron as payment?}

[a] yes.
[b] no.
{Thank you!}
{I see.}
{Well! I don't know how anyone can stand you.}
_NODE 15.
_NODE 11665.
You receive a message from Castile.

{Majesty, our attempt to stabilize Castile for the exiles has not
been successful. The army has suffered many casualties from ambushes.
As noble as our goals may have been, it does not appear that we can
pacify Castile.}

Do you:
[a] abandon Castile.
[b] continue to try to pacify Castile.
{This is a sad day, Majesty.}
{As you command, my liege.}

Cluster: 1167

_NODE 16.
_NODE 11670.
You receive a message from the hovels of the exiled Castilians.

{Majesty, we have grave problems. More exiles are coming to our
makeshift village. All are hungry, even the children. Disease is
commonplace, and the locals treat them as if they have the plague.
We simply do not have the capacity to help all of them.}

Do you:
[a] send grain and timber to the camps to help them.
[b] abandon them.
_NODE 16a.
_NODE 11671.
You send...

[a] one unit of Timber and one unit of Grain.
[b] two units of Timber and two units of Grain.
[c] three units of Timber and three units of Grain.
{You are unable to help them.}
{They will be grateful.}
{You are unable to help them.}
{They will be grateful.}
{You are unable to help them.}
{They will be grateful.}
_NODE 16b.
_NODE 11672.
{This is a grave tragedy, Majesty.}
_NODE 17.
_NODE 11675.
A message comes from the hovels of the exiles from Castile.

{Majesty, I am happy to report that the people seem to be
respecting your wishes. However, more exiles from Castile
are flocking to our encampment, and it is very difficult
to feed and shelter them.}
{Majesty, the people are ignoring your wishes and are
attacking the Castilian exiles. They need protection.}

Do you:
[a] send a unit of infantry to protect them.
[b] let them take care of themselves.
{We do not have the infantry. I'll send
local militia instead.}
{Very good, Majesty.}
{Of course. Compassion is for the weak.}

Cluster: 1168

_NODE 18.
_NODE 11680.
A representative from the Medina family responds to your ultimatum.

{It was never our intention to violate your sovereignty, and we have
no intention of staying in your lands. However, we will not withdraw
while under the threat of an ultimatum. If you wish us to leave,
withdraw your ultimatum!}

Do you:
[a] withdraw your ultimatum.
[b] refuse to withdraw your ultimatum.
[c] withdraw it if they issue an apology.
{Then there shall be peace between us!}

The Medina soon withdraw.
{Then there shall be war between us!}
{Apologize? For a minor intrusion into your territory? Well,
very well. I regret this extremely minor and inconsequential

The Medina soon withdraw.
_NODE 19.
_NODE 11685.
You receive word of the situation in the regions bordering Castile.

{Majesty, our attack caught the army of Count Medina by complete
surprise. He has withdrawn from our lands.}
_NODE 19a.
_NODE 11686.
Your scouts report on the movement of the armies of Medina.

{Majesty, the army of Count Medina is regrouping. I believe he
intends to attack us.}

Do you:
[a] try to negotiate.
[b] prepare for his attack.
The head of your messenger is returned. His body has been misplaced.
{They shall learn the difference between rabble and real
soldiers, my liege.}

Cluster: 1169

_NODE 20.
_NODE 11690.
You receive word of the situation in the regions bordering Castile.

{Majesty, the army of Count Medina has withdrawn from our lands. They
sent no message, but seem to be staying on their side of our border.}
_NODE 21.
_NODE 11695.
You receive word of the situation in the regions bordering Castile.

{Majesty, there are clashes between Castilian sympathizers and
our infantry along the border. Our soldiers have been able to contain
them, but it might be prudent to send another unit of infantry to the

Do you:
[a] send another unit of infantry.
[b] send a message proclaiming that any further violence will not go
[c] wait to see if anything new develops.
{Majesty, we do not have any infantry to send.}
{Excellent, my liege.}
{A message will be sent. I'm certain they'll respond.}
{A prudent choice, my liege.}

Cluster: 1170

_NODE 22.
_NODE 11700.
You receive word of the situation in the regions bordering Castile.

{Majesty, some of our people have attacked the army of Castile, and
now the forces of Castile are attacking them back. Our southwestern
villages may be massacred. Something must be done!}

Do you:
[a] send a unit of Infantry to help them out.
[b] send a message to the Castilians ordering them to desist.
[c] wait to see if anything new develops.
{Majesty, we do not have any infantry to send.}
{Excellent, my liege.}
{A message will be sent. I'm certain they'll respond.}
{A prudent choice, my liege.}
_NODE 23.
_NODE 11705.
Ramon Medina returns from Castile.

{Majesty, we have met a temporary setback. Might we borrow two
units of cavalry (Knights) and pay for them later? We would be most

Do you:
[a] agree to give him the two units.
[b] agree to give him a single unit.
[c] reject his offer.
{Your seneschal has just told me that you do not
have cavalry. What kind of a king has no cavalry?}
{Excellent! It was a pleasure doing business with
{Your seneschal has just told me that you do not
have cavalry. What kind of a king has no cavalry?}
{I suppose that we can make do with this.}
{Well! I don't know how anyone can stand you.}

Cluster: 1171

_NODE 24.
_NODE 11710.
A messenger brings news from Castile.

{Majesty, the Medina faction has defeated the De Vegas. They have
crossed into Bayonne to pursue the remaining De Vegas, and their
possible allies.}

Bayonne, of course, is rightfully your province...

Do you:
[a] send an ultimatum to the Medinas to retreat immediately.
[b] order your army to attack them immediately.
[c] wait to see if they retreat.
{Very good, Majesty.}
{Very good, Majesty.}
{Very good, Majesty.}
_NODE 25.
_NODE 11715.
Simon de Vegas returns from Castile.

{Majesty, we have... unfortunately... been... well... uh...}

A messenger informs you that the Medinas annihilated the de Vegas. De
Vegas' face turns a bright red.

{We have been friends for many months. How about giving me sanctuary
and a small pension in your court?}

Do you:
[a] imprison him for fraud.
[b] send him to a monastery.
[c] ransom him to the Medinas.
You never see him again, and do your best not to deal with
the problems of Castile for a long time, for soon a new
problem will come to your attention...
You never see him again, and do your best not to deal with
the problems of Castile for a long time, for soon a new
problem will come to your attention...

The Medinas give you a mere 1,000 marks for him, and hang
him in a public ceremony. You decide to stay out of this
civil war, and concentrate on your own.

Cluster: 1172

_NODE 26.
_NODE 11720.
A messenger returns from Castile.

{Majesty, there has been a massacre. Despite our best efforts, the
exiles from Castile who returned to their homeland were attacked
and murdered by soldiers -- or bandits -- at this point in the war there is
little difference. I don't understand the point of it, my
liege. They threatened no one. They harmed no one. Their only wish was
to live in peace, and they were slaughtered for no reason. Why?}

Disgusted, you turn away from the affairs of Castile, and hope
to find a way to get a good night's sleep.
_NODE 27.
_NODE 11725.
A messenger returns from Castile.

{Majesty, our soldiers have engaged some of the rabble that have
been terrorizing Castile. I believe that we have persuaded them
"to attack elsewhere, but I doubt that we can pacify it for long. "
Our troops are needed elsewhere.}

You turn away from the affairs of Castile, saying a prayer for those
unfortunate enough to be left behind.

Cluster: 1173

_NODE 28.
_NODE 11730.
A messenger returns from the homes of the Castilian exiles.

{Majesty, I regret to say that the settlement of the exiles has
been destroyed. Our own people, out of fear and suspicion, rose
up and destroyed them. The Church is greatly upset, and the Pope
will soon hold a Mass for the victims of this tragedy.}

You say a silent prayer for the dead, and then turn to other
_NODE 29.
_NODE 11735.
A messenger returns from the homes of the Castilian exiles.

{There is hope in Castile, Majesty. The latest truce has lasted
several weeks longer than anyone expected, and the combatants are
meeting to try to put an end to the civil war. Many of the exiles
are bravely returning to their own land.}

You say a silent prayer for peace, and then move on to other

Cluster: 1174

_NODE 30.
_NODE 11740.
A messenger returns from Castile, speaking of battle.

{Majesty, we easily bested the army of Medina. They have agreed to
stay away from our lands, if we keep away from Castile.}

You turn away from the affairs of Castile, hoping that your
fate does not entangle you with them again.
_NODE 31.
_NODE 11745.
A messenger from Castile brings terrible news.

{Majesty, an army from Castile has massacred our villiages. Our
people -- some of our people -- were aiding their enemies, but this...}

Do you:
[a] send your army to attack them.
[b] send a messenger to the Pope complaining of this mistreatment.
[c] stay as far away from Castile as you can get.
{As you wish.}
{A wise decision, my liege.}
You receive word of a recent Papal decision.

{Majesty, the Pope has excommunicated the heads of all of
the warring Castilian factions. It would seem that this
war has troubled his Holiness for some time, and the
massacre of our people was the last straw.}

You realize there is little you can do about Castile now,
and decide to wait until the Bretagnese civil war is over
before turning your attention back to that nest of vipers.
A sigh of relief is present on everyone's face. Castile
is a quagmire of endless suffering and death. You have done
well to stay away from it.

Cluster: 1175

_NODE 32.
_NODE 11750.
A messenger returns from Castile, speaking of battle.

{Majesty, we easily bested the Castilians. They have agreed to
stay away from our lands, if we keep away from Castile. We have
agreed to hang anyone who involves himself in the civil war without
our approval. I trust your Majesty has no objections to this promise?}

You turn away from the affairs of Castile, hoping that your
fate does not entangle you with them again.
_NODE 33.
_NODE 11755.
A messenger returns from Castile, after brutal negotiations.

{Majesty, we have reached an agreement. They have agreed to
stay away from our lands, if we keep away from Castile. We have
agreed to hang anyone who involves himself in the civil war without
our approval. I trust your Majesty has no objections to this promise?}

You turn away from the affairs of Castile, hoping that your
fate does not entangle you with them again.

Cluster: 1176

_NODE 33.
_NODE 11760.
News reaches your ear...

{Majesty, Phillipe and Ramon Medina were murdered last week. The
alliance of the various branches of the Medina family has collapsed,
and any hope of peace has faded. If anything, the civil war will now
be more brutal and bloody.}

You turn away from the affairs of Castile, hoping that your
fate does not entangle you with them again.

Cluster: 1177

_NODE 1.
_NODE 11770.
Word is brought to you from Besancon.

{Majesty, one of the monks at the Abbey of St. Lawrence has found
records of the tomb of the great hero of the Franks, the perfect
paladin, Roland. It said that magical treasures beyond the ken of
mortal men are buried there. Perhaps we should pursue this.}

Do you:
[a] ask the monk to investigate.
[b] keep watching the area.
[c] ignore it.
{It shall be done.}
{A spy shall be sent.}
{Of course.}
_NODE 2.
_NODE 11775.
The bishop allows the monk to visit you.

{Majesty, the legend of the tomb is only a curiosity. I have a rough
idea where he was buried, but no specifics. It might take years to
actually find it.}

Do you:
[a] ask the monk to keep investigating.
[b] ignore the legend.
{I shall gladly do it. It gives me an excuse to not waste
my time pressing grapes.}
{As you wish.}

Cluster: 1178

_NODE 3.
_NODE 11780.
Your spy returns from Besancon.

{Majesty, there are no popular legends about the tomb. There is no
information on where it might be found, except from the records
uncovered by that monk.}

Do you:
[a] ask the monk to investigate.
[b] ignore Roland's tomb.
{Very good, my liege.}
{As you wish.}
_NODE 4.
_NODE 11785.
{Majesty, one of your barons raised food prices last month, and
there have been food riots. What do you intend to do?}

Do you:
[a] send a unit of Infantry to suppress the riots.
[b] send several shipments of grain (2 Food units).
[c] chastise the baron for his incompetence.
{We do not have the infantry, Majesty.}

The baron's hand-picked men soon stop the riots,
and they are not gentle about it...
{Very good, Majesty.}

Your infantry marches off to deal with the riots.
The situation is soon brought under control, though
the people would have preferred a more benign solution.
{We do not have the grain, Majesty.}

The baron's hand-picked men soon stop the riots,
and they are not gentle about it...
{Very good, Majesty.}

The situation is soon brought under control, and
though it is not a permanent solution, the people
are glad to see that you care about their well-being.
The baron ignores your reprimand. The food riots are harshly

Cluster: 1179

_NODE 5.
_NODE 11790.
The monk who was investigating Roland's tomb returns.

{Majesty, I have found a reference to the tomb in the eastern
section of Besancon, but it is in a fief that owes its fealty to the
Holy Teutonic Empire. Do you wish to continue looking into this

Do you:
[a] ask the monk to keep investigating.
[b] decide not to get into a potential conflict with the Empire.
{This is getting quite exciting!}
{This is most disappointing.}
_NODE 6.
_NODE 11795.
{Majesty, one of your best commanders died of a fever while
preparing his army for battle. His son is an excellent general,
and wishes to be confirmed in his father's command, but there are
several nobles who, while less capable, insist that the honor of the
command be given to one of them.}

Do you:
[a] appoint the commander's son.
[b] appoint one of the nobles.
{Very good.}

Although your decision is to the benefit of your army, there
is a good deal of unhappiness about your choice.
Although your decision is popular, the ability of your army
is reduced.

Cluster: 1180

_NODE 7.
_NODE 11800.
{Majesty, one of your diplomats has died. There are several worthy
successors, however, one of the retired barons wishes to be given
his post, and will pay us 3,000 marks.}

The baron is Baron Francois du Pardue, who is notorious for his
bad manners and hot temper.

Do you:
[a] give the command to Baron Francois (and receive 3 Gold).
[b] give the command to someone who deserves it.
{As you wish.}

While your decision makes you more wealthy, it does not help you
{Very good.}

Although you are not richer, your diplomacy is certainly
_NODE 8.
_NODE 11805.
{Majesty, one of your best and most popular clerks was hit
on the head by a tree branch and has become an idiot. He wishes to
continue in his position, and he is well beloved, but is clearly
incapable of fulfilling his function.}

Do you:
[a] keep the clerk in his post.
[b] retire him with honor.
{As you wish.}

Your compassion is noteworthy, but your administrative
ability suffers.
{Very good.}

There is slight resentment about your decision, but you
are certain it was the correct one.

Cluster: 1181

_NODE 9.
_NODE 11810.
The monk returns.

{I have determined the precise location of the tomb of the Frankish
hero Roland. It is located far from cities and roads, and it would
be difficult to spot. In addition, it would certainly take several weeks
to unearth, and, if you were discovered, the Empire's wrath is

{And I would hesitate to disturb the rest of Bretagne's greatest
hero, one who was blessed by God Himself. It is said that
when Roland died, he offered his gauntlet as a gift to God, and that
God honored Roland by sending angels to take the gauntlet and his
soul directly into Heaven. Roland was then buried with his sword.
It may be that Roland's sword is a weapon
great enough to end this civil war, but there are moral risks in
taking from the dead. May God grant you wisdom in this matter.}

Do you:
[a] leave Roland's remains in peace.
[b] send men to unearth the tomb.
{As you wish.}

The tomb of Roland remains a secret for six centuries,
but that's another story...
{As you wish.}
_NODE 9a.
_NODE 11811.
The monk returns.

{Majesty, the Empire has found our expedition to the tomb of Roland,
and imprisoned them. I only barely escaped. They are asking for 3,000
marks as a ransom.}

Do you:
[a] haggle.
[b] pay 3,000 marks (3 Gold).
[c] deny any involvement in the matter.
You do not have the funds. The Empire looks upon
this with great suspicion.
{They are certainly getting the better end of this
{Very good, my liege. A little dishonest denial is the
best political trick ever devised.}
_NODE 11812.
Do you wish to pay:
[a] twenty percent of your timber.
[b] twenty percent of your iron.
[c] twenty percent of your grain.
The bargain is sealed and delivered.
_NODE 10.
_NODE 11815.
A messenger arrives.

{Majesty, there has been a rebellion in the western provinces of the
Empire. We might offer to support the Empire and, while our army
just happens to be in the area, we could search for Roland's tomb.}

Do you:
[a] offer to assist the Empire.
[b] ignore this opportunity.
{As you wish.}
{As you wish.}

The mystery of Roland's treasures remain for a future
generation to uncover.

Cluster: 1182

_NODE 10.
_NODE 11820.
A messenger departs Besancon and comes to your court.

{Majesty, rumors are spreading that one of the local nobles in
Besancon has uncovered the sword and armor of Roland, and that he
is the rightful king of the Franks. Superstitious locals are flocking
to his banner; I've never seen anything like it.}

Do you:
[a] attack this charlatan.
[b] ignore him.
{Very good.}
{Majesty, I strongly advise you against this course of

Do you:
[a] attack the charlatan.
[b] ignore him.
_NODE 11.
_NODE 11825.
A messenger comes riding into your court.

{Majesty, we have unearthed the tomb of the great hero Roland. Grave
robbers had looted it before we came; probably centuries ago. There
were no signs of the sword and armor of Hector, or of Roland's other
treasures that are the stuff of legend. But we found a secret chamber,
undisturbed by grave robbers. We estimate that 5,000
marks have been added to your treasury.}

So ends the tale of Roland, greatest hero of the Franks, whose
wealth you hold, ill-gotten, in your fingers. Perhaps you can put
it to good use.

Cluster: 1183

_NODE 12.
_NODE 11830.
A messenger comes riding into your court.

{Majesty, the charlatan who claimed to have the sword of Roland is
dead. Instead of engaging his army in battle, our commander challenged
him to personal combat. Since the weapons and armor of Roland were said
to be invincible, when the coward refused to fight, his army realized that he
was an impostor, turned on him, and killed him.}

So ends the second song of Roland, a more comic than tragic tale.
_NODE 13.
_NODE 11835.
A messenger comes riding into your court.

{Majesty, the charlatan who claimed to have the sword of Roland is
dead. One of his followers murdered him in his sleep, and claimed
to be the rightful guardian of Roland's treasures. When the
charlatan's body was found, his army proclaimed that a murderer was
unfit to wield Roland's weapons, and slew the murderer.

{Alas, in the commotion, Roland's weapons were lost. We may never
find them now.}

Cluster: 1220

_NODE 1.
_NODE 12200.
A councillor enters your court and whispers into your ear.
{My liege, one of your spies, Etienne the Swift, has not
reported back from his last assignment.

{We fear that he has been killed or, worse, captured. Should more
word come of his fate, we shall apprise you of the news
A councillor hurries into your court.

{My liege, after many days, Etienne the Swift has returned. However,
he suffers from many grievous wounds, and the surgeons say that
he has not long to live.

{He was found a full sixty miles from his last assignment, and
he claims to have words that only you, Majesty, may hear. He has
just now been brought to the castle.}

Do you:
[a] have Etienne brought to you.
[b] have your councillor go to him and hear his news.
_NODE 1a.
_NODE 12201.
{Very good, my liege.}

Within moments, the bloody and broken body of Etienne is carried
into the court. A glimmer of hope brightens his one good eye as
his gaze falls upon you. Carefully, so as not to get blood on your
robes, you lean over Etienne and put you ear to his mouth.

{Powerful people, m'lord, ... why not ... why not,} he says,
and then his life rattles out of him and his one good eye glazes

Unfortunately, these words mean nothing to you.

Do you:
[a] consult in private with your councillors to determine what
these words mean.
[b] dispatch spies to investigate the area where Etienne was found.
[c] concern yourself with other matters.
_NODE 1aa.
_NODE 12202.
In your private chambers, your councillors consider the possible
meanings of the late spy's words.

At last, shaking his head, one councillor speaks up, saying, {My
liege, we cannot tell whether these words are the mad
ramblings of a mortally wounded man, or whether they portend
something that we cannot understand. No man in Christendom could
solve this mystery with what little we now know.}

Do you:
[a] dispatch spies to investigate the area where Etienne was found.
[b] concern yourself with other matters until you learn more.
_NODE 1ab.
_NODE 12203.
{Very good, my liege. They shall leave at once.}
A councillor enters the court.

{My liege,} he says, {an agent of yours has returned
with news of Etienne's fate. He says that he and his fellows
have not found out who killed Etienne, but they have learned
that other unidentified agents have been working there.
Perhaps Etienne learned of these agents and followed
them away from his original assignment, which is why
he was found so far from where we thought he would be.

{My liege, your men believe that an unknown
force is working behind the scenes,
and they suggest great caution should you ever deal
with those who may be responsible for Etienne's death.}
A councillor enters the court.

{My liege,} he begins, {an agent of yours has returned
from investigating the attack on Etienne the Swift.
He says that whoever killed Etienne was very cautious
and left neither evidence nor witnesses.

It is the considered opinion of your agents that your
enemy in this case is very cunning, whoever he may be.}
A councillor enters the court.

{My liege,} he begins, {an agent of yours has returned
from investigating the attack on Etienne the Swift.
He and his compatriots have discovered nothing.
If I may be frank, I am not surprised by this news,
as your intelligence service is not the envy of other
_NODE 1b.
_NODE 12204.
The councillor returns in a few minutes, with a few spots
of blood staining his robe.

{My liege, Etienne was nearly beyond this mortal realm
when I came to him. He refused to speak to me, insisting that
he speak only to you. We attempted to bring him to your court, but
he passed away before we could reach you. I fear we may never
know what Etienne wanted to tell us.}

Do you:
[a] dispatch spies to investigate the area where Etienne
was found.
[b] ignore the incident.
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