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Old 27-11-2013, 09:11 AM   #4
marko river
10 GOSUB Abandonia
20 GOTO 10

Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Beograd, Serbia and Montenegro
Posts: 2,838

We know about Dosbox and we also suggest it to anyone for old DOS games. There is also a topic how to run Win3.11 in Dosbox.

I will quickly check what we have on site and what is already requested:

SimCity 2000 - [ON SITE] but it is [SOLD]
Sim Tower - [ON SITE]
SimEarth - [ON SITE]
SimFarm - [ON SITE] but it is [SOLD]

Streets of SimCity - still [SOLD]

You didn't mention maxis games that we have on site: SimCity Classic, SimAnt and SimLife.

I posted request for status check for the first SimCity here.

Can you determine are different editions of SimCity 2000 same or different (Special Edition, Network Edition, CD Collection) and are there differences between DOS and Win versions?
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