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Old 22-05-2014, 12:54 PM   #1

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Default [RRS] Critical Mass

There's a game I remember playing in the 90's. I played it with pc laptop with windows 9x at friends fathers place. I hope someone recognizes the game from the following description

-the graphics were similar to the old asteroids. Similar sky perspective and simple graphics. The screen was mostly black, as the background was apparently space.
- in the game the player had one (I think only one) of the star ships of a fleet in the control. The AI was controlling the rest and similar fleet of enemy's. The fleets were marked with different colors (perhaps red and green or similar). The idea is similar to the game of star hammer tactics ( except the player was shooting the missiles whenever he felt like (not when being next to the opponent ship).
- The game was turn based in the way that the player clicked where she wanted the space ship to go, where to shoot the missile etc. Then after finishing the turn, the computer calculated the routes for all the ships and missiles and they moved to the new position.
- I think all the ships were visible at the same time, no scrolling. The ships were basically just some kind of rectangles or similar boxes, nothing fancy
-I think the game was shareware, but at that time of course I didn't even know what shareware is
- I think there was option to upgrade the ships somehow (or choose the class of the ship, but not on the shareware version)

Does anyone recognize this game? :-)
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