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Old 12-08-2010, 07:42 PM   #3
Forum hobbit
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Yorktown, United States
Posts: 47

It doesn't deserve a 0, as there were some improvements to the attack calculations, hit and damage calculations, spotting calcualtions, minor improvements to graphical detail, and expanded library of units and nations all of which are historically accurate. Not to mention they fit all stuff from the first two games combined with more scenarios onto a single CD.
Its problem is that it tried to cover way too much area in each battle with too large of a force. It was an attempt to combine Steel Panthers with Panzer General.
Dumbing down the AI didn't improve the situation, and the sheer size of the battlefields and number of units involved resulted in a computer AI that can take upwards of 10 minutes to complete its turn. Many a time I had time to go make a sandwich, eat it, and come back and still ended up waiting 2 or 3 more minutes for my turn to come back around.

If SSI instead took Steel Panthers 2 and added all the improvements without the dumbing down of the AI or the increased size of the battles, it could have been a much better game.
I grew up with the games themselves, and watched many a good company disappear. If it wasn't for many dedicated people, all these games would be lost to the ravages of time.
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