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Old 07-12-2005, 05:02 AM   #29
Mac The Knife

I was a big fan of the EOB games in my youth, and played them quite a lot. Since then I long forgot about the EOB series, until recently, when I aquired a new new computer with internet capabilites, I searched out a download of EOB1, a game which I once owed, but never managed to complete. When I owed the game originally I got right to the end where you fight Xanathar, then somthing when wrong with my IBM 086 computer, and I couldn't play the game anymore, I was gutted, but got over it. Some months later I got EOB2, the first game I ever bought. This was 1992, that game took me over five years to complete, that was only after I read a guide on how to defeat Dran on the internet, whilst at college. EOB1 and 2 are fantastic games, and I have reacently discoverd areas in EOB1 which I never saw when I played it originally. Somehow I managed to bypass the Drow encampment section completly the first time round. I went down some stairs, and suddenly there were these characters in front of me who I did not recognise, I was slightly shocked. Now for a game which is probably close to 15 years old, I think the ability to shock it's players is fantastic.

Anyway, I saw that EOB3 was availible for download, and I jumped at the chance to finally play this game properly. I played it once for a few hours about 12 years ago, and have longed to play it again. I sat and watched the download bar tick away, on my dial up connection, unzipped the game, loaded it.........and what a disapointment!!!!
The game is slow to run, on a 475mhz AMD-K6. I used to run EOB1 and 2 on my 10mhz IBM 086!!!!!! I tried to cast a spell, and had to wait about 3 seconds for it to work. I killed a few ghosts, then got stuck in some endless hedgerow faiasco going round and round in circles.

In conlusion, as far as I can assertain, this game is now worthy of the EOB series name. I understand it wasn't developed by the orginal team, and boy does it show!!!!!

EOB3 = An awful game trieing to cash in on name! Sound like the sort of thing that EA do to games today!
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