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Old 05-12-2013, 03:54 PM   #1

Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 2
Default Archaeology edutainment game, uncover artefacts that take you back in time

Hey folks,

Complete newbie here, at my wits end trying to find this game from my childhood. Any help would be really really appreciated. (Help me FGB, you're my only hope!)

- I first played this game in the late 90s, 1996-1998.
- Pretty sure it was on an IBM running either 3.1 or DOS.
- The game was 2D, and I think had an isometric perspective, at least for certain segments.
- Gameplay: you were an archeologist. You were at a dig site, and could choose to use various tools: a shovel, a brush, a comb, to excavate. There was a day and time counter. You would turn up artefacts by digging correctly (i.e. not using the shovel when an object was exposed). Very occasionally you would turn up a special "unexplained" artefact, which would warp you back in time to the period it was from. Here, you would have to ask questions and explore to find out what the purpose of the artefact really was.

Any help with finding out what on earth this game was would be really appreciated, I've talked to a whole bunch of people about it and am starting to believe I must have hallucinated the whole thing.
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