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Old 12-10-2015, 06:40 AM   #147
Abandonia nerd

Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Los Angeles, United States
Posts: 81

Cluster: 1046

_NODE 27.
_NODE 10460
{Majesty! The relatives of Francis and Sir Gerald have gathered a
small army and are attacking us!}
You have triumphed! The rebels are captured and slain!
Your fight is a valiant one, but you are overwhelmed. Your
stocks are looted, and many of your followers flee. You
survive, but with reduced prestige and chances of success.

Cluster: 1047

_NODE 28.
_NODE 10460
Francis of Beleux, brother of the slain Sir Gerald, comes to thee
to beg a boon.

{Majesty, I was my brother's squire, and now that he is slain, my
training to become a knight has ended. I wish to resume it once

{I understand that Sir Thomas was not responsible for Gerald's
death, and I have seen his generous nature. I wish to be his
squire, if I may have your permission. Sir Thomas has said that he
is willing.}

Do you:
[a] give your permission.
[b] refuse your permission.
{Thank you, my liege!}
{As you command, my liege.}

Cluster: 1048

_NODE 1.
_NODE 10480.
An aging woman enters your court. Her once-beautiful features have
grown hard with age. She has danced the danse macabre of Bretagnese
politics better than most, surviving when the cream of the nobility

She is Catherine de Aquitaine, Queen of Bretagne, widow of the late
King Charles.
{So, you would claim my husband's throne? I have read your
"proclamations. You aren't much, but I will give you a chance. My "
husband left me with a debt of 1000 marks. If you would rule
Bretagne, then show a generous spirit. Pay a widow's debts, as any
true Christian Prince would do.}

[a] threaten to imprison her.
[b] pay the sum (1 Gold).
[c] demand her backing in your quest for the throne.
_NODE 1a.
_NODE 10481.
{How dare you!

{You threaten me? I've beaten pups like you since I was a child!
Do you think that the widow of King Charles is a trifle? I held
this kingdom together while my husband squandered his birthright
through his petty wars. Do you think I can be imprisoned so easily?
I shall look upon your corpse before all is done!}

[a] imprison her.
[b] expel her from your throne room.
[c] demand her backing in your claim to the throne.
_NODE 1b.
_NODE 10482.
{I suppose this means you will be expecting special favors
from me. Don't!}
You do not have the funds to pay the Queen. She is most

{Swindler! Cheat! Falsehood maker! You'll pay for this, one
way or another! I'll make you sorry you were ever born!}
_NODE 1c.
_NODE 10483.
{I suppose you are prepared to pay for my support, and pay well.
I have a reputation for extravagance, which, while not deserved,
I strive to maintain. If you want my support, I require 3,000

Do you:
[a] imprison her.
[b] pay 3,000 marks (3 Gold) for her support.
[c] haggle.
_NODE 1aa.
_NODE 10484.
{You will regret this! You will burn among the damned even if I
have to take you to them myself!}
_NODE 1ab.
_NODE 10485.
{How dare you do this to me! You will regret this!}
_NODE 1cb.
_NODE 10486.
{This will be an interesting partnership. My forces are at
your disposal. My cousin, Count Vichy, has been trying
to court my favor. I should like to see his face when he
hears this news.}
{You do not have the funds to pay the Queen. She is most

{Swindler! Cheat! Falsehood maker! I'll make you regret this!
The event of thy birth shall become a memory of great
sorrow to thee.}
_NODE 1cc.
_NODE 10487.
Do you offer:
[a] 1000 marks (1 Gold).
[b] 2000 marks (2 Gold).
_NODE 1ca.
_NODE 10488.
{God's wounds! What is the state of the realm in these
times, when one who would be king does barter like the
basest moneylender in an Italian port. A pox upon thy
offer, thou merchant king! And a pox upon thee. There
shall be no alliance between what is mine and thine.}
{The gratitude of princes is less than it once was.
These are pallid times, when the nobility of man, like
a flower beyond its prime, has lost its bloom, and
chivalry has wilted. I will take thy offer, and give
thee my blessing, and smile a public smile, but
there shall be no love behind it for thee.}
You cannot afford this. The Queen is not impressed.
_NODE 1cb.
_NODE 10489.
{God's wounds! What is the state of the realm in these
times, when one who would be king does barter like the
basest moneylender in an Italian port. A pox upon thy
offer, thou merchant king! And a pox upon thee. There
shall be no alliance between what is mine and thine.}
{The gratitude of princes is less than it once was.
These are pallid times, when the nobility of man, like
a flower beyond its prime, has lost its bloom, and
chivalry has wilted. I will take thy offer, and give
thee my blessing, and smile a public smile, but
there shall be no love behind it for thee.}
You cannot afford this. The Queen is not impressed.

Cluster: 1049

_NODE 2.
_NODE 10490.
You receive disturbing news.

{Majesty, I have word that Queen Catherine is gathering together
an army. I fear she may be planning to attack us and stake her own
claim to the throne.}

Do you:
[a] attack Queen Catherine's castle.
[b] summon the Queen to explain herself.
[c] ignore the incident.
_NODE 2a.
_NODE 10491.
We shall muster our forces, Majesty.
One of your councillors comes to you:

Majesty, our troops now surround the Queen's castle. She demands
to know why we are threatening her.

Do you:
[a] insist on her surrender.
[b] tell her that you will not tolerate rival armies in your land.
[c] attack her.
The Queen willingly becomes your prisoner, but warns that
others will not tolerate the situation.
The Queen comes to you to discuss the dilemma.
_NODE 2b.
_NODE 10492.
{A messenger will be sent.}
_NODE 2c.
_NODE 10493.
{As you wish.}
_NODE 2avictory.
_NODE 10494.
One of your councillors brings news of your victory.

{Majesty, you have defeated the forces of Queen Catherine. The Queen
did not survive.

{Although she was despised in life, in death she has found new
popularity. Her death is fast becoming a symbol of defiance against
an unlawful ruler. Once you were thought of as one of a number of
claimants to the throne. Now, the people see you as an invader who
would ravage and destroy Bretagne. I fear this victory will not be
to our advantage.}
_NODE 2adefeat.
_NODE 10495.
{Majesty, we have been defeated. Queen Catherine, her brother Count
Merose, and several other nobles have forged an alliance with our
enemies. Some of our followers have defected to their cause.}

Cluster: 1050

_NODE 3.
_NODE 10500.
You are brought disturbing news.

{Majesty, I have word that Count Merose is gathering together
an army. He claims that the indignities done to his sister, Queen
Catherine, demand punishment, and he intends to attack you.}

Do you:
[a] attack Count Merose.
[b] offer an apology for your actions.
[c] hire a cutthroat to murder Count Merose.
_NODE 3a.
_NODE 10501.
{We will begin mustering our forces at once.}
Your forces engage the army of Count Merose.
_NODE 3b.
_NODE 10502.
{Your apology is accepted.}
{They will not accept your apology.}
_NODE 3c.
_NODE 10503.
{But Majesty, the cutthroats are loyal to Count Merose.}

Do you:
[a] attack Count Merose instead.
[b] offer an apology for your actions instead.
[c] offer double Count Merose's usual fee for the cutthroats'
_NODE 3avictory.
_NODE 10504.
News comes at last of your victory against Count Merose.

{Majesty, you have defeated the forces of Count Merose and Queen
Catherine. The Queen did not survive the battle.

{Although she was despised in life, in death she has found new
popularity. Her death is fast becoming a symbol of defiance against
tyranny. Once you were thought of as one of a number of claimants
to the throne. Now, the people see you as an invader who would
ravage and destroy Bretagne. I fear this victory will not be
to our advantage.}
_NODE 3adefeat.
_NODE 10505.
Word comes from the battlefield.

{Majesty, we have been defeated. Queen Catherine, her brother Count
Merose, and several other nobles have forged an alliance with our
enemies. Some of our followers have defected to their cause.}
_NODE 3cc.
_NODE 10506.
{Very good, Your Majesty.}

Cluster: 1051

_NODE 4.
_NODE 10510.
One of your councillors appears very nervous.

{Wrong? N-nothing is wrong, Majesty. Aside from Count Merose's army,
which is coming to attack us and free Queen Catherine, but that's
a very trivial matter, isn't it? Everything's fine!}

Do you:
[a] attack Count Merose.
[b] let the army attack your position.
[c] offer to ransom the Queen.
_NODE 4a.
_NODE 10511.
{Our armies will be g-gathered, my liege.}
Your forces engage the army of Count Merose.
_NODE 4b.
_NODE 10512.
Count Merose's army at last advances on your position.
You have triumphed! The rebels are captured!
Your fight is a valiant one, but you are overwhelmed. You
you are forced to retreat, and your
stocks are looted.
_NODE 4c.
_NODE 10513.
Count Merose is interested in your offer. Do you:
[a] demand 2000 marks (2 Gold).
[b] demand 3000 marks (3 Gold).
[c] demand 3000 marks and their recognition of your claim as King
of Bretagne.
_NODE 4avictory.
_NODE 10514.
Your seneschal comes to discuss the recent victory over Count

{The victory is a great one, Majesty. Count Merose was among the many
prisoners taken in the battle. It appears he had few supporters,
save the Queen. Catherine must have known it all along; once she saw
her brother, she immediately offered to swear an oath of loyalty to
you. As proof of their good faith, they have paid a ransom of 5,000

{I have placed guards at their estates who are loyal to you, and
sent them back; they will not be able to solicit help from your
enemies, and will find it difficult to flee, let alone do anything
that might harm thee. I trust these arrangements are satisfactory.}
_NODE 4adefeat.
_NODE 10515.
Your councillors bring back news of the battle.

{Majesty, we have been defeated. If we do not bring them Queen
Catherine immediately, they threaten to destroy us.}

Do you:
[a] attempt to ransom Queen Catherine.
[b] release Queen Catherine.
_NODE 4ca.
_NODE 10516.
Count Merose agrees to pay the ransom.
_NODE 4cb.
_NODE 10517.
Count Merose agrees to pay the ransom.
_NODE 4cc.
_NODE 10518.
Count Merose refuses to recognize you as the king. Instead, he
You have triumphed! The rebels are captured and slain!
Your fight is a valiant one, but you are overwhelmed.
You are forced to retreat, and your stocks
are ransacked.
_NODE 4ac
_NODE 10519.
You are brought more bad news.

{Majesty, upon her release, Queen Catherine, her brother Count
Merose, and several other nobles forged an alliance with our
enemies. Some of our followers have defected to their cause.}

Cluster: 1052

_NODE 5.
_NODE 10520.
A messenger comes from the Castle of Queen Catherine.

{Majesty, the Queen is being attacked by her cousins, the Vichy.
Apparently they did not appreciate it when she recognized you as
the rightful king of Bretagne; one of the members of that family
has gathered an army to attack her.}

Do you:
[a] attack the incoming Vichy army.
[b] allow the Queen to be destroyed.
[c] try to settle the issue diplomatically.
_NODE 5a.
_NODE 10521.
_NODE 5b
_NODE 10522.
The Queen is captured and forced to renounce your claim to the
throne. The Vichy gather the remainder of her armies and integrate
them with their own, becoming more powerful.
_NODE 5c
_NODE 10523.
{A messenger will be sent to the Vichy.}
_NODE 5avictory
_NODE 10524.
{Majesty, we have repelled the attack of the Vichy against Queen
Catherine. It was a great victory!}
_NODE 5adefeat
_NODE 10525.
Bad news is brought to you in the night.

{The battle is lost, Majesty. Their forces were too much for us.

{The Queen is captured and forced to renounce your claim to the
throne. Some of your followers defect to your enemies.}

Cluster: 1053

_NODE 6.
_NODE 10530.
Queen Catherine comes before you, to explain her recent actions.

{Of late, a large force of hedge-robbers and other villains have
been lurking around my lands. I have been forced to increase my
guards so I have protection from these jackals. Would you have me
incapable of defending myself from a common cutthroat?}

Do you:
[a] offer to provide men to defend her keep.
[b] move her by force to a {secure place} and keep her prisoner.
[c] allow her to expand her forces.
_NODE 6a.
_NODE 10531.
{Majesty, I do not need your men; my own will suffice. If I must
swear an oath stating that I will not attack you, I shall. But
I shall not surrender my freedom or my pride.}

Do you:
[a] move her by force to a {secure place} and keep her prisoner.
[b] let her swear an oath.
_NODE 6b.
_NODE 10532.
{A secure place? Like a dungeon, I suppose. Do this if you wish,
but blood will flow, I swear it!}
_NODE 6c.
_NODE 10533.
{I imagine I am now supposed to curtsy, and thank the great King
who roused me from my chambers and brought me against my will down
a hard dangerous road to his court. Forgive me if my gratitude
is not as great as you had hoped.}

Cluster: 1054

_NODE 7.
_NODE 10540.
You are awoken from slumber to hear shocking news.

{Majesty, it is as we feared: Queen Catherine has not been gathering
her forces only to protect herself from hedge robbers. However,
she is not attacking us. She has launched an attack against her
cousin, Baron Darcy of Vichy!}

Of the people who are not claiming the throne, Baron Darcy has one
of the largest and most formidable armies. He has been biding his
time in the conflict, and many suspect that he is waiting for the
other claimants to weaken themselves before he presses his own
claim to the throne.

Do you:
[a] offer to assist the Queen.
[b] offer to assist the Vichy.
[c] remain neutral in this conflict.
_NODE 7a.
_NODE 10541.
{Very good, Majesty.}
_NODE 7b.
_NODE 10542.
{Very good, Majesty.}
_NODE 7c.
_NODE 10543.
{Very good, Majesty.}

The Vichy are allied with the Valois. The Queen is
captured and locked away in the Valois' dungeon,
never to be seen again.
The Vichy are allied with Anjou. The Queen is
captured and locked away in Anjou's dungeon,
never to be seen again.
The Vichy are allied with Aragon. The Queen is
captured and locked away in Aragon's dungeon,
never to be seen again.
The Vichy are allied with Burgundy. The Queen is
captured and locked away in Burgundy's dungeon,
never to be seen again.
The Vichy are allied with Albion. The Queen is
captured and locked away in the dungeon,
never to be seen again.

Cluster: 1055

_NODE 8.
_NODE 10550.
You are awakened from slumber with a dagger poised over your chest.

Before it can fall, the guards grab the assassin and pull him away
from you. One guard is wounded in the struggle.

{For the Queen!} he shouts as he is led away. {The friends of
Queen Catherine will smite thee down!}

Do you:
[a] have him executed immediately.
[b] place him on trial.
[c] lock him in a dungeon and throw away the key.
_NODE 8a.
_NODE 10551.
{Very good, Majesty. His head will make an interesting
decoration for the town gate.}

Nonetheless, the people are upset that the man was executed without
a trial.
_NODE 8b.
_NODE 10552.
The verdict of the trial is beyond question. The assassin is found
guilty and is drawn and quartered. However, the trial does serve
as a reminder of the people's continuing mistrust of your rule.
_NODE 8c.
_NODE 10553.
The assassin is soon forgotten. The people's anger over the death
of Queen Catherine gradually diminishes.

Cluster: 1056

_NODE 9.
_NODE 10560.
A messenger from Count Merose demands to see you.

{Majesty, Count Merose requires your assistance. He needs gold
to improve his fortifications, and wishes you to help pay for
them. One thousand marks would do.}

Do you:
[a] give Count Merose one thousand marks (1 Gold).
[b] refuse the demand.
_NODE 9a.
_NODE 10561.
You cannot afford to give Count Merose the gold.
The messenger frowns and leaves.
{My lord thanks you for your beneficence.}
_NODE 9b.
_NODE 10562.
{This is not a matter in which Count Merose will permit your

Cluster: 1057

_NODE 10.
_NODE 10570.
A messenger from the cutthroats' guild arrives in secret...

{Nice throne room you have here, m'lord, even if it is a trifle
damp. Still, wi' your winters I can sees why you'd like
to conquer the country. The climate's much better.

{I am Geoffrey the Honest. If you want us to cut the throat of
one of our best customers, it won't come cheap. 4,000 marks.}

Do you:
[a] agree to pay the price.
[b] refuse to pay.
[c] barter.
_NODE 10a.
_NODE 10571.
You cannot afford to give Geoffrey the gold. He sneers
at you, and leaves.
{You are a kind ruler. (Chuckle)}

Merose soon dies under suspicious circumstances.
_NODE 10b.
_NODE 10572.
{Well, aren't you the cheapest ruler in Christendom!}
_NODE 10c.
_NODE 10573.
{Very well, Majesty, 3,000 marks, but that's my final offer.

Do you:
[a] accept.
[b] refuse.
[c] barter.
You cannot afford to give Geoffrey the gold. He sneers
at you, and leaves.
{You are a kind ruler. (Chuckle)}

Merose soon dies under suspicious circumstances.
{Well, aren't you the cheapest ruler in Christendom!}
_NODE 10cc.
_NODE 10574.
{Majesty, this is robbery! Very well, 2,000 marks, take it or leave

Do you:
[a] accept.
[b] refuse.
[c] barter.
You cannot afford to give Geoffrey the gold. He sneers
at you, and leaves.
{I must confess that negotiating with you is not
a painless process.}

Merose soon dies under suspicious circumstances.
{Well, aren't you the cheapest ruler in Christendom!}
{I'm not going below 2,000 marks. A pleasant day to you,

Cluster: 1058

_NODE 11.
_NODE 10580.
A messenger comes from the Baron of Vichy.
{It was never our intent to offend you. The former Queen
is a manipulative witch, certainly no cause for distress
between us. Allow us to proceed in our own fashion and
punish this liar. It is a matter of great honor for us
that we do so.}

Do you:
[a] agree to allow them to attack the Queen.
[b] threaten to attack them if they continue to attack an
{The Queen has betrayed her word to the Baron of Vichy.
You can either stand aside, or be destroyed with her. The
Baron bears little love to thee and will be more than
happy to crush you like an ant.}

Do you:
[a] agree to allow them to attack the Queen.
[b] threaten to attack them if they continue to attack an
_NODE 11a.
_NODE 10581.
{Very good, Majesty.}

The Queen's army is soon destroyed, and the Queen is killed in the
_NODE 11b.
_NODE 10582.
{In that case, we will meet you on the field of honor.}

Cluster: 1059

_NODE 36.
_NODE 10590.
A messenger returns from the beleaguered army of Queen Catherine.

{The Queen is more than willing to accept help against the
threat of the Vichy. She would like 2 units of Infantry and
2 units of Archers.}

Do you:
[a] offer her one unit of each.
[b] offer her two units of each.
[c] offer her three units of each.
_NODE 12a.
_NODE 10591.
Your forces march to join Queen Catherine, but they are not
sufficient to defeat the Vichy. Few of your men ever
return home.
You do not have sufficient troops to send even this
meager following to the Queen. She is utterly defeated.
_NODE 12b.
_NODE 10592.
Your forces march to join Queen Catherine, but they are not
sufficient to defeat the Vichy. Few of your men ever
return home.
You do not have sufficient troops to send these units
to the Queen. She is utterly defeated.
_NODE 12c.
_NODE 10593.
Your forces march to join Queen Catherine. The Vichy
are bested! You have gained a solid ally in the Queen and
her followers.
You do not have sufficient troops to send such an army
to the Queen. She is utterly defeated.

Cluster: 1060

_NODE 13.
_NODE 10600.
A messenger returns from the beleaguered army of the Vichy.
{The Vichy thank you for your generous offer of
assistance, but, for our part, we need it not. We are
of course, grateful for the offer, and hope this
is a precursor of future good will between us.}

The Queen is soon destroyed.
{Insolent cur! How dare you insult the honor of
Vichy! Do you believe we would need assistance against
the rabble of the Lady Catherine? Such an obvious insult
is not to be tolerated!}

The Queen is soon defeated, and you now understand why
everyone in Bretagne despises the Vichy so intensely.

Cluster: 1061

_NODE 14.
_NODE 10610.
A guard rushes into the throne room.

{Majesty, Count Merose approaches with his army. He demands two
thousand marks in gold, or he will attack.}

Do you:
[a] attack Count Merose.
[b] pay Count Merose (2 Gold).
[c] allow him to attack you.
_NODE 14a.
_NODE 10611.
_NODE 14b.
_NODE 10612.
Your money is accepted.
You cannot afford his price. He decides to attack.
_NODE 14c.
_NODE 10613.
You have triumphed! The rebels are captured and slain!
Your fight is a valiant one, but you are overwhelmed.
You are forced to retreat, and your
stocks are completely ransacked.
_NODE 14avictory.
_NODE 10614.
{Majesty, Count Merose is defeated. Our lands are secure, for the
_NODE 14adefeat.
_NODE 10615.
You receive word of the battle.

{Majesty, we have been beaten. That is not the worst news, however.

{Majesty, Count Merose is allied with the Valois.
The Valois and the Queen have formed an alliance,
strengthening the Valois.}
_%d {Queen Catherine recognizes the Valois claim to
_the throne.}
{Majesty, Count Merose is allied with Anjou. The Duke
of Anjou and the Queen have formed an alliance,
strengthening Anjou claim to the throne.}
_%d {Queen Catherine recognizes the Anjou claim to
_the throne.}
{Majesty, Count Merose is allied with Aragon. King
Ramiro and the Queen have formed an alliance,
strengthening Aragon's armies.}
_%d {Queen Catherine recognizes the Aragon claim to
_the throne.}
{Majesty, Count Merose is allied with Burgundy. The
Duke and the Queen have formed an alliance,
strengthening Burgundy's armies.}
_%d {Queen Catherine recognizes the Burgundian claim to
_the throne.}
{Majesty, Count Merose is allied with Albion. King
Edward and the Queen have formed an alliance,
strengthening Albion's claim to the throne.}
_NODE 14.
_NODE 10617.
A guard rushes into the throne room.

{Majesty, once again, Count Merose approaches with his army. Once
again he demands two thousand marks in gold, or he will attack.}

Do you:
[a] attack Count Merose.
[b] pay Count Merose (2 Gold).
[c] allow him to attack you.

Cluster: 1062

_NODE 15.
_NODE 10620.
The battle against the Vichy has begun.
_NODE 15avictory.
_NODE 10621.
{Majesty, the Vichy are defeated. Our lands are secure, for the
_NODE 15avictory.
_NODE 10622.
{Majesty, we have been defeated by the Vichy. They have retreated
rather than press an attack in a place where they cannot be easily
reinforced, but the Queen is lost.}

Cluster: 1063

_NODE 16.
_NODE 10630.
You receive a visit from Queen Catherine.

{Greetings. I suppose one day I will regret the debt of gratitude
that I owe you. This is the way it is, in the world of kings; we
have no friendships, only alliances, and that is the one thing in
the world that is more fragile than friendship.

{Still, that is not the purpose for which I came. If you would
be king of Bretagne, you need someone capable at your side. We are
both widowed. I have spent many years in such a position. Proposing
marriage to me would be in our mutual interest.}

{Of course, you would have to divorce your wife, Edna.}

Do you:
[a] attempt to get a divorce.
[b] spurn the proposal.
The Pope will not permit your divorce. Queen Edna's
mood becomes even darker and more vile.
{As you wish. I am too old for sentimentality; you will
not experience the wrath of a woman scorned. I shall
retire to my castle, and spend the rest of my days
growing flowers...roses, I think. They like the soil
very much.}
Do you:
[a] propose marriage to Queen Catherine.
[b] spurn the proposal.
{Very good. Three fortnights should be sufficient for
planning this matter. It should be a great spectacle,
one fit for the King and Queen of Bretagne. I shall
pay for it myself, in lieu of a dowry.}
{As you wish. I am too old for sentimentality; you will
not experience the wrath of a woman scorned. I shall
retire to my castle, and spend the rest of my days
growing flowers...roses, I think. They like the soil
very much.}

Cluster: 1064

_NODE 17.
_NODE 10640.
_music, bells.
It is not a particularly pleasant day, but the people love a
wedding. You and Queen Catherine settle down quickly to the
affairs of state.
_NODE 10641.
_NODE The End.

Cluster: 1065

_NODE n10650.
_Random beginning to a mostly linear plotline.
_NODE 1.1.
_NODE n10651.
A messenger comes from the Archbishop of Chamord.

{Majesty, the archbishop is deeply distressed. Apparently, just
after your arrival in Chamord, some of your soldiers attacked and
robbed a friar. The archbishop insists that you make amends.}

Do you:
[a] claim that you are not responsible for your soldiers' misdeeds.
[b] offer to provide compensation for the friar.
[c] send the accused soldiers to a Church tribunal.
{Majesty, I fear the archbishop will not accept such an answer.}
{He shall be told, Majesty.}
{It shall be done.}
_NODE 1.2.
_NODE n10652.
A messenger comes from the Archbishop of Chamord.

{Majesty, the archbishop is upset with some of your followers. The
abbot of Guenfaire caught the sons of several of your barons
falconing on Church lands and poaching game. He insists that they
be punished.}

Do you:
[a] tell him to complain to the nobles' parents.
[b] offer compensation to the abbot.
[c] send the accused poachers to a Church tribunal.
{Majesty, I fear the archbishop will not accept such an answer.}
{He shall be told, Majesty.}
{It shall be done.}
_NODE 1.3.
_NODE n10653.
A messenger comes from the Archbishop of Chamord.

{Majesty, the archbishop is upset with some of your followers.
Initiates of Delmuir Abbey were harassed in the village of Mortain
while some of your knights neglected their chivalrous duty and watched.
This is truly barbarous behavior and not to be tolerated.}

Do you:
[a] agree, but tell him you can do nothing.
[b] offer a donation to the abbey.
[c] send the knights to a Church tribunal.
{Majesty, I fear the archbishop will not accept such an answer.}
{This is welcome, Majesty.}
{It shall be done. Thank you, Majesty.}

Cluster: 1066

_NODE 2.
_NODE n10660.
You are roused from slumber to greet a messenger from the Archbishop
of Chamord.

{Majesty, the archbishop wishes he did not have to bother you, but
a new problem has arisen. Last week's storm greatly damaged the
local cathedral, and he would like your assistance in providing
money to repair it.}

Do you:
[a] provide 1,000 marks (1 Gold).
[b] provide 2,000 marks (2 Gold).
[c] tell him that you cannot afford it.
You cannot afford the aid you promised. The
archbishop is civil, but not particularly warm
in his response to this.
{The archbishop will be pleased, Majesty.}
You cannot afford the aid you promised. The
archbishop is civil, but not particularly warm
in his response to this.
{The archbishop will be pleased, Majesty.}
{The archbishop will not be happy, Majesty.}

Cluster: 1067

_NODE 3.
_NODE 10670.
A messenger comes from the Archbishop of Chamord.

{Majesty, the archbishop of Chamord is having a special service
to thank God for the quick repairs to the cathedral. He wishes to
know if you can attend.}

You are scheduled for a meeting with several important barons that

Do you:
[a] ask the barons to come a few days later and attend the service.
[b] tell the archbishop that you cannot attend the service.
The barons are annoyed, but not particularly angry.
{I see. He shall be told.}

Cluster: 1068

_NODE 4.
_NODE 10680.
You arrive at the services to thank God for the recently repaired
Cathedral. The archbishop greets you warmly.
{Majesty, the Church is currently having a dispute involving the
ownership of certain lands. One of the friars died recently; he had
been the son of a nobleman who had been given land by his father,
but had never collected it; when the friar died, he wanted the
Church to have it. However, the friar's nephew, Baron Gestard,
claims these lands for his own.}

Do you:
[a] promise to rule fairly on this case.
[b] promise to give these lands to the Church.
[c] inform the archbishop that the friar could not keep the lands
because of his vow of poverty.
{That is all that I can ask.}
{Thank you, Majesty.}
{An interesting argument, but given that the lands remained
in his name legally, I don't see its relevance.}

Cluster: 1069

_NODE 5.
_NODE 10690.
At the meeting of barons, Gestard of Chamord approaches you on a
private matter.

{Majesty, I am in a difficult position. I long held lands near the
shore, cared for them, grew crops on them, and then I recently
learned that they never belonged to me, but that they belonged to
a recently deceased uncle, who retired to a monastery many years
ago, and never cared for them for a single day in his life.

{The Church is now contesting my ownership of these lands, claiming
that he left them to the Church in a will. The Church does not need
these lands, and certainly does not care for them like I do. Will
you rule in my favor in this dispute?}

Do you:
[a] promise to judge this case impartially.
[b] promise to rule in his favor.
[c] tell him that the law clearly favors the Church.
{Impartially? When has a judge ever been impartial?}
{Thank you, Majesty.}
{Law, humbug!}

Cluster: 1070

_NODE 6.
_NODE 10700.
You reside over the dispute between the Church and Baron Gestard.

It is clear that the law is with the Church, but Gestard would
suffer if the Church is awarded the lands.

Do you:
[a] rule in favor of the Church.
[b] rule in favor of Gestard.
[c] grant Gestard some of the lands as a fee for their upkeep.
The Church is pleased.
Gestard is pleased.
Neither side is truly pleased. Sometimes, Solomon's
judgments seem less wise in these times.

Cluster: 1071

_Random event in a linear plotline.
_NODE 10710.
_NODE 7.1.
_NODE 10711.
One of your knights approaches you.

{Majesty, I have been approached by a merchant named Trebonius.
He has been selling saints' relics of dubious quality. I would have
arrested him, but he is willing to pay handsome fees for
permission to sell his items, and is offering you 3,000 marks. The
archbishop of Chamord, however, would prefer it if he were

This is the same rogue Trebonius who caused that uproar in
Albion in your father's time.

Do you:
[a] accept his 3,000 marks (3 Gold) to sell relics.
[b] imprison him.
[c] order him removed from your lands.
{As you wish, Majesty.}
{I am certain that all will praise your wisdom, Majesty.}
{It shall be done.}
_NODE 7.2.
_NODE n10712.
One of your knights approaches you.

{Majesty, there is a dispute between one of your barons and the
the Church. The Church claims he has not paid his tithes, as he
had promised, and wishes you, as his liegelord, to collect the
2,000 marks that he owes them. The baron, of course, claims the
Church has no authority to enforce a promise.}

Do you:
[a] insist the baron pay his debt, or you'll confiscate his
[b] pay 2,000 marks (2 Gold) yourself.
[c] ignore the problem.
{As you wish, Majesty.}
You cannot afford to pay his debt.
The money is paid. The archbishop sends a message
of gratitude.
{Very well.}
_NODE 7.3.
_NODE n10713.
The Church brings a matter to your attention.

{While it is a tragedy when anyone does not follow the ways of Our
Lord, it has recently come to our attention that there is a large
enclave of pagans worshipping in the forest near the town of Dordogne.
These misguided folk must be purged from our realm before more
innocent people are corrupted.}

Do you:
[a] send a unit of Infantry into the forest to clear out pagans.
[b] ignore the problem.
You do not have enough infantry to send.
The infantry are dispatched to Dordogne.
You receive word that the pagan camp near Dordogne has
been destroyed. The Church is quite happy.
The Church is most displeased at your lack of piety.

Cluster: 1072

_NODE n10720.
_Random event in a linear plotline.
_NODE 8.1
_NODE n10721.
One of your knights approaches you.

{Majesty, one of the bishops has been writing a theological
paper that argues that in a time when there is no clear ruler,
the Church has the moral obligation to intervene in the political
affairs of the State. This piece of writing is clearly meant as an
attack on your claim to the throne.}

Do you:
[a] order the paper burned.
[b] discuss your concerns with the Archbishop.
[c] ignore the paper.
_NODE 8.2.
_NODE n10722.
The Church brings a matter to your attention.

{Majesty, some excommunicated Knights Templar have taken revenge
against us by attacking our abbeys and churches. We desperately
need your aid.}

Do you:
[a] send your army to attack the Templars.
[b] refuse to help.
Your army goes out to battle the Templars.
The Church then turns to one of your rivals, who
defeats the Templars.
_NODE 8.3.
_NODE n10723.
The Church brings a matter to your attention.

{Majesty, there has been a sighting of the Virgin Mary in the town
of Dordogne. Many pilgrims are flocking there, but their travels have
also attracted bandits. Could you send infantry to guard
the road and make it safe for the thousands of pilgrims?}

Do you:
[a] send a unit of Infantry.
[b] send a unit of Infantry and make a pilgrimage yourself.
[c] tell the Church you cannot spare the men.
You cannot spare the men.
The men are sent.
You cannot spare the men. Nonetheless, your
example is an inspirational one, and the Church
is only slightly annoyed.
The example you set is an inspirational one.
{It is a shame that such a magnificent event, the blessing
of God, must be tainted by the failings of man. Perhaps
showing this to us was the purpose of the vision.}
_NODE n10724.
{It shall be done, Majesty.}
_NODE n10725.
The archbishop arrives to discuss the bishop's distasteful paper
on Papal intervention during civil war.

{Majesty, the bishop's position was not that of mine, nor that of
His Holiness. Given the Pope's recent misfortunes, he does have
concerns, but he certainly does not wish to usurp the responsibilities
of temporal rulers, only to guide them spiritually.

{I will discuss your concerns with the bishop; I would not worry
about the Church. No one wishes to undermine your position or claim
to the throne.}
_NODE n10726.
The archbishop arrives to discuss the bishop's distasteful paper
on Papal intervention during civil war.

{Majesty, I have heard that you might be upset about a certain paper
that was written by one of the bishops.

{I will discuss your concerns with the bishop; I would not worry
about the Church. No one wishes to undermine your position or claim
to the throne.}
_NODE n10727.
Your army battles against the excommunicated templars.
You have triumphed. The templars have been defeated. A
great menace has been destroyed. There is much rejoicing
in the monasteries and abbeys of Bretagne.
You are no match for the fierce cavalry of the templars.
However, the losses they suffer in battling your armies
were severe enough that they are no longer a threat.

Cluster: 1073

_NODE 9.
_NODE n10730.
You receive a messenger from the archbishop.

{I bring word that the archbishop has been judging your recent actions.

{He has found you to be a kind and goodly son of the Church.
He recommends that the Pope recognize your claim to the
{The archbishop finds some of your decisions to be
less than wise, but on the whole, you have shown yourself
to be a dedicated and Christian ruler. May you continue
on this course.}
{The archbishop finds much that is lacking in you. You have
little dedication to the Church. He cannot support your
claim to the throne.}
{The archbishop finds your actions hostile to God and His
Holy Church. He has recommended to the Pope that you
be excommunicated.
He has asked his friends not to support you or
your ambitions.}

Cluster: 1074

_NODE n10740.
_NODE 10.
A messenger comes from his Holiness, the Pope.

{Majesty, your actions against His Holiness have been un-Christian
and despicable. You truly deserve the sanction that you have

{Nonetheless, his Holiness is prepared to grant absolution for your
sins, if you will apologize for your misdeeds and offer 5,000 marks
to the Church as a token of your regret.}

Do you:
[a] apologize and give him 5,000 marks (5 Gold).
[b] refuse.
[c] promise to cede land to the Church.
_NODE 10A.
_NODE n10741.
You do not have the gold. The papal envoy frowns.
{I suppose the willingness to repent is the first step. I
shall light candles for your redemption.}
{Absolution is yours. May God keep you on the path of
_NODE 10B.
_NODE n10742.
The Pope calls for good Christians to avoid you. There are many
desertions from your cause.
_NODE 10B.
_NODE n10743.
{Promises are easily made.}

Many of your followers defect from your cause.

Cluster: 1075

_NODE 10750.
_NODE 1.
A representative comes from the Empire of the Teutons.

{Louis, Prince of Bavaria, Defender of Rome, Emperor of the Teutons,
brings his personal greetings -- and a plea for help.

{The Saracens are on the move. Their navies control most of the
Adriatic, and the Mediterranean. The Emperor fears that they will
soon advance on Constantinople; if the pearl of the East falls, all
of Christendom will be in peril.}

Do you:
[a] promise to help the emperor.
[b] tell him that you cannot help at this time.
{We will let you know what he needs in due course.}
{Alas, I am greatly afraid.}

Cluster: 1076

_NODE 2.
_NODE 10760.
A representative comes from the Empire of the Teutons.

{Louis, Prince of Bavaria, Defender of Rome, Emperor of the Teutons,
brings his personal greetings. I suspect you will have already heard
these grim tidings.

{The Empire and his Venetian allies engaged the Saracen fleet near
Ragusa. The battle did not go well for us, although we prevented
the heathens from sacking the city.

{We are greatly in need of timber. We need 50,000 boards to rebuild
our navy. Can you help?}

Do you:
[a] tell him that you cannot help.
[b] offer 30,000 boards (3 units of timber).
[c] offer 50,000 boards (5 units of timber).
{That is most unfortunate. Very unfortunate indeed.}
You do not have enough wood to contribute to the
{This will be a start, at least.}
_%d{The combined fleet of the Empire and Venice
_are defeated by Saracens near Ragusa. You agree to
_help supply the Empire with badly needed lumber.}
You do not have enough wood to contribute to the
{Excellent. You will have our gratitude.}

Cluster: 1077

_NODE 3.
_NODE 10770.
A papal envoy comes to visit.

{Majesty, I give you a chance for absolution from your
sins. The Pope will lift his interdict on you if you
agree to aid the Empire against the menace of the

Do you:
[a] tell him that you cannot help.
[b] agree to aid the Empire.
{Cannot? Or is it will not?}
{Then you are absolved of your sins. May God
guide you, and protect your soul from those
who would harm it.}
{My lord, the Empire badly needs the help of every
Christian lord who can provide assistance. The Saracen
menace is quite real, and most dangerous. His Holiness
understands your present difficulties, but he would like
you, and others, to try to assist this effort to save

Do you:
[a] tell him that you cannot help.
[b] agree to aid the Empire.
{Cannot? Or is it will not?}

Cluster: 1078

_NODE 4.
_NODE 10780.
A representative comes from the Empire of the Teutons.

{Louis, Prince of Bavaria, Defender of Rome, Emperor of the Teutons,
brings his personal greetings.

{We are still greatly in need of timber. We have come to see if you
can now help us.}

Do you:
[a] tell him that you cannot help.
[b] offer 30,000 boards (3 units of timber).
[c] offer 50,000 boards (5 units of timber).
{That is most unfortunate. Very unfortunate indeed.}
You do not have enough wood to contribute to the
{This will be a start, at least.}
You do not have enough wood to contribute to the
{Excellent. You will have our gratitude.}

Cluster: 1079

_NODE 5.
_NODE 10790.
A messenger comes from the Italian province of Lombardy.

{The Prince of Genoa is upset by your support for his rival, the
Prince of Venice. Your support for the Empire enables the Empire's
ally, Venice, to continue its war against our lands. We wish you to
stop aiding them, or I fear we will have to consider you our enemy.}

Do you:
[a] declare that you are not afraid of them.
[b] inform them that you will consider their words (and forget about
[c] insist you are helping the cause of Christendom.
{But you will be.}
{We really do not wish to go to war against you, but
we will if we must.}
{We only see the ships of Venice sinking the ships of Genoa.
How does that help Christendom?}

Cluster: 1080

_NODE 6.
_NODE 10800.
A messenger comes to you.

{Majesty, several of the local barons are renouncing their support
for you. They say they will not endanger their souls by defying a
papal interdict; until your excommunication has been absolved, they
defy you.}

Do you:
[a] attack the barons.
[b] ask the Pope for absolution.
{It should not take very long to gather for an attack on
these upstarts.}
{I shall send a messenger, expressing your wish.}

Cluster: 1081

_NODE 7.
_NODE 10810.
Merchants ask for an emergency meeting with you.

{Majesty, since the Saracens defeated the Venetian fleet at the
battle of Ragusa, they have increasingly staked a claim on the
entire Mediterranean. Our merchant ships are being harried.

{In addition, pirates from the south Mediterranean are getting
bolder, taking advantage of the diminished naval presence. Our
trade is being destroyed. We need your help!}

Do you:
[a] explain that you are only the king and that you do not have the
power to help.
[b] offer to send infantry to guard land-based trade caravans.
[c] send a messenger to the Empire to negotiate a plan.
{I see. You expect us to help ourselves?!!}
{Majesty, even if a land-based route for these goods are
profitable, which they aren't, all the kings in Christendom
do not have the power to safeguard such a road, especially
with the wars between the Saracens and the Empire in the
{A messenger shall be sent.}

Cluster: 1082

_NODE 8.
_NODE 10820.
Scouts from the south bring a disturbing report.

{Majesty, forces belonging to the Duke of Genoa are slowly moving
towards us, and I don't think they have peace in mind!}

Do you:
[a] threaten to ally with Venice to attack Genoa if they continue
[b] promise to cut all ties with Venice if they turn back.
[c] welcome the attack.
A messenger returns from the advancing army of Genoa.

{Majesty, they feel that we are already Venice's ally, and
will not stop until we are destroyed.}
A messenger returns from the advancing army of Genoa.

{They say that they are willing to give us a chance to prove
{It will be some time before they will arrive.}

Cluster: 1083

_NODE 9.
_NODE 10830.
A messenger comes from the Prince of Venice.

{Majesty, we are finding it difficult to rebuild our fleet. The
Duke of Genoa has taken advantage of our moment of weakness to press
old scores, and we find ourselves hard pressed to match him. We need
your help against Genoa, or we will never be able to defeat the

Do you:
[a] tell him you have no desire to get involved in his personal war.
[b] offer to mediate the dispute.
[c] offer military assistance.
{I can understand this, but it is short-sighted.}
{I do not believe that is possible, but you may try.}
{Excellent. How about three units of knights?}

Do you offer:
[a] offer three units of Infantry.
[b] offer three units of Archers.
[c] offer three units of Knights.
You do not have that many infantry.
{Thank you, Majesty.}
You do not have that many archers.
{Thank you, Majesty.}
You do not have that many knights.
{Thank you, Majesty.}

Cluster: 1084

_NODE 10.
_NODE 10840.
Scouts from the south bring a disturbing report.

{Majesty, forces belonging to the Duke of Genoa are slowly moving
towards us, and I don't think they have peace in mind!}

Do you:
[a] threaten to ally with Venice to attack Genoa if they continue
[b] promise to cut all ties with Venice if they turn back.
[c] welcome the attack.
A messenger returns from the advancing army of Genoa.

{Majesty, they feel that we are already Venice's ally, and
will not stop until we are destroyed.}
A messenger returns from the advancing army of Genoa.

{They say that they are willing to give us a chance to prove
{It will be some time before they will arrive.}
_NODE 10845.
Battle is joined against the rebellious barons...
...and you triumph! The barons are slain in battle.
However, the Church portrays them as martyrs, who had the
courage to confront a corrupt tyrant. Their deaths embolden
your enemies.

Cluster: 1085

_NODE 11.
_NODE 10850.
The papal legate, Cardinal Vellsino, arrives.

{I am sorry I was delayed so long. It seems you have solved
your problems with His Holiness without my help. My heart
rejoices in your salvation.}
{His Holiness has asked me to help you return to the fold.
Gladly I will help you, but penance must be made. You must
cede land to the Church. May God guide you.}

Cluster: 1086

_NODE 12.
_NODE 10860.
Merchants ask for an emergency meeting with you.

{Majesty, our merchant ships are being sunk at will. Something
must be done, or else there will be no fleet.}

Do you:
[a] allow the merchants access to your forests and let them build
their own fleet.
[b] send a messenger to the Empire to negotiate a plan.
{That is better than nothing, I suppose.}
{A messenger shall be sent.}

Cluster: 1087

_NODE 13.
_NODE 10870.
A messenger comes from the Empire.

{Given that it is in our mutual interest to protect the
Mediterranean, we will help you. We require eight units of timber
for which we will pay 12,000 marks. Have it ready for us in 90
days, and we will build a fleet that will make the Mediterranean
safe again.}
_NODE 13a.
_NODE 10871.
A messenger comes from the Empire.

{You do not have the wood that we asked for. That is most

The messenger turns, and without your permission, leaves.
{I see you have the wood. The Emperor has given me 13,000
marks to offer you for it.}

Do you:
[a] accept 13,000 marks (13 Gold).
[b] ask for 14,000 marks (14 Gold).
[c] refuse the offer.
{The Emperor does not have a high opinion of greed!}

Do you:
[a] insist on 14,000 marks.
[b] lower your price to 13,000 marks.
{You shall have your 14,000 marks.}
{That is better.}
{As you wish. Do not ask the Emperor for favors in
the future.}

Cluster: 1088

_NODE 14.
_NODE 10880.
Battle is joined against the expeditionary force from Genoa.
You have triumphed! Genoa is forced to retreat.
Your fight is a valiant one, but you are overwhelmed.
The Empire sends a messenger to Genoa warning them not to
press their attack, but the result is a major humiliation.
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