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Old 17-02-2013, 06:41 PM   #14
Forum hobbit

Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Cascapedia, Canada
Posts: 46

I find that a great adventure title is good for long haul sickness.
Something not too demanding, but that will bring you "elsewhere".
I'm thinking, Amerzone. Quasi-FMV where there isn't much to do but
great places to look at. Or a good cinematic CRPG if you can shake
it. I'm not sure if Betrayal At Krondor is available here, but something
like that. You can move at your rhythm and take pauses. You can
play the same thing for 6 months.

For quick intensive sickness, well.... I'd be more the one
to download a bunch of free casual iOS titles and try
them, if you have such a device. Or you go to a flash
website. I remember being so sick a few days a couple
years ago, that I was just nervously scrolling to anything
easy on iOS that could just make me laugh for a minute,
and there I was playing Rainbow Unicorn Attack, Kitty Jump,
some random tower block thing... The choice is endless really
(but choose platform or puzzle stuff), but that's the thing:
just selecting what to play is part of the fun and makes
you forget you are sick.

Avoid FPS and RTS!!

EDIT: I forgot we are on a mostly DOS website and
that the thread starter asked for DOS. I thought of
deleting this message but I'll leave it as it is. Sorry.

Last edited by Talkie; 17-02-2013 at 06:54 PM.
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