Thread: Coronavirus
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Old 21-03-2020, 10:33 AM   #2
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It is overexcited garbage. It's not actualy dangerous, and from the political/economical side could solve major problems.

Basic higieny and suggestion to not leave home/avoid contact for elderly (and to infants, possibly pregnants) would be more than enough.

Quarantine for the whole population is nonsense, and won't achieve anything but economical collapse.

I also hoped at least gaming sites would avoid this annoying, overabused topic, which is extremly abused by theocratic parties and regimes.
The only good thing in the whole thing is, it revealed there are, and never were conservaties in democracies. It is a wr between the oudated religious fascists, and the sane democratic people, later being the only capable upholding civilisation in the long terms. The others ("right wing","conservatives", "christians"and other religious parties etc.) deny SCIENCE in general (say the Earth is flat, vaccination does not cure anything but makes everyone authistic, climate change is a work of God and can and should nothing to be done with it, AND nuke everyone, and evolution is not true, and gays and atheists shall be exterminated, and so on).

There. Now you got this. Happy now?
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy
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