Thread: Silver [GoG]
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Old 02-01-2006, 08:08 PM   #13
Abandonia nerd

Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Bothwell, Scotland
Posts: 70

Originally posted by TaloN@Jan 2 2006, 04:15 PM
amazing game. shame it hates Windows XP
Well, Windows XP is not the only thing it hates. You guys may not believe this but the way my CD got broken is by BLOWING UP IN MY DAMN CD ROM! :eeeeeh: There I was playing my game and the disc starts spinning really fast and makes this sound like a lawn mower... seconds later I get the blue screen of death. I click on retry. The game worked for a few more minutes, then the blue screen again... this time when I pressed retry the CD spun ultra fast and exploded, shards of the CD were found in the back of my computer later on when I went for repair. Scared the living hell out of me, it sounded like someone put dynomite in my computer, it made such a loud bang. The only thing I could do is look in horror and yell "DAD! The computer exploded!!"
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