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Old 18-11-2014, 11:39 PM   #125
10 GOSUB Abandonia
20 GOTO 10
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Default Phantasmagoria 2, Chapter 5

Oh, what we all waited for! Animated stuff combined with live shots, lots of carnage, aliens, conspiracy, whatnot!

- talk detective
- examine rat
- talk detective
- talk detective OR wait (although the later is a bit nonsensical if u ask me)
- examine mirror*2
- use hammer on mirror
- open nightstand, pick up wallet
- examine mailbox*2
- examine rat*2
- Ctrl Alt on book on table
- call Doc H.
- examine phone (although the next video won't be effected by this...)
- go behind desk
- exit OR hit guard / wait (but why wait for the same stuff to happen?)
- go wyntech
- examine water tank
- examine Tom's computer
- examine Bob's "computer"
- examine Curtis' computer*2
- enter boss' room (beats me how you are able to still roam around ona multikill crime sceen)
- login computer as PAW, read new file, print
- login computer as Curtis, read mail
- enter storeage
- pick up Trevor's key card
- enter basement
- login computer
- type your answers (3 questions, my favourite answers are yes-why-yes, but lot of variability)
- use Tervor's key card on reader
- enter correct glyph
- examine consol
- talk PAW*2
- talk apparition
- examine console
- talk apparition
- examine console OR wait (in which case you die)
- pick up alien slime, 3*alien creature, alien fungus
- combine starfish alien + U-alien = combined alien creature OR combine starfish alien + lightbulb alien to die
- use alien fungus to trap electric alien
- use combined alien on energy barrier
- enter energy pillar
- examine creature
- examine creature OR try to go back in which case you die
for the coming choices only the first allows you to survive:
- pick up syringe, OR pick up scalpel, OR w8
- examine pistol, OR click Jocelyn, OR w8
- pick up card key, OR talk all three zombie (you can pass talking with only any two of them), OR w8
- use card key on lift, OR w8
- use lever, OR hit Therese, OR w8
- talk mother, OR try to leave, OR w8
- examine creature
- examine creature, pick up alien glop
- combine alien glop + alien slime = alien ooze
- use alien ooze on spot below portal
- use electric alien on portal
- solve machine-puzzle. WARNING. Once you start this, you can not do anything else. Also, if you do an incorrect move, the game crashes (yes, even the GoG version). So save each time something new happens.
- choose your ending. Although even if you could blame all stuff on PAW, neither you or Jocelyn have work to go back to. And you might be incompatible. Although you might just plan an alien invasion Anyway, this game ends here. Might be interesting to find out what would bethe MINIMAL thing to do, and wether that way it still makes sense or not, but I leave that up to you

EDIT: to get to the "Easter Egg Score Screen" exit your location (just using the map won't work), and click*10 on the partially visible representation of the building on the bottom of the map, closest to the river.
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy

Last edited by twillight; 19-11-2014 at 10:09 AM.
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