Thread: Vegetarianism
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Old 07-03-2005, 12:48 AM   #21
Game freak

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Vegetarians are cowards. Vegan is the way to go.

Factory farms destroy the environment.

Meat is full of fat and hormones.

The grain used to feed all the animals could feed people.

Industrialization makes eating animal products a cruel act.

I am a vegan. Vegans don't eat milk or cheese because the cows are injected with muck, then when they are no longer profitable they are sent to the slaughterhouse and end up in dog food, macdonalds, and other cheap meats.

The main reason I don't eat it is because it's so destructive to the environment. As maddox said the cow sits there and shits all day. Imagine 5000 cows sitting in one place and shitting all day.

Ofcourse you can't be 100% vegan because the meat industry is subsidized by the government. Money has animal pigments in it, electronics also do, and all your household cleaners are tested on animals. They are pumped into animal's stomach, rubbed in their wounds, and sprayed in their eyes. Thats why the house cleaners say "contact a physician if swallowed" because they tested it on animals and they know what it does. Not to mention leather and muck and clothing. *meep* almost everything is made from animals.

*meep*. I hate society and industrialization. I thought technology would free us from the need to torture animals but it only brought more creative ways to do so.

The arguments that you need proteins from animals and calcium is bullshit made up by the dairy and meat industry. Also nobody can digest pasteurized milk. Milk has natural enzymes that help you digest it. When it is pasteurized the enzymes are killed and you could no longer digest it. It is fermented by bacteria in your intestines and you get gas.

Right. Look at our teeth. They're meant for mashing and tearing meat. And we also need veggies, too!
You are mistaken, read the article below.
little trouble
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