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Old 02-12-2009, 10:07 PM   #1
The Fifth Horseman
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Default Function locks into an infinite loop: why?

Okay, I have a program that moves across a bunch of records stored into memory and reports information about each (number, adress, some initial values).
Full sourcecode

It (mostly) works, but the following function doesn't work as intended.
unsigned short int taketarget (unsigned short int records)
        int target=0;
        cout << "\nEnter target record number:\n";
       while (target<1 || target>records)
         { cin >> target;
         if (target<1 || target>records)
           { cout << "Enter a number between 1 and " << records << ".\n"; }
        return target;
It's supposed to keep prompting the user until valid input is entered.
It does just fine if the user enters numeric values - but if a character is entered, the function loops infinitely without giving the user any way to enter new input.

What may be the cause of this behavior?

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