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Old 10-08-2005, 08:12 PM   #18

Awesome game, I played forever on my AtariST1040. The way to go for season play was to concentrate on grabbing all the coins to train *only* 1-2 players in your original team to full stats (300 was the max stat limit if I remember right). You could concentrate more on getting coins than scoring goals for the first 3 matches. The other half of my strategy was to look at the free agent speedball players that would come up for hire after every match...there would always be 0-1 players that were "superstars", meaning they had great stats and one over the 300 max score. Get those and put them where they would do best (you could move your trained ball players to different positions if necessary). At the end I would have 4-5 free agent superstars and my 2 fully upgraded players, which could always beat the snot out of the championship team.
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