Thread: Captain Blood
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Old 28-09-2008, 10:07 AM   #1

Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Poole, England
Posts: 3
Default Captain Blood

I'm not sure how this whole thing works, but here goes... -.-'

The FAQ thingy said that if I wanted to upload something to make Abandonia a more wonderful place than it already is, I was to come here. I've checked the status of this game, and made sure it IS Abandonware, but ISN'T on the site already.

The game in question is Captain Blood - a great and wonderful sci-fi adventure-type game. It is quite complicated to master, but very fun to play; if it were uploaded to the site some guidelines etc may be needed to come with it. To summarise the game play (I have the manual, and it's actually really quite long!!) you go around finding planets, talking to aliens, and blowing up planets (lol).

I already have this game on my comp in the Atari (ST) format, and I'm sure there's more versions floating around the net somewhere. I also have an original copy (sounds exciting, doesn't it?) of the game in Amiga format, but I have no idea how to get it onto my main comp anyway (unless if someone can enlighten me).

So what do ya all think?
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