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Old 16-01-2017, 03:41 PM   #27

Skipping-Rope: Just press left-right at a constant timing. Don't know for how long though... never been able to do it on the Amiga, but with a keyboard it's not too hard.
Weight-Lifting: I cannot figure this one out at all.
I suppose you should move in every direction (how, with a keyboard?) and once he starts moving up you only press Up as fast as you can.
Pad kicking: Press F2 once you hear the sound to pause the game. Then either press up, left or down, depending on which pad will be extended.

Selecting different moves:
Go to "Select Hits" (duh...). On the left you see 9 moves, on the right you see two boxes with A, B, C... up to K, L, M.
Those letters correspond to the position of the joystick. So A is "Up, Left", B is "Up", C is "Up, Right" and so on. The letters starting from F are the moves you do when you press the fire button along with positioning your joystick.

What you do now is you position the red pants on the move you wish to perform and then press the letter for the joystick. So, if you want move 08 on "Fire, Up, Left" you move the "cursor" (the red pants) to move 08 and press F. You should hear a beep.

To cycle through the moves you press the fire button and then left or right.
But make sure you always have the uppercut in your repertoire, that surely is a killer move.
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