Thread: Assault Trooper
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Old 05-01-2007, 03:13 AM   #35

Join Date: Jan 2006
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Posts: 21

2506 points on hard...using the Uzi.

That documents one in the fortress in Libya was still a pain.

Does anyone use mines? I tend to always seem to have picked up a few.

I killed a dog with a mine once, I was cycling through the weapons to see how many grenades I had (I think in that fortress in Libya), and a dog came round the corner, so I automatically fired...while using mines...the mine goes over its head, and the dog ran backwards a bit and set it off. Lucky, cause I'd otherwise have to use that corridor. retrospect, it might be useful in the corridor, when 4-5 guys come round the corner.

Oh, killed a pistol guy with a mine...he wandered off around a corner, and I was out of ammo, except for the mine.

Got killed a bit after in both cases...the one in Libya is always hard, and being out of ammo in the other didn't help.

Oh, you can kill people after you "rescue" them...I did that once on purpose, cause I needed a grenade to cut through some wire, and sometimes civilians drop them.

Edit: 2045 on normal with the shotgun...there were plenty of times when I wished I had a "real" weapon this time

Nice to know grenades take out gunboats and armoured cars...they really annoy me, especially when they are moving around

Killed 5 guys with one grenade a room full of barrels...though I once killed 4 "normally".

If a grenade goes off the map, it explodes automatically, BTW, found that out the hard way.
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