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Old 30-05-2006, 12:07 PM   #3
Abandonia Homie
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Join Date: May 2005
Location: Aurora, United States
Posts: 606

Well, this isn't a category we host on Abandonia is it? A quick Google search was certianly eye opening. This isn't a game I happen to own.

The only Henti game I ever had was pretty soft core. It was also my first attempt at disassembling the code and cracking the protection. I never managed to do it, but I tried. It was a game where you were in a school, the girls would fight constantly and the fighting, this was pretty interesting, consisted of getting 5 cards delt to you with different symbols. I remember there was a card that blocked, one that hit, and one that if unblocked stripped away an aricle of clothing. You could win either by knocking out their HPs or completely dissrobing them, however, as their clothing got more scarce, their attacks got stronger, so it was actually a bit of stragety that you didn't want to get them down to next-to-nothing without being able to finish the job or they'd one hit KO you.

To this day I don't remember what that game was called, nor have I ever seen it anywhere. It's too bad, it was kinda cool.
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