Thread: Rockys Boots
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Old 17-01-2009, 04:02 PM   #7
Default Thanks and How To make small cursor movements

Thanks! I've got a 3GHz machine. Last night I had to slow the frame/cycle rate down to about 50 to get an experience similar to my memories of playing. I used the duck quack and skeleton vibration/repaint rate to tweak this. Is that the same rate y'all are using?
Also, I'm not able to get the 'small movement' of the cursor by holding down the SHIFT button. I can if I: 1) Hold down LEFT SHIFT then 2)Hold down RIGHT SHIFT 3) Release either one of them and then 4) move the cursor using arrows.
Am I doing something wrong OR missing a configuration?

and THANKS again for the quick reply. So great to know others still recognize the value of this game.

Recommendation for a new game (if y'all are interested): Crayon Physics Deluxe.
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