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Old 01-08-2004, 07:16 PM   #1
Default Shocking Numbers!!

I just looked at the members list and found out that there are

97 Members with 0 posts,
38 Members with 1 post,
35 Members with 2-5 posts,

Now, lets put that into Percents

There are

40,9% that have 0 posts
16% that have 1 post
14,7% that have 2-5 posts

that is 71,6% that has 5 post or LESS

On the Other hand there are

14 that have 100+ posts
7 that have 50-99 posts
30 that have 10-49 posts

in percents

5,9% that have 100+ posts
2,9 that have 50-99 posts
12,6 that have 10-49 posts

that is 21,4% that have 10 posts or more

There are 7% missing, which are 6-9, conclusion

78,6% 0-9 posts
21,4% 10+ posts

Just wanted to let you (admins) know so you can get set to clean the memberlist a little.
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