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Old 05-01-2006, 11:09 AM   #27

Hi all,

I'd like to ask your opinion on this:
My oldtimer stepped into a mine that first looked like a usual mine with frames (?) and ladders, gold and so on. Then I found a passage downward to an unexplored part of the mine. The whole walls were glimming like gold (Is this the lost mine?), but i couldn't get it. Trying to get back out, I had to see that the exit wasn't there anymore, just a dead end.
So I went further down, where came into a room with several ropes and spiders running up and down the ropes. Having managed to climb the ropes without having died from the spiders (after some trying), I came back to the usual part of the mine with an exit, but nothing else...
What's it all about? Just a gimmik? The lost mine? Don't know..

Maybe You do? :blink:

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