Thread: Elite Plus
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Old 23-01-2014, 03:15 AM   #53
Nothoria Infama
Default On Elite Plus

Hi. I'm Finnish Long time Elite Plus Archangel Commander, First introduced to Elite Plus some time during mid 90's. Played that game so much that those rare who realize what it mean in practice gather over 1.8 million credits in this game doesn't believe that i.e. months of play in real time required for that.

I started my recent (and currently ongoing game/Commander) November 6th 2002 and even before that there were Commander with some 750 000 credits. I started over again for gathering better understanding about statistics of The Game, Succesfully accomplished all missions and surviving several times from Witch Space (but not managed yet kill all thargoids there for entry to 9th Galaxy). I have almost perfect log kept from my efforts during this game.

Biggest surprise in Elite Plus: I managed to take photograph when - for some mysterious reason - I lost my 'Elite' Status when reaching 60081 hits. Check Photos at (My Forum Account at Elite Forums.

Greatest Achievements: 4 times "Elite" with over 1000 kills in single Anarchist System. Making over 1000 kills in one system without pauses or docking in The station takes some 2 hours 20 minutes of continuous game play (with necessary skills - of course). Record is 1212+ hits:

"Xeaqu (AN5AA) 1734717.7 14418.7 1212 !!!! [2h 25min]
!! NEW RECORD !! (Bounties 13085.3 Cr)"

Few miscellaneous notes on the game.

- Only Newbie Commanders use Docking Computers
- Only Chicken Newbies or Chicken Nerd Newbies cheat with hex-editors and .CDR save game files.
- Average bounty per ship in Anarchist Systems is somewhere between 10.5-11.5 credits per ship thus any kind of trading of goods is just waste of time (not including loot of course).
- Masking device takes one ton of cargo space
- Nothing seemingly trigger 'Constrictor mission' at Errius in Galaxy 2 although texts concerning that are displayed to Commander's Status Bar replacing it with randomly occuring and incomplete text: "ew ship was seen at Errius". When reaching Errius nothing happens.
- All systems cannot be reached in the game. There are few dozens systems reacheable only (in theory) Using Galactic Hyperdrive (Beyond 7 light years from any reachable systems on Galactic Charts)
- No one need left and right side lasers to anything.
- Anti-ECM broadcasters seemingly doesn't inflict anything (thought they waste energy and prevent Energy banks recharging)
- It is possible get Elite status during single 4-5 hours game session (from beginning of the game).
- You need only decent Fore Lasers, ECM-system and Fuel Scoop to be able to Start play The Game.
- Maximum amount of loot from single ship (Anaconda) I ever experienced was 14 tons (Cargo and Metal Alloys)
- Wolfs Launch always all their missiles (4) in row if not interrupted by tapping Masking Device (which makes them 'forget' firing missiles and end their evasive actions)
- Mission where you can acquire Masking Device: there appear be 2 Asp MK IIs and continuous and never ending stream of masked Cougars and Constrictors. One of Asps carry masking Device and release it in Cargo Canister.
- There are no space station in the system where Thargoid invasion - mission takes place after you destruct that station.
- You can kill Tribbles/Trumbles by flying near some star. This 'mission' occurs randomly again during game play.
- No Space Dredgers or Generation Ships around

Nothoria Infama
Commander, Archangel
60000+ Hits, 1.8+ MCr
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