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Old 07-03-2007, 10:30 AM   #1
Abandonia nerd

Join Date: Sep 2005
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Posts: 53

Fun, Funner, Funst! *bad grammar intended*

This game is all about the Mix and Match skills and involves ONLY Usernames.

The rules are too simple.

- You take someone's username and mix it up so it makes a completely new sentence/word/name/anything.
- You can only use usernames that do not include numbers (t34 1337 for example <- don't use)
- Spaces / Dashes / Underscores / Apostrophes and other crappy alphabet mutilations are treated as normal letters (ë -> e, Á -> A, etc.
- You can only use Usernames on the Abandonia® forum. Banned / deleted users don't count.
- You do not have to use ALL the letters in the name (but use as much as possible. it's more fun that way)
- You can't use the same username twice. (EG. User A used Davethefreezingchest, so user B can't use this name anymore. same goes for user C and beyond. Use of own username is not allowed.)

See how creative you really are. unleash your lvl. 48 Brainforce and make it work.

To give a fine example of how the thingey works:

David Romero -> Video Dorm.

(A & R retained)

Now you guys / girls give it a try.
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