Thread: Risk
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Old 23-07-2005, 06:36 PM   #18
Nils AKA Nelson


I hear people complain about the fact u can't stop an attack when you turn on do-or-die-attack, AND people say the AI is to dumb. So, the sollution is: play the game with do-or-die-attack turned ON, and see it as an extra handicap for the sentient-players (Who on their turn have the advantage of having a real brain and common sense!), while having the practical advantage of having less clicks to make.

An other tip: Don't turn the army-limit-funtion on, but agree for yourself (and other humanplayers, that is illigal to place more than 10 armies on a country. Makes it more challenging. (Note: when you get 2 bonus-armies on a country where you already had 10 armies, or when you have one country with more than 7 armies (or you have to trade cards), you get more than 10 armies on a country. The protocol to follow is that the computer-armylimit is to turn on (With a maximum of 10) and after that to be turned of inmediately. Yes, also the 10+ armies of the computer are decimated now, but it is reglementary and the other players should be aware of the fact that it is possible that computerarmies can be brought down to 10 when such an occasion occurs.

Playing with 2 human players? Agree on this: completing your mission= 3 points, kicking the other human player out of the game = 2 points (than game is finished and u have to start a new game), one of the (4) computer players wins = both human players score 1 point. The first with 10 points wins (and at least 2 point ahead, like in tennis or something, that can keep the game interesting for a long time, and indeed, the final score could be of 17-15 for example.

In addition to this competitionsystem; an extra rule can be that both human players can declare one of the computerplayers to be their "deputy" When the deputy wins, the player who's deputy it is, gets one point, the other none.

Tips for one player game: Give al five computerplayers the same colour and the exact same name + Dont look at your own mission and use the 10 = max rule. That is a challenge! (In all honesty; I still win with great ease of the computer (mixed AI-levels; I think the standard-computer is more dangerous than the hard-computer who is too predictable).

Are u a Risk-fan and you have simulair playing tips? Or want to exchange ideas? Please mail me at:

e-mail removed

(PS: 4 me, there are just 3 games that really rock:

1. North&South (infogrames, 1989/1990)
2. Risk
3. Scorched Earth (any version) )

(PPS: You can also mail just for fun)
(PPPS When you like NOrth&South, U HAVE to mail me, cause, I think U & me are the only one's one the planet I think )
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