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Old 17-08-2011, 05:26 PM   #3
Default Not a great one for me

I got this game back in 1994? on a disc that also Al-Qadim and Darksun (first game) on it. I liked Darksun better. Darksun is bleak and hard, Al-Qadim is a real adventure, and Ravenloft is the serious of the bunch.

This game has definitely good sides, but it is something else. I could only ever stand it for a couple of hours.

I never liked the balance between your starting characters and the world they live in. From their portraits and character sheets they seem too polished, too goody-goody and clean cut. The world has nasty wolves and poison and vampires. They should be dirty and bloody and hurt, not packing fresh colors and sparkling scrolls.

Some of the NPCs you meet are acting way over the top. The choices for the dialogue doesn't help. All NPCs speak in this incredibly theatrical way, like "I am done for, it is clear for all to see... I yeild, I am at your mercy..." Enough with the goth acting already, I've had my fill for this life.

All the lady-NPCs have big boobs. Who doesn't like big boobs? I guess the graphics designer wasn't gettin' any, well, it completely destroyed the atmosphere when I met the lady-ninja with a shirt about to burst.

I never really got into the part about the "realm in between", hidden by the mist and so on... If you touch it, you're wounded? Some of my friends wanted to play pen and paper Ravenloft, but I always declined, having seen this.
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