Thread: Colonization
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Old 10-08-2005, 08:29 PM   #103
Dines Petersen

A real classic game.

And the game is so interesting, that you can play it over and over again.
Only problem is, that when you have learnt all the tricks, it gets to easy, even at the highest level.

So i offered myself some limitations.
First limit, no trading with home nation after 1500.
This allows you just a handfull of colonists, before you try to become selfproducing of everything.
But i still managed to win.

Next challenge, NO trading what so ever.
This really gives you a slow start, since your initial 2 colonists have to grow into everything.
Two ways to pull this off. Find one of the other nations very early, and assault them. This will give you 2 more colonists, and, if done right, another 50 muskets and 100 tools. And most likely they will keep landing colonists near you, that you can take...
Or, simply sail to a corner of the map, far far away, and wait a LOOONG time, until your colonists start reproducing..
But i have done it, with all 4 nations.

Next challenge, NO peace treaties at all.
This gives you problems with all nations ofcource, if you are at war, they WILL send troops your way. And the natives will be a problem too. They will attack you hard for a long time. Eventually they will get calmer, and then you can make them happy by trading with them. But you will NEVER get a colonist trained when you dont sign the initial trreaty...
But, i was able to pull it of, with all 4 nations.

And then for the ultimate challenge : No trading, No treatys...
Go hide on a small island far far away, and hope noone notices you.
But its possible.....

Dines, who uses WAY to much time playing old strategy games...
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