Thread: Blow Off Steam!
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Old 14-04-2006, 10:49 PM   #1
Sebatianos's Avatar

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Location: Ljutomer, Slovenia
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Well, one of my favorit games is The Train, Escape to Normandy. In that game (you can read the review) you drive a steam locomotive (among other things) and there's this little thingy called STEAM BLOW OFF.

I guess evenbody needs to do that every now and again, so here's teh place to do it.

Some simple rules for this post:

1) Nothing said here is to be taken personally:
The person saying it just wnated to have it off the chest, not to insult anybody or anything (weather politically, religiously, military, personally...). So don't come here to tell people they shouldn't fee that way, come here to leave some of the bagadge in the found-to-be-lost department.

2) No problem if you reply, but remember this is basically a whining thread, so comments like - stop your whining aren't going to help.

3) Don't intentionally be offensive, hiding behind the fact that you can blow off steam here.

OK, have a really miserable time
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