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Old 24-08-2019, 07:02 AM   #38
gnorgplik's Avatar

Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Tahlequah, United States
Posts: 4

I am running this on WinXP Pro 32 bit with no problems. However, trying to set up audio and music only results in weird repeating static noises. Like vvv-bn-ZEEET, vvv-bn-ZEEET. So, no sounds. But that's fine, the game is quite atmospheric visually, and in particular, spatially.

As some reviewers have... er... NOTED #%&*!? ... ... there are times in the game when you walk, and walk, and walk, and walk, and walk.

Here's the thing. The game is designed so that you feel the size of your environment. Ringworld is freaking huge!! That ledge on which they park the ship is gigantic, 'goes for miles', and these guys are on foot looking for widely scattered possibly usable crash debris.

My friends, that task is gonna take some tedious walking. It adds to the feeling of being stranded on this monumentally gargantuan monolithic shelf in the deep of space.

Same with Quinn's walking speed aboard the ship. It's a big ship. The hangar bay is cavernous. The time it takes crossing from one end to the other is in keeping with that.

It's good immersion design, IMO. It would be fun designing a sound track for this.
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