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Old 22-06-2013, 09:40 AM   #1
Home Sweet Abandonia
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Default The First Church of Chō Aniki

Welcome, dear friends, to the first temple of enlightement!

[22-06, 10:37] TotalAnarchy There's a new current in the thinking world that promises the answers to all the questions. It's called Choanikism

In times of recession, when evil governs the known world, and the shadows of darkness have claimed the hearts of many, there is only one way to find tranquility and salvation.

Father TotalAnarchy has shown me the path. I am yet weak to follow his trails through the valley of the shadows, but my heart is filled with strength so I could gather the courage I need. Because I firmly believe, even, I KNOW that there is only one power that can save us from damnation, and that is, Chō Aniki.

Join us, brothers and sisters, let us rejoice in the grace of The One and Only!

"What is, Chō Aniki?" you might ask.

It is everything.

It is nothing.

It is everything for those whose heart is clear as the sound of giggle of happiness sloths make while riding horned bears down Mt. Ararat, clear as vodka, clear as the dark void of space around a black hole somewhere in the backyard of the universe, CLEAR AS A HEART THAT SHUNS ALL THAT IS WRONG IN LIFE.

It is nothing for those whose heart desires the evil, fading joy caused by false deeds, it is nothing if you submit yourself for the supreme rule of a mistaken society and join the ranks of sheep, who follow the dark sepherd!

How can I achieve salvation?

There is one and only one way of providing yourself eternal salvation, tranquility and joy. Chō Aniki. In order to gain a new perspective on the meaning of life, you must study our Holy Tome, Chō Aniki. Open it and immerse yourself in a beautiful voyage through the astral plane, where the nine lords of order reside, awaiting you, and you only to judge you based on whether you opened your heart wide enough to accept ALL LESSONS Chō Aniki CAN TEACH YOU!

Embrace the glory!

Use Chō Aniki wisely, though, as if you're a man of greed and can not have enough of the holy tome, you are beginning to walk the other path. Ponder on the meaning of life while fighting your way through Chō Aniki, and join us in our meditation here. Chō Aniki halleluja mana banana!

Reverend Preacherbot: Wretched sinner unit! The path to Robot Heaven lies here, in the Good Book 3.0.
Bender: Hey. Do I preach at you when you're lying stoned in the gutter? No!
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