Thread: Hello, Nuts
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Old 04-09-2013, 09:25 PM   #5
Abandonia nerd
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Talking 2 Possibilities

Originally Posted by dosraider View Post
Naaa, your jokes aren't thàt bad, seen worse.

Hmmmm, now that I think about it, nope, not really, haven't seen worse than yours.
Possibility A: lemme guess, you read my signature and thought it was pretty good, then you went through my posts and realize I spend all my time trying to replicate those few moments of glory which were portrayed so keenly in my signature... You also noticed my one-time-too-often use of ""

Possibility B: You where faking me out the whole time and just made a comment to slap me in the face, giving me hope, and then dropping me in the hole next to the Abandoned software, left for dead, ready to be thrown into the trash compactor and made into a copy of Call of Duty XVII.
"Does seeing me as a small lizard make everything I say even MORE annoying?"

"...this forum seems like a bunch of jumbled posts all bound together, except a toddler has been tearing "Posts" out of the "Binder"."

"And here we are, in the shadows, patiently awaiting a reply to appear, in it's natural habitat."

"Why quote someone else when you alone have enough ridiculous posts for the whole forum's user base?" -All Quotes StaaViinsZ
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