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Old 30-04-2005, 08:03 AM   #1
Forum hobbit

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Well I can certainly agree with this article. I have not bought as many games for a few years now, compared to what I used to buy about 5+ years ago. In fact, quite a few years ago, I bought more games in half a year, than I have now, in the last 3-4 years about.

It may not be the same for everyone else, but for me, someone who used to play games almost every free minute of his life, I can hardly find something that keeps me interested enough any longer and with increased prices, its hardly worth wasting your money for something you are just going to stash away after a day or two of playing.

Modern gaming just doesn't do much for me anymore, I'm sad to say. They can add better physics, better graphics, better sound - but it's still the same thing, just a lot prettier.

I mean what is the point now anyway, I need to buy a new machine every two years in order to play a game at a reasonable framerate? I need to buy a new machine EVERY 2 YEARS in order just to play a rehashed game - just with a touch more makeup on? Add on the expense of a game that you are most probably going to get bored with - there are exceptions, but there are very few of them. I used to, I am ashamed to admit, argue that the PC was the ultimate gaming platform. Nowdays I am arguing the exact opposite.

Consoles seem to be the only logical way to support gaming as a hobby. Unless you are Bill Gates son (or something along those lines), upgrading/buying a new machine every few months/2 years is just not a resonable option. Console games while being more expensive (on average - why are they more expensive that PC games I like to ask myself ... they should be cheaper seeing as everything is constant - the hardware, the system etc.) at least give you a level experience. At least buying a console game, you know you are getting the same experience as everyone else. Unlike a PC game where you hear how great it is, only to find out you have to use your countries military computers to be able to run the things ...

What do you guys think?

I personally couldn't care less for Doom 4,5,6 ... Half-Life 3,4,5 ... Halo 3,4,5... Red Alert 3,4,5 ... Tomb Raider 7,8,9 ... Mario 101,102,103 .... you guys get the point :P

I don' t know what it is with this industry and sequels and rehashed ideas. Enough with the sequels, enough with the BFG's, enough with the hype.

It's all because of sequels and hardware driven games - that the actually good games, ADVENTURES (not your adventure/rpg/action/puzzle type games) are forced out of the industry. Ironic isn't it, that ADVENTURES, once the FPS of the game industry, are so rare nowdays. Maybe its the reviewers that keep telling us how its not as much fun as Counter-Strike or whatever other FPS seems to be popular at the moment, that is leading to the extinction of commercial adventures. Maybe it is because they keep telling us the graphics arn't as good as Half-Life X or Doom X.

The industry really is a funny thing nowdays.

I seem to be playing Highway Pursuit

a lot more than your super-out-of-this-world-graphics games currently available.

Long live the oldies!
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