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Old 11-12-2010, 01:33 AM   #21
Union Leader

Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Zagreb, Croatia
Posts: 1,867

Hey I may not always agree with this guy, but he undeniably nailed all the points. Watch this video.

Also the government is never your friend. Do not trust them, they work against their people and for their self interest, wikileaks is great for exposing the misdeeds of government and information that is kept from the people that themselves chose the same government.

I find the idea that people have something against the exposition of deeds of this (or any really) government that was elected by the people (and should therefore be accounted by the people that elected them cause they are the same people who are affected by their decisions) disgusting and perverse.

Government should be transparent and accountable to people, I can only wish there are more of these leaks for every government in the world, perhaps then the word GOVERNMENT would take it's true meaning.

"Which has resulted in the most deaths? Lying us into war, or the release of the WikiLeaks papers?"
This quote says it all really.
[14-12, 16:08] TotalAnarchy: but the greatest crime porn has done is the fact that it's all fake and emotionless, that's why I prefer anime hentai frankly

Last edited by Tulac; 11-12-2010 at 01:58 AM.
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