Thread: Bio Menace
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Old 09-10-2004, 04:50 PM   #4

This cheats can provide great advantage in the game, but also kill you if you use them too often, so use them wisely.

Super Plasma Bolt - hold down the UP-key for 2 seconds till you hear
"Charge up". Then press fire. This will cost you one hitpoint.

Fireballs - move six or seven times from left to right and then press
jump. This will cost you one hitpoint.

Shield - move six or seven times from right to left and then press
jump. You get a different colour and a shield appears. Last for a
very short time.

Invulnerability - hold down the UP-key for 2 seconds then press the
DOWN-key. You will blink and be invunvulnerable for a very short
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