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Old 12-08-2006, 01:44 PM   #32
Abandonia Homie
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Join Date: May 2005
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So let's put it all together:

Side scroller definately. You play a guy, maybe.
Keyboard controlled, maybe
You start off in a forrest maybe.
In some parts you walk on clouds.
Something about a bridge or a well being guaded by a monster or something.
You maybe could collect items.
Maybe collect fruit.
Some bits had a castle in maybe.
VGA graphics.
from the 90s, it came on a floppy disc.
Legend of Kyrandia is the closest so far.

So, here's my guesses. Was it an actual side scroller or a 3rd person advernture like Kyrandia? For the visual style like Kyrnadia but in a side scroller there's flashback or Prince of Persia or Another World. Anything in the neighborhood?
For content, (although I don't remember a monster on a bridge, but know knows) is the Captan Comic series close?

That's all I've got for now.
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