Thread: Baldies
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Old 05-03-2018, 08:31 AM   #253
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Originally Posted by Mystvan View Post
I noticed reading on the thread that the game Baldies seems to be complex and / or difficult.

And mostly twillight that looks a bit discouraged and hungary for hints, guides, maps.

I think I’ve already passed the stage where the difficulty of the game was challenging. After adult, with all the challenges at work, university, life, etc., what to have more complication when you want to have fun and relax?

And for me, fun should be with cheat, codes, trainers, savegame editors. What is the fun in you staying without knowing what to do or the strategy to be adopted to overcome the obstacles and keep advancing in the game? Trying several times at the same point is monotonous, stressful and waste of time.

Well, that is my humble opinion.
Baldies is not complex at all. It is very repetitive and simple. You only can use a number of units and a few strategies.

Unfortunately the simplicity of the game happens to be its downfall as with enough advantage on one side (namely on the computer enemy) the game becomes undefeatable. And thathappens on the Pharao Mask level.

Otherwise when you realise 90% of the inventions worth nothing, you end up with:
- build red houses to outpopulate the enemy
- build green houses to bomb the heck out of them. You'll still need a solid population
- prevent enemy houses from expanding. This can only be achieved by building a house right next to them. Only works because the AI never let houses collapse. Costs a lo of resources this strategy.
- if you're ready to work hard to be lazy, try abusing the game with success: drop skunk in the water for piranhas, and feed the enemy to them. This requires some reflexes and likely a restart of the level (every position is fixed, there's no fog of war), but you can spare hours of your life this way
- you need free space not blocked by unmovable objects to start building (later less of an issue with enough population)

And probably that's it. Through 85 levels. Unfortunately no cheat code to advance through levels, the only cheat does not work, neither the "warp population" feature.

I say give it a try, the first two worlds are nice enough,just don't expect to finish the game There's likely no ending anway, jut the generic "you win" screen.
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