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Old 12-10-2015, 07:13 AM   #160
Abandonia nerd

Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Los Angeles, United States
Posts: 81

Cluster: 2964

_MMI Phi: node 29641
Prunella's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Prunella ate some porridge this morn, and now she cannot
stop eating soap!}

[a] Send for a doctor.
[b] Ignore it.
She bows.
{I'll fetch him right away.}
She bows.
{Yes, Sire.}
_MMI Phi: node 29642
Prunella's handmaiden runs in.
{Prunella is gone! She left this note:
'I am sorry, but I cannot accept the dismal destiny of being your
Queen. Farewell and good luck.'}
_MMI Phi: node 29643
Prunella's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Prunella is dead! She left this note:
'I am sorry, but I could not endure the thought of our marriage. With
death, I find solace in being close to God. Say hello to Mother.'}
_MMI Phi: node 29644
Prunella's nurse enters.
Prunella is greatly recovered, but she could use a spiritual
boost. I think this is a good time to commemorate your engagement.}

[a] Plan a commemoration.
[b] Refuse.
She nods.
{Very well, Sire.}
Her eyes avoid yours.
{As you wish.}
_MMI Phi: node 29645
Prunella's nurse enters.
{Prunella is dead. With her last breaths, she asked for you to
remember her. Shall I call the royal ceremony planner?}

[a] Refuse.
[b] Agree.
She glares.
{As you wish.}
She nods.
{I shall send for him.}
_MMI Phi: node 29646
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{To commemorate Princess Prunella, I suggest a tower costing 2 Gold.
A statue would cost only 1 Gold. A song would cost nothing, but still
seem sweet.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Sire, your judgment is unsurpassed. It shall be done.}
He smiles.
{Very good, Sire.}
He smiles.
{I thought you might like that. A song it shall be.}
He smiles.
{I see.}
_MMI Phi: node 29647
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{You have gone too far. I hope you grow warts on your nose.}

Cluster: 2965

_MMI Phi: node 29651
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{Commemorating the princess with a bridge would cost 2 Gold.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. Of course, a song would cost nothing,
but still show you care.}

Do you order:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Sire, your judgment is superb. It shall be done.}
He smiles.
{It shall be done, my liege.}
He smiles.
{It shall be done, my liege.}
He frowns.
{As you wish, my liege.}
_MMI Phi: node 29653
Prunella's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people joyously throw gilded peas.
Prunella chokes back a sob with a fierce smile. She exclaims:
{I shall never forget this day!}
_MMI Phi: node 29652
Prunella's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The jeering people throw boiled peas.
Horrified, Prunella gasps:
{I want to go home to mother!}
_MMI Phi: node 29659 (END OF PLOT)

Cluster: 2971

_MMI Cha: node 29811
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I have considered your request, and I consent to let you marry my
second daughter, Griselda. She will soon come to call.}
_MMI Phi: node 29716
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am pleased to announce the engagement of my daughter, Princess Griselda, to
Ramiro, King of Aragon.}
Charles, King of Valois.}
Henri, Duke of Anjou.}
_MMI Phi: node 29718
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{Duke, you are a disappointment. I shall never do business with
you again.}

Cluster: 2972

_MMI Phi: node 29721
Princess Griselda arrives. She is sharp and stylish, but has the
face of a horse. She says:
{Sire, I am sure our union will be a profitable one. Indeed, I
cannot wait for you to lavish me with my first gift.}

[a] Give her a bauble.
[b] Refuse.
[c] Promise her anything.
You give her a golden music box. She spits on it.
{A music box? Jewels would
certainly be more appropriate.}

[a] Give her jewels.
[b] Send her home.
[c] Call off the engagement.
Smiling, she dons a diamond and ruby tiara.
{I think we shall get along very well.}
She stomps her foot.
{How dare you treat me like a child? Sire, you are
a leper!}
She laughs.
{I wouldn't have married you anyway. You have the mind
of a gnat!}
She spits.
{How dare you! Queen Catherine shall hear about this!}
She laughs.
{Promises are sweet, but worthless. I trust you will soon give
me something I can wear.}
_MMI Phi: node 29722
Griselda comes to see you. Her beady eyes glow with determination.
{Sire, we must sever our engagement. I love Ramiro of
Aragon. He is not as handsome as thou, but he hath brains.}
{Sire, I love Charles of Valois. He is a true leader who will
someday be King of Bretagne. You must free me.}
{Sire, I am love with Henri of Anjou. I know he is not very
smart, nor powerful, but I love him anyway. You must free me.}

[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
She smiles.
{Sire, you hath done a good deed.}
She sneers:
{Sire, you show poor judgment indeed.}
_MMI Phi: node 29723
Queen Catherine visits.
{Duke, the engagement is off. Your kingdom is worthless,
but Griselda is not. If you ever rise to power again, maybe then
I shall call on you.}
_MMI Phi: node 29724
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{Free Princess Griselda, and I shall give you 100 hard-working
serfs. What is your reply?}
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{Free Princess Griselda or I shall cut off your head.}
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{Please give Griselda to me, for our love is one of destiny.
I will e'er stick by your side if you will let Griselda be my bride.}

[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{Bless you for freeing Griselda. As promised, the serfs
are on the way.}
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{As promised, I am sending 200 *****s. I hope you
will be as happy as myself.}
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{Thank you for setting Griselda free. You shall
always get respect from me.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{You are a fool to keep Griselda against her will.
This has severely damaged our relationship.}
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{You shall soon pay the penalty for not freeing Griselda.}
A message arrives from Henri, Duke of Anjou.
{You will not let Griselda go, so I shall be
your mortal foe.}
_MMI Phi: node 29726
An advisor comes to plan the engagement parade.
{A ceremony with virgin sopranos costs 2 Gold. One with magicians
costs 1 Gold. What is your desire, Sire?}

[a] Virgins.
[b] Magicians.
[c] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Sire, your judgment is unsurpassed. It shall be done.}
{I shall begin preparations.}
{But Sire! The people already complain that they scarcely
see you. You must show them you care.}

Do you choose:
[a] Virgins - 2 Gold.
[b] Magicians - 1 Gold.
[c] Nothing.
He nods.
{I am very pleased. It shall be done.}
{Very good, my liege.}
{Very well, Sire.}
_MMI Phi: node 29727
A messenger arrives.
{Sire, Queen Catherine is distressed that you sent Griselda home.
She says you must plan the traditional parade in honor of the engagement

[a] Refuse.
[b] Plan the parade.
{I shall deliver the message, Sire.}
{I shall notify the royal ceremony planner.}

Cluster: 2973

_MMI Phi: node 29731
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The joyous
villagers toss gold coins at you and your betrothed.
Griselda beams:
{This gold is even lovelier than thou!}
_MMI Phi: node 29732
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The jeering
villagers hurl epithets at you and Griselda. She spits
on them and shouts:
{Laugh now, fools, for you shall soon be my slaves!}
_MMI Phi: node 29733
Griselda enters.
{Sire, the people look down on me because there has been no
parade. What sort of a man are you anyway? Where is my parade?}

[a] Have a parade.
[b] Refuse.
She smiles.
{I am glad you came to your senses.}
She sneers:
{You art a pea brain.}
_MMI Phi: node 29734
Queen Catherine enters.
{How dare you have no engagement parade? You must treat Griselda
with respect!}

[a] Give in.
[b] Refuse.
She smiles.
{You are very wise for such a small man.}
She hisses:
{You will be sorry!}
_MMI Phi: node 29735
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{A parade with brandied pigeons costs 2 Gold. One with brandied
cake costs 1 Gold. Which shall it be?}

[a] Pigeons.
[b] Cake.
[c] Nothing.
He smiles.
{It shall be done.}
{Very good, Sire.}
{But Sire! Why then, did you call me? You simply must
have a parade. It is good manners.}

Do you choose:
[a] Pigeons - 2 Gold.
[b] Cake - 1 Gold.
[c] Nothing.
{Sire, I am glad you reconsidered. It shall be done.}
{Very good, my liege.}
{As you wish, my liege.}
_MMI Phi: node 29736
The royal ceremony planner arrives.
{Sire, it is time to commemorate Princess Griselda. A tower would
cost 2 Gold, a statue, 1 Gold. Of course, a song would cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Sire, your taste is superb. It shall be done.}
{Very good, Sire.}
{A song it shall be.}
{I am sorry to hear this, my liege.}
_MMI Phi: node 29737
Queen Catherine sends a message.
{I hereby renounce your engagement to Griselda for you have
proven to be unworthy of her.}

Cluster: 2974

_MMI Phi: node 29741
Griselda's handmaiden runs in.
Sire! Griselda is gravely ill. She drank some ancient Cognac
and now we cannot awaken her.}

[a] Send for a doctor.
[b] Ignore it.
She bows.
{I'll fetch him right away.}
{Very well, Sire.}
_MMI Phi: node 29742
Griselda's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire, Griselda is gone! She left a note. It says:
'What did you expect, you mental midget?'}
_MMI Phi: node 29743
Griselda's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Griselda is dead! She left a note. It says:
'Sire, I hope you pay.'}
_MMI Phi: node 29744
Griselda's nurse enters.
Sire, Griselda is greatly recovered, but she could still use a
lift. I think this is a good time to commemorate your engagement.}

[a] Plan a commemoration.
[b] Refuse.
She nods.
{Very good, Sire.}
{As you wish.}
_MMI Phi: node 29745
Griselda's nurse enters.
{Sire, Griselda is dead. With her last breaths, she said,
'Make him pay...Make him pay...' Shall I call the royal ceremony

[a] Refuse.
[b] Agree.
She nods.
{As you wish.}
She nods.
{I shall send for him.}
_MMI Phi: node 29746
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{Sire, I suggest a tower costing 2 Gold to commemorate Princess Griselda.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. A song would cost nothing, but still seem nice.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
{It shall be done.}
{Very good, Sire.}
{A song it shall be.}
{Very well, my liege.}
_MMI Phi: node 29747
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{You shall pay, Duke. You shall pay.}

Cluster: 2975

_MMI Phi: node 29751
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{Sire, commemorating the princess with a bridge would cost 2 Gold.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. A song, nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
{Your judgment is superb. It shall be done.}
{It shall be done, my liege.}
{Very well, my liege.}
{As you wish, my liege.}
_MMI Phi: node 29752
Griselda's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people ooh and ah.
Griselda laughs.
{What fools! I cannot wait to subjugate them to my will.}
_MMI Phi: node 29753
Griselda's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people jeer and throw peat moss. The mob turns into
a rioting throng.
Griselda laughs.
{Finally, I'm having some fun!}
_MMI Phi: node 29759 (END OF PLOT)

Cluster: 2981

_MMI Cha: node 29811
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I have considered your request, and I consent to let you marry my
third daughter, Priscilla. She will soon come to call.}
_MMI Phi: node 29816
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am pleased to announce the engagement of my daughter, Princess
Priscilla, to Henri, Duke of Anjou. It is unfortunate you
missed your chance.}
Priscilla, to Ramiro, King of Aragon. It is unfortunate
you missed your chance.}
Priscilla, to Charles, King of Valois. It is unfortunate you
missed your chance.}
_MMI Phi: node 29818
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am sorry you are too dim to appreciate my daughters. I
shall never offer you anything again.}

Cluster: 2982

_MMI Phi: node 29821
Your newly betrothed Priscilla arrives. She has the face of a
goat and the body of a child, but she has a gorgeous neck.
{Sire, together, we shall make this kingdom great. Let us lower
taxes and liberate the people! They will be forever loyal.}

[a] Agree.
[b] Refuse.
[c] Call off the engagement.
Priscilla sighs:
{Sire, you are noble indeed!}
Priscilla flushes.
{I thought you were kind. Now I don't know what to believe.
Good day.}
Priscilla flushes.
{I understand.}
_MMI Phi: node 29822
Priscilla enters. She holds her chin high.
{Henri of Anjou and I are in love. Please show your love and
free me.}

{Sire, I must go. Ramiro of Aragon and I love each
other very much, and we wish to wed.}
{Sire, I am sorry, but I am in love with Charles of Valois.
I must be with him. Please free me.}

Do you:
[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
She kisses you.
{Bless you, Sire, and farewell.}
She turns white.
{Sire, I am devastated.}
_MMI Phi: node 29823
Queen Catherine visits.
{Duke, the engagement is off. Your lowly kingdom is not worthy of my
fair Priscilla. Good day.}
_MMI Phi: node 29824
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{I love Priscilla and Priscilla loves me. Won't you be
kind and set her free?}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{I request that you free Princess Priscilla. For her, I will
give you 100 of my fastest steeds.}

A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{Free Princess Priscilla, or I will slash your face to

[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{Sire, thou are truly great. We shall soon set our
wedding date.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{Bless you for freeing Priscilla. The steeds are
on their way.}
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{Enjoy your handsome face while it lasts. You were
wise to free her.}
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{You will not let Priscilla go, so I shall be
your mortal foe.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{I am very disappointed that you will not free
Priscilla. I thought we were friends.}
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{Kiss your face goodbye.}
_MMI Phi: node 29826
An advisor comes to plan the engagement parade.
{A ceremony with 100 jesters costs 2 Gold. One with scented canaries costs
1 Gold. Which shall it be?}

[a] Jesters.
[b] Canaries.
[c] Nothing.
{Excellent choice, Sire. It shall be done.}
{I shall begin preparations.}
{But Sire, the people love Priscilla. You will look bad if
you don't have a parade.}

Do you choose:
[a] Jesters - 2 Gold.
[b] Canaries - 1 Gold.
[c] Nothing.
He smiles.
{I am very pleased. It shall be done.}
He smiles.
{Very well, my liege.}
He sighs:
{I understand, my liege.}

Cluster: 2983

_MMI Phi: node 29831
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The joyous
villagers toss roses at you and your betrothed.
Priscilla shouts:
{Rejoice, o' people of Burgundy! When I am Queen, we shall all
share alike. All men will be equal! And no more taxes!}
Your stomach churns as you watch the villagers cheer and lift her
on their shoulders.
_MMI Phi: node 29832
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The villagers hurl
rotten chard at you and Priscilla. She shouts:
{You may despise me now, but when we eliminate all taxes, you
shall love your Queen!}
The people jeer. Your sigh goes unnoticed by Priscilla.
_MMI Phi: node 29833
Priscilla strides in.
{Sire, the people are unhappy because there has been no parade.
Isn't it time to have one?}
Do you:
[a] Have a parade.
[b] Refuse.
She smiles.
{You are kind indeed.}
She looks you in the eye.
{I pray your people don't turn against you.}
_MMI Phi: node 29834
Queen Catherine arrives.
{How dare you have no parade? Priscilla is very popular and
influential. She must be honored!}

[a] Give in.
[b] Refuse.
She sighs.
{I am glad you changed your mind.}
{Duke, you will regret this!}
_MMI Phi: node 29835
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{A parade with painted ponies costs 2 Gold. One with dancing monkeys
costs 1 Gold. Which do you prefer?}

Do you choose:
[a] Ponies.
[b] Monkeys.
[c] Nothing.
{Sire, your judgment is unsurpassed. It shall be done.}
He nods.
{Very good.}
He bows his head.
{As you wish, my liege.}
_MMI Phi: node 29836
The royal ceremony planner arrives.
{A tower commemorating Princess Priscilla would cost 2 Gold, a
statue, 1 Gold. A lovely song would cost nothing, but still seem nice.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
{Sire, your taste is excellent. It shall be done.}
He smiles.
{Very good, Sire.}
He smiles wryly.
{A song it shall be.}
He frowns.
{I am sorry to hear this, my liege.}
_MMI Phi: node 29837
Queen Catherine sends a message.
{I hereby renounce your engagement to Priscilla. Duke, you are
dim of wit.}

Cluster: 2984

_MMI Phi: node 29841
Priscilla's handmaiden runs in.
Sire! Priscilla is gravely ill. She ate some coddled cream this morning,
and now we cannot awaken her!}

[a] Send for a doctor.
[b] Ignore it.
She bows.
{I'll fetch him right away.}
She bows.
{Very well, Sire.}
_MMI Phi: node 29842
Priscilla's handmaiden runs in.
{Priscilla is gone! She left a note. It says:
'My soul guides me elsewhere. Farewell, Sire.'}
_MMI Phi: node 29843
Priscilla's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Priscilla is dead! She left a note. It says:
'Farewell, cruel world. I loved you so.'}
_MMI Phi: node 29844
Priscilla's nurse enters.
Priscilla's fate is still uncertain. A spiritual boost would help.
Perhaps you could commemorate your engagement.}

[a] Plan a commemoration.
[b] Refuse.
She nods.
{Very well.}
She nods.
{As you wish.}
_MMI Phi: node 29845
Priscilla's nurse enters.
{Priscilla is dead. With her last breaths, she said,
'Don't pity me. It is lovely here. So bright...'
Do you wish for a commemoration?}

[a] No.
[b] Yes.
She nods.
{As you wish.}
{I shall send for one.}
_MMI Phi: node 29846
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{I suggest commemorating Princess Priscilla with a tower. It would
cost 2 Gold. A statue would cost 1 Gold, and a song would
cost nothing but still seem touching.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He nods.
{Very good, Sire.}
He nods.
{Very good.}
He frowns.
{A song it shall be.}
He frowns.
{Very well, my liege.}
_MMI Phi: node 29847
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I shall never forget you were responsible for this.}

Cluster: 2985

_MMI Phi: node 29851
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{I recommend commemorating the princess with a bridge costing 2 Gold.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. Of course, a song costs nothing, but seems

Do you order:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
{Sire, your judgment is superb. It shall be done.}
He nods.
{It shall be done.}
He frowns.
{It shall be done.}
{But Sire! This will make you appear cruel. Please

Do you choose:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{I am very pleased.}
He smiles.
{It shall be done.}
He nods.
{As you wish, my liege.}
He frowns.
{Very well, Sire.}
_MMI Phi: node 29852
Priscilla's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people react with resounding oohs and ahs.
Priscilla beams.
{These truly are my people!}
_MMI Phi: node 29853
Priscilla's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people jeer and throw bottles.
Priscilla sighs.
{Someday they will love me!}
_MMI Phi: node 29859 (END OF PLOT)

Cluster: 2991

_Mother May I? Henri
_MMI Hen: node 29911
Queen Catherine calls on you.
{Duke, I have three daughters of marrying age. Your mother and I
have decided that you shall marry the eldest, Prunella.}

[a] Agree.
[b] Ask for another daughter.
[c] Refuse.
She smiles.
{Very good, Henri. Prunella will soon come to call.}
She laughs.
{Just for that, I may retract my offer. You shall hear from
me soon.}
She laughs.
{It's not your choice. The decision has been made.}

[a] Agree.
[b] Refuse.
She smiles.
{Thou art such a good boy. Prunella will soon come
to call.}
She slaps your face.
{You hath insulted my daughter. Consider the engagement
_MMI Hen: node 29912
A messenger delivers a box of candied cherries.
{Sire, Queen Catherine brings this gift. She says she
will forgive your rude behavior if you wed Prunella.}

Do you:
[a] Accept the gift.
[b] Give it to the messenger.
[c] Send it back.
[d] Agree to get married.
He gives you the cherries.
{Enjoy, Sire.}
He bows.
{Bless you, Sire!}
He nods.
{I shall return them to Queen Catherine.}
{I shall inform Queen Catherine at once.}
_MMI Hen: node 29913
After sampling Queen Catherine's cherries, you break out in a
horrible rash. Finally, a mustard plaster body cast relieves you.
_MMI Hen: node 29914
A messenger you've never seen before enters.
{Sire, I am your new messenger, Gerald. Your former messenger
was found dead this morning, face down in a box of candied
_MMI Hen: node 29915
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{You were a bad boy to return my peace offering. Marie shall hear
about this.}
_MMI Hen: node 29916
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am pleased to announce the engagement of my daughter, Princess Prunella, to
Charles, King of Valois. Eat thy heart out, Duke.}
Phillip, Duke of Burgundy. Eat thy heart out, Duke.}
Ramiro, King of Aragon. Eat thy heart out, Duke.}
_MMI Hen: node 29917
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{You have made the right decision. Prunella will soon
come to call.}
_MMI Hen: node 29918
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I shall never do business with a worm like you again.}

Cluster: 2992

_MMI Hen: node 29921
Princess Prunella arrives. She looks at you with lovely, but sad brown eyes.
{Duke, I hope we shall be happy. My mother said I shall stay at the castle
while the engagement parade is prepared. Is that also your wish?}

[a] Let her stay.
[b] Send her home.
[c] Call off the engagement.
Prunella nods glumly.
{Thank you, Sire.}
Prunella smiles.
{As you wish.}
Prunella smiles.
{Thank you, Sire!}
_MMI Hen: node 29922
Prunella enters. She is crying.
{Sire, I have fallen in love with Charles of Valois.
Please free me so we may wed.}
{Sire, I have fallen in love with Phillip of Burgundy.
Please free me so I may marry him.}
{Sire, I have fallen in love with Ramiro of Aragon.
Please free me so I may be his wife.}

[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
Prunella hugs you.
{Oh Sire, you are the kindest!}
{Oh Sire, I just want to die!}
_MMI Hen: node 29923
Queen Catherine visits.
Duke, you can forget the engagement. Your kingdom is practically
worthless. Certainly not worthy of Prunella! If you again rise to
power, I may call on you again.}
_MMI Hen: node 29924
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{Free Princess Prunella at once or I shall crush you.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{I request that you free Princess Prunella. For her, I will
give you a tureen of jewels.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{Count, if you free the fair Princess Prunella, I will give
you 50 serfs. What is your reply?}

Do you:
[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{You were wise to free Prunella. You shall live another
A tureen of jewels and a message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{Bless you for freeing Prunella. Enjoy the jewels, for
I need them not. I have the brightest gem of all.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{As promised, I am sending 50 serfs. Thank you for Prunella.}
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{Your death will come soon.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{I cannot believe you will not free Prunella. I am very
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{Only a fool or a child would keep Prunella from me.
This has severely damaged our relationship.}
_MMI Hen: node 29926
An advisor comes to plan the engagement parade.
{A ceremony with bell ringers costs 2 Gold. One featuring trained
crickets costs 1 Gold. What is your wish?}

[a] Bell ringers.
[b] Crickets.
[c] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He gasps.
{But Sire! Marie has commanded me to arrange a parade. You
must choose one.}

Do you choose:
[a] Bell ringers - 2 Gold.
[b] Crickets - 1 Gold.
[c] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He sighs.
{As you wish. I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 29927
Marie enters.
{I do not understand why you are so rude to Prunella.
You must plan the traditional parade at once.}

Do you:
[a] Ignore her.
[b] Plan the parade.
She slaps you.
{Your headstrong behavior will be your downfall.}

Cluster: 2993

_MMI Hen: node 29931
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The joyous
villagers toss barley at you and your betrothed.
Prunella can barely manage a smile.
_MMI Hen: node 29932
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The surly
villagers throw peanuts at you and Prunella. She cries:
{I should have joined the circus!}
_MMI Hen: node 29933
Prunella enters. She is crying
{Sire, the people mock me because you haven't held a
parade in my honor. Won't you please show them you love me?}

[a] Have a parade.
[b] Refuse.
She smiles.
{Thank you, Sire.}
She falls to her knees.
{Oh Sire, I just want to die!}
_MMI Hen: node 29934
Queen Catherine arrives. Her nostrils flare with fury.
{How dare you have no parade? Prunella must be honored! Now!!}

[a] Agree.
[b] Scoff at her.
She glares.
{You had better stop rankling me, Henri.}
She bares her sharp teeth.
{You will be sorry!}
_MMI Hen: node 29935
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{Sire, a parade with trained cockatoos costs 2 Gold. One
with 50 lutes costs 1 Gold. Which do you prefer?}

[a] Cockatoos.
[b] Lutes.
[c] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
{But Sire, surely you knew a ceremony would cost something.
Why not have a small parade?}

Do you choose:
[a] The small parade.
[b] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 29936
The royal ceremony planner arrives.
{Sire, it is time to commemorate Princess Prunella. A tower would
cost 2 Gold, a statue, 1 Gold. Of course, a song would cost nothing,
but still be quite touching.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He frowns.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 29937
Queen Catherine sends a message.
{I hereby renounce your engagement to Prunella, and my other daughters
shall never be available for you.}

Cluster: 2994

_MMI Hen: node 29941
Prunella's handmaiden runs in.
Sire! Prunella ate some currants this morn, and now she has turned

[a] Send for a doctor.
[b] Ignore it.
She bows.
{I shall notify your mother.}
She bows.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 29942
Prunella's handmaiden runs in.
{Prunella is gone! She left this note:
'I am sorry, but I cannot accept the miserable destiny of being your
Queen. Farewell and good luck.'}
_MMI Hen: node 29943
Prunella's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Prunella is dead! She left this note:
'I am sorry, but I could not endure the thought of our marriage. With
death, I find solace in being close to God. Say hello to your mother.'}
_MMI Hen: node 29944
Prunella's nurse enters.
Prunella is greatly recovered, but she could use a spiritual
boost. I think this is a good time to commemorate your engagement.}

[a] Plan a commemoration.
[b] Refuse.
She nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
Her eyes avoid yours.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 29945
Prunella's nurse enters.
{Prunella is dead. With her last breaths, she asked for you to
remember her. Shall I call the royal ceremony planner?}

[a] Refuse.
[b] Agree.
She glares.
{As you wish. I shall notify your mother.}

She nods.
{I shall send for him.}
_MMI Hen: node 29946
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{To commemorate Princess Prunella, I suggest a tower costing 2 Gold.
A statue would cost only 1 Gold. A song would cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Sire, your judgment is unsurpassed. I shall notify your mother.}
He smiles.
{Very good, Sire. I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{A song it shall be. I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I see. I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 29947
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{You have gone too far. I hope you roast in Hell.}

Cluster: 2995

_MMI Hen: node 29951
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{Commemorating the princess with a bridge would cost 2 Gold.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. Of course, a song would cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Sire, your judgment is superb. I shall notify your mother.}
He smiles.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He smiles.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He frowns.
{As you wish, my liege. I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 29952
Prunella's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people joyously throw sawdust and oats.
Prunella chokes back a sob. She exclaims:
{I shall never forget this day!}
_MMI Hen: node 29953
Prunella's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The jeering people throw stewed prunes.
Horrified, Prunella gasps:
{I want to go home to mother!}
_MMI Hen: node 29959 (END OF PLOT)

Cluster: 3001

_MMI Hen: node 30011
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I have considered your request, and I consent to let you marry my
second daughter, Griselda. She will soon come to call.}
_MMI Hen: node 30016
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am pleased to announce the engagement of my daughter, Princess Griselda, to
Charles, Count of Valois.}
Phillip, Duke of Burgundy.}
Ramiro, King of Aragon.}
_MMI Hen: node 30018
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{Henri, you are a spoiled child. I shall never do business with
you again.}

Cluster: 3002

_MMI Hen: node 30021
Princess Griselda arrives. She is sharp and stylish, with long,
chestnut hair. She says:
{Sire, I am sure our union will be a profitable one. Indeed, I
cannot wait for you to lavish me with my first gift.}

[a] Give her a bauble.
[b] Refuse.
[c] Promise her anything.
You give her a golden harp. She spits on it.
{A harp? That is a plaything for servants. Jewels would
certainly be more appropriate.}

[a] Give her jewels.
[b] Send her home.
[c] Call off the engagement.
Smiling, she dons a diamond tiara.
{I think we shall get along very well.}
She stomps her foot.
{How dare you treat me like a child? Sire, you are
a lout!}
She laughs.
{I wouldn't have married you anyway. You have the face
of a horse and the body of a pig!}
She spits.
{How dare you! Queen Catherine shall hear about this!}
She laughs.
{Promises are sweet, but worthless. I trust you will soon give
me something more tangible.}
_MMI Hen: node 30022
Griselda comes to see you. Her green eyes glow with determination.
{Sire, I love Charles of Valois. He is a true leader who will
someday be King of Bretagne. You must free me.}
{Sire, we must sever our engagement. I love Phillip of
Burgundy. He is so romantic, unlike thou.}
{Sire, I am love with Ramiro of Aragon. I know he is not very
smart, nor powerful, but I love him anyway. You must free me.}

[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
She smiles.
{Sire, you are thoroughly decent.}
She sneers:
{Sire, you show poor judgment indeed.}
_MMI Hen: node 30023
Queen Catherine visits.
{Sire, the engagement is off. Your kingdom is worthless,
but Griselda is not. If you ever rise to power again, maybe then
I shall call on you.}
_MMI Hen: node 30024
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{Free Princess Griselda, and I shall give you 200 of my
finest *****s. What is your reply?}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{If you free Princess Griselda so that we may wed, I shall
give you my entire wine cellar.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{Please give Griselda to me, for our love is one of destiny.
I will e'er stick by your side if you will let Griselda be my bride.}

[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{As promised, I am sending 200 *****s. I hope you
will be as happy as myself.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{Bless you for freeing Griselda. Enjoy the wine, for
I need it not. I have the richest intoxicant of all.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{Thank you for setting Griselda free. You shall
always get respect from me.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{You are a fool to keep Griselda against her will.
This has severely damaged our relationship.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{I am very disappointed that you will not free
Griselda. I thought we were friends.}
A message arrives from Ramiro, King of Aragon.
{You will not let Griselda go, so I shall be
your mortal foe.}
_MMI Hen: node 30026
An advisor comes to plan the engagement parade.
{A ceremony with virgin sopranos costs 2 Gold. One with magicians
costs 1 Gold. What is your desire, Sire?}

[a] Virgins.
[b] Magicians.
[c] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Sire, your judgment is unsurpassed. It shall be done.}
{I shall begin preparations.}
{But Sire! The people already complain that they scarcely
see you. You must show you are thinking of them.}

Do you choose:
[a] Virgins - 2 Gold.
[b] Magicians - 1 Gold.
[c] Nothing.
He nods.
{I am very pleased. It shall be done.}
{Very good, my liege.}
{Very well, Sire.}
_MMI Hen: node 30027
A messenger arrives.
{Sire, Queen Catherine is distressed that you sent Griselda home.
She says you must plan the traditional parade in honor of the engagement

[a] Refuse.
[b] Plan the parade.
{I shall deliver the message, Sire.}
{I shall notify the royal ceremony planner.}

Cluster: 3003

_MMI Hen: node 30031
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The joyous
villagers toss gold coins at you and your betrothed.
Griselda beams:
{This kingdom shall be mine. All mine!}
_MMI Hen: node 30032
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The jeering
villagers hurl eggs at you and Griselda. She spits
on them and shouts:
{Laugh now, fools, for all you own shall soon be mine!}
_MMI Hen: node 30033
Griselda enters.
{Henri, the people are scoffing at me because there has been no
parade. What sort of a man are you anyway? Where is my parade?}

[a] Have a parade.
[b] Refuse.
She smiles.
{I am glad you came to your senses.}
She sneers:
{You are such a worm.}
_MMI Hen: node 30034
Marie strides in and grabs your cheek.
{How dare you have no engagement parade? You must treat Griselda
with respect!}

[a] Give in.
[b] Refuse.
She releases you.
{You are very wise.}
She shoves you to the floor.
{You are destroying everything!}
_MMI Hen: node 30035
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{A parade with flaming entrails costs 2 Gold. One with dancing
pigs costs 1 Gold. Which shall it be?}

[a] Entrails.
[b] Pigs.
[c] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
{But Sire! Why then, did you call me? You simply must
have a parade. Marie has ordered one.}

Do you choose:
[a] Entrails - 2 Gold.
[b] Pigs - 1 Gold.
[c] Nothing.
{Sire, I am glad you reconsidered. I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30036
The royal ceremony planner arrives.
{Sire, it is time to commemorate Princess Griselda. A tower would
cost 2 Gold, a statue, 1 Gold. Of course, a song would cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30037
Queen Catherine sends a message.
I hereby renounce your engagement to Griselda for you have
proven to be unworthy of her.}

Cluster: 3004

_MMI Hen: node 30041
Griselda's handmaiden runs in.
Sire! Griselda is gravely ill. She ate some leftover
lamb and now we cannot awaken her.}

[a] Send for a doctor.
[b] Ignore it.
She bows.
{I'll fetch him right away.}
She bows.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30042
Griselda's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire, Griselda is gone! She left a note. It says:
'What did you expect, you worm?'}
_MMI Hen: node 30043
Griselda's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Griselda is dead! She left a note. It says:
'This is the happiest day of my life.'}
_MMI Hen: node 30044
Griselda's nurse enters.
Sire, Griselda is greatly recovered, but she could still use a
lift. I think this is a good time to commemorate your engagement.}

[a] Plan a commemoration.
[b] Refuse.
She nods.
{Very good, Sire.}
She bows.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30045
Griselda's nurse enters.
{Sire, Griselda is dead. With her last breaths, she said,
'Make him pay...Make him pay...' Shall I call the royal ceremony

[a] Refuse.
[b] Agree.
She nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
She nods.
{I shall send for him.}
_MMI Hen: node 30046
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{Sire, I suggest a tower costing 2 Gold to commemorate Princess Griselda.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. A song would cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30047
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{You shall pay, Sire. You shall pay.}

Cluster: 3005

_MMI Hen: node 30051
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{Sire, commemorating the princess with a bridge would cost 2 Gold.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. A song, nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30052
Griselda's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people ooh and ah.
Griselda laughs.
{What fools! I cannot wait to ruin their lives.}
_MMI Hen: node 30053
Griselda's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people jeer and throw dogs and you and Griselda.
Griselda laughs.
{Finally, I'm having some fun!}
_MMI Hen: node 30059 (END OF PLOT)

Cluster: 3011

_MMI Hen: node 30111
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I have considered your request, and I consent to let you marry my
third daughter, Priscilla. She will soon come to call.}
_MMI Hen: node 30116
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am pleased to announce the engagement of my daughter, Princess
Priscilla, to Charles, King of Valois. It is unfortunate you
missed your chance.}
Priscilla, to Phillip, Duke of Burgundy. It is unfortunate
you missed your chance.}
Priscilla, to Ramiro, King of Aragon. It is unfortunate you
missed your chance.}
_MMI Hen: node 30118
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am sorry my daughters do not meet your high standards. I
shall never offer you anything again.}

Cluster: 3012

_MMI Hen: node 30121
Your newly betrothed Priscilla arrives. She looks like an angel,
and she smells great, too.
{Sire, together, we shall make this kingdom great. Let us lower
taxes and liberate the people! They will be forever loyal.}

[a] Agree.
[b] Refuse.
[c] Call off the engagement.
Priscilla kisses and sighs:
{Sire, you are noble indeed!}
Priscilla flushes.
{I thought you were kind. Now I don't know what to believe.
Good day.}
Priscilla flushes.
{I understand.}
_MMI Hen: node 30122
Priscilla enters. She holds her chin high.
{Sire, I am sorry, but I am in love with Charles of Valois.
I must be with him. Please free me.}
{Sire, I must go. Phillip of Burgundy and I love each
other very much, and we wish to wed.}
{Ramiro of Aragon and I are in love. Please show your love and
free me.}

Do you:
[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
She kisses your hand.
{Bless you, Sire, and farewell.}
She turns white.
{Sire, I am devastated.}
_MMI Hen: node 30123
Queen Catherine visits.
{Sire, the engagement is off. Your lowly kingdom is not worthy of my
fair Priscilla. I am sure your mother will be very disappointed.}
_MMI Hen: node 30124
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{Free Princess Priscilla or I shall feed you to the wolves.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{I request that you free Princess Priscilla. For her, I will
give you 50 steeds.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{Free Princess Priscilla, and I shall give you 50 milk cows.
What is your reply?}

[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{You hath dodged an arrow by giving me Priscilla.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{Bless you for freeing Priscilla. The steeds are
on their way.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{As promised, the cows are on the way. Thank you for
freeing Priscilla.}
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{You shall die for keeping Priscilla.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{I am very disappointed that you will not free
Priscilla. I thought we were friends.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{You will regret not freeing Priscilla.}
_MMI Hen: node 30126
An advisor comes to plan the engagement parade.
{A ceremony with flower dancers costs 2 Gold. One with just flowers costs
1 Gold. Which shall it be?}

[a] Dancers.
[b] Flowers.
[c] Nothing.
{Excellent choice, Sire. I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
{But Sire, the people love Priscilla. They eagerly await
a parade.}

Do you choose:
[a] Dancers - 2 Gold.
[b] Flowers - 1 Gold.
[c] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He sighs:
{I shall notify your mother.}

Cluster: 3013

_MMI Hen: node 30131
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The joyous
villagers toss roses at you and your betrothed.
Priscilla shouts:
{Rejoice, o' people of Anjou! When I am Queen, we shall all
share alike. All men will be equal! And no more taxes!}
You ignore Marie's scowl as you admire Priscilla's beauty.
_MMI Hen: node 30132
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The villagers hurl
rotten beets at you and Priscilla. She shouts:
{You may despise me now, but when we eliminate all taxes, you
shall love your Queen!}
You ignore Marie's scowl as you admire Priscilla's beauty.
_MMI Hen: node 30133
Priscilla strides in.
{Sire, the people are unhappy because there has been no parade.
Isn't it time to have one?}
Do you:
[a] Have a parade.
[b] Refuse.
She kisses you.
{I love you, Sire.}
She looks you in the eye.
{I pray your people don't turn against you.}
_MMI Hen: node 30134
Marie enters and slaps your face.
{How dare you have no parade? Priscilla is very popular and
influential. She must be honored!}

[a] Give in.
[b] Refuse.
She slaps you again.
{I am glad you changed your mind.}
She slaps you again.
{You are a brainless child!}
_MMI Hen: node 30135
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{A parade with costumed sheep costs 2 Gold. One with male chorus
costs 1 Gold. Which do you prefer?}

Do you choose:
[a] Sheep.
[b] Chorus.
[c] Nothing.
{Sire, your judgment is unsurpassed. I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30136
The royal ceremony planner arrives.
{A tower commemorating Princess Priscilla would cost 2 Gold, a
statue, 1 Gold. A lovely song would cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He frowns.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30137
Queen Catherine sends a message.
I hereby renounce your engagement to Priscilla. Henri, you are
a spoiled child.}

Cluster: 3014

_MMI Hen: node 30141
Priscilla's handmaiden runs in.
Sire! Priscilla is gravely ill. She ate some candied violets this morning,
and now we cannot awaken her!}

[a] Send for a doctor.
[b] Ignore it.
She bows.
{I'll fetch him right away.}
She bows.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30142
Priscilla's handmaiden runs in.
{Priscilla is gone! She left a note. It says:
'My soul guides me elsewhere. Farewell, Sire.'}
_MMI Hen: node 30143
Priscilla's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Priscilla is dead! She left a note. It says:
'Farewell, cruel world. I loved you so.'}
_MMI Hen: node 30144
Priscilla's nurse enters.
Priscilla's fate is still uncertain. A spiritual boost would help.
Perhaps you could commemorate your engagement.}

[a] Plan a commemoration.
[b] Refuse.
She nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
She nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30145
Priscilla's nurse enters.
{Priscilla is dead. With her last breaths, she said,
'Don't pity me. It is lovely here. So bright...'
Do you wish for a commemoration?}

[a] No.
[b] Yes.
She nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
{I shall send for one.}
_MMI Hen: node 30146
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{I suggest commemorating Princess Priscilla with a tower. It would
cost 2 Gold. A statue would cost 1 Gold, and a song would
cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He frowns.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He frowns.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30147
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I shall never forget you were responsible for this.}

Cluster: 3015

_MMI Hen: node 30151
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{I recommend commemorating the princess with a bridge costing 2 Gold.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. Of course, a song costs nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
{Sire, your judgment is superb. I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He frowns.
{I shall notify your mother.}
{But Sire! Princess Priscilla will be distressed. Please

Do you choose:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He smiles.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He frowns.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30153
Priscilla's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people react with resounding oohs and ahs.
Priscilla beams.
{These truly are my people!}
_MMI Hen: node 30152
Priscilla's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people jeer and throw old bath water.
Priscilla sighs.
{Someday they will love me!}
_MMI Hen: node 30159 (END OF PLOT)
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