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Old 19-06-2006, 03:44 PM   #29
Abandonia Homie
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Join Date: May 2005
Location: Aurora, United States
Posts: 606

Not feeling like typing much today. But your wish is my command. Once again this is a BASIC program that got the C treatment. Follow the link if you want to know more.

.:EDIT:. I'm feeling like typing more now. While I realize no one is going to take the time to read this, I'm posting it any ways.

Hammurabi borrows it's name from the Babylonia ruler who is famous for setting up a standard of laws and punishments. By "setting up a standard" I mean he literally built an 8 foot tall black stone monument, clearly meant to be placed in the center of town. There was no excuse for not knowing the laws in Hammurabi's reign, because they were before you day and night. In this way it was believed that Hammurabi kept order in his town.

Now it's your chance. See if you can expand your land and grow your population in a 20 year reign as king in this exciting simulation game.
/* Hammurabi 
 * by Joseph Larson
 * based on a BASIC program written by David Ahl
 * as found in 'BASIC Computer Games' edited by David H Ahl (c) 1978
 * inspired by a Focal program from an unknown author
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

#define SHORT_LAND_MSG printf ("Hammurabi, think again."\
**" You own only %d acres. Now then,\n", acres)
#define SHORT_GRAIN_MSG printf ("Hammurabi, think again."\
**" You have only %d bushels of grain. Now then,\n", grain)

int pop, acres, grain, starved, born, yield, rats, food, year;

void resign (void) {
**printf ("Hammurabi, I can not do what you wish."
****" Get yourself another steward!\n");
**exit (0);

void endgame (int rank) {
**switch (rank) {
****case 0:
****printf ("Due to this extreme mismanagement you have not only been"
******" impeached\nand thrown out of office but you have been also declared"
******" a national fink!\n");
****case 1:
****printf ("You heavy handed performance smacks of Nero and Ivan IV."
******" The people\n(remaining) find you an unpleasant ruler and frankly"
******" hate your guts!!\n");
****case 2:
****printf ("Your performance could have been somewhat better but really"
******" wasn't\ntoo bad at all. %d people dearly would like to see you"
******" assassinated\nbut we all have our trivial problems.\n"
******, pop * (rand () % 80) / 100);
****printf ("A fantastic performance!!! Charlemagne, Disraeli, and Jefferson\n"
******"combined could not have done better!!\n");

void report (void) {
**printf ("\n\nHammurabi, I beg to report to you;\n\n"
****"In year %d, %d people starved, %d came to the city.\n"
****, year, starved, born);
**if (rand() < (RAND_MAX / 100 * 15) && year > 1) {
****printf ("A horrible plague struck! Half the people died.\n");
****pop /= 2;
**printf ("Population is now %d.\n"
****"The city now owns %d acres.\n"
****"You harvested %d bushels per acre.\n"
****"Rats ate %d bushels.\n"
****"You now have %d bushels in store.\n\n",
****pop, acres, yield, rats, grain);

void buysell (void) {
**int input, price;

**price = rand() % 10 + 17;
**printf ("Land is trading at %d bushels per acre.\n", price);
**printf ("How many acres do you wish to buy? ");
**scanf ("%d", &input);
**while (price * input > grain) {
******printf ("how many do you wish to buy? ");
******scanf ("%d", &input);
**if (input < 0) resign();
**if (input) {
****acres += input;
****grain -= price * input;
**} else {
****printf ("How man acres do you wish to sell? ");
****scanf ("%d", &input);
****while (input > acres) {
******printf ("how many do you wish to buy? ");
******scanf ("%d", &input);
****if (input < 0) resign ();
****acres -= input;
****grain += input * price;

void feed (void) {
**do {
****printf ("How many bushels do you wish to feed your people? ");
****scanf ("%d", &food);
****if (food < 0) resign ();
****if (food > grain) SHORT_GRAIN_MSG;
**} while (food > grain);

void farm (void) {
**int input, v;

**do {
****v = 1;
****printf ("How many acres do you wish to plant with seed? ");
****scanf ("%d", &input);
****if (input < 0) resign ();
****else if (input > acres) {SHORT_LAND_MSG; v = 0;}
****else if (input / 2 > grain) {SHORT_GRAIN_MSG; v = 0;}
****else if (input > 10 * pop) {
******printf ("But you only have %d people to tend the fields! Now then,\n"
******, pop);
******v = 0;
**} while (!v);
**grain -= input / 2;
**yield = rand () % 5 + 1;
**rats = rand () % 5 + 1;
**rats = (rats % 2) ? grain / rats : 0;
**grain += input * yield - rats;

int main (void) {
**int cstarved = 0;
**int cps = 0;

**srand (time (NULL));
**printf ("Hammurabi\n\n"
**"Try your hand at governing ancient summeria for a ten-year term of office.");
**pop = 100;
**grain = 2800;
**yield = 3;
**rats = 200;
**acres = 1000;
**born = 5;
**for (year = 1; year <= 10 && starved < pop * 45 / 100; year ++){
****report ();
****buysell ();
****feed ();
****farm ();
****born = ((rand () % 5 + 1) * (20 * acres + grain) / pop / 100) + 1;
****starved = (pop < food / 20) ? 0 : pop - food / 20;
****pop += born - starved;
****cstarved += starved;
****cps += starved * 100 / pop;
**if (starved >= pop * 45 / 100) {
****printf ("\nYou starved %d people in one year!!!\n", starved);
****endgame (0);
**} else {
****report ();
****cps /= 10;
****printf ("In your 10-year term of office %d%% of the people died per year\n"
******"on the average, IE a total of %d people died!\n", cps, cstarved);
****acres /= pop;
****printf ("You started with 10 acres per person and ended with %d acres per\n"
******"person.\n\n", acres);
****endgame ((cps<34 && acres>6)+(cps<11 && acres>8)+(cps<4 && acres>9));
**exit (0);
The game is made tricky by having this out of logical order forcing you to calculate and plan ahead. This of course could be remidied by changing the order of the funciton calls in the main for loop in main. Ideally I should encapulate this so as to make them easier to find, but meh.

Keep 'em comming
  • Battleship (like the board game vs the computer)
  • Cel Life (multi-player version of John Conway's game of Life)
  • Pickup Piles (1000 games in one, set the rules and play)
  • Flash Cards (with pretty output, practice your math)
  • Black Box (find molecules in the inky depths)
  • Hangman (guess the word before you dangle)
  • Rotate (like those sliding block puzzles but that you rotate pieces)
  • Acey Deucy (a card game of highs, lows, and middles)
  • Reverse (order a list of number by turning them around)
  • Stars/Trap/Letter Guess (3 games in 1 update, variations on a theme)
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