Thread: Ascendancy
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Old 22-05-2017, 03:06 PM   #599
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Ascendburgh
Posts: 35

My uploads 2013 for Ascendelyxe 1.6 Mod were Extras only, possible even here Forum, just as a small bunch necessary, without the whole game. Modding Tools, Mod, all as Extras, thats what i did once.

The problem is, that, the more blah blah you do as a Modder, the less dudes out there get the point and just download and say "what a bullshit that does not work".

If i would have to say, how these Extras would have to be implemented, that would be "too complicated at all". In fact it is super simple, but my experience tells, no one reads nothing at all. It would be easier, just to download a whole pack, to use Batch File, and then play DOS-Box.

I wrote a Batch File, which loads out of the sub-folder, into the main-folder, either the Original Game Files, ASCEND00.COB plus ASCEND01.COB plus ANTAG.EXE plus delete other stuff to prevent necessarily the data override, or the chosen Mod Files, another ASCEND00.COB plus ASCEND01.COB plus ASCEND.EXE plus delete other stuff, so, my Extras should be implemented as two sub-folders and two links, into the main-folder Ascendancy, so that my Batch File could upload the whole Original Stuff, or the whole Mod Stuff while it has to delete some data written by .exe which would override the new data.

That is too much for many dudes out there, just grab the stuff, and just want to play, saying annoyed: WTF, does not work, Nicheal idiot!

So i just wanted to create an all in one package, where the english version gets english .COBs and .EXEs, and where everything is implemented, so that it is an easy going. I was a child when i played Ascendancy 1996, and if a for example young dude is searching desperately for a better Ascendancy, he barely would read and understand my even simple stuff.

If my Batch wont work, he would have to do it manually, but he obviously would not have read the Manual in the first place, and would suffer just a fail.

It is much easier, to do an Ascendancy Gold Edition, a whole pack, about 40 mb .rar / .zip, than to tweak around by copy and paste, in my opinion. There i would KNOW, that everything is compatible and will work easily. You just could use a wrong .exe, and these english .COBs run into errors, for example a german guy would use his german game with german .exe, and, DOS, error, end.

I d just upload that whole pack to ISO Cellar as Ascendancy Gold Edition or Ascendelyxe, where the right english version uses the right .COBs and .EXEs of Antag and Ascend Patch, and where you just have to download, batchload and play by DOS-Box. And it would just work fine for everyone, fine, easy, either Original or Mod, everything, you could ever get.


And by the way, many old Ascendancy sites are down now. It might be a kind of tricky to find these two working magic Modding Tools somewhere in Internet, since Legolas site is down.

Tricky to find ANTAG.EXE or Ascend Patch, Modding Tools, this Mod, cause all these sites are down. To find somewhere, just the whole stuff, just, simply, working, as a whole bunch, perhaps, my effort is the last effort, standing in whole internet to rescue that stuff as a whole!

If i would not have uploaded the Ascendancy Modding Tools here, four years ago, they would be gone forever! But these Modding Tools plus Notepad++ just work to crack that 1995 DOS game open, and thats a kind of a miracle. Perhaps we should do an ultimate bundle, thats what i think.

That one guy could just grab one .zip, and that would be all he would need at all. And thats what i am working on, currently: Just one ultimate .zip bundle, all inclusive.

Last edited by Nicheal; 22-05-2017 at 03:34 PM.
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